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Section 11-8-1 - Definition of terms. - 11-8-1. Definition of terms. Terms as used in this chapter...
Section 11-8-2 - "Slum area" defined. - 11-8-2."Slum area" defined. Wherever used or referred to in this...
Section 11-8-3 - "Blighted area" defined. - 11-8-3."Blighted area" defined. Wherever used or referred to in this...
Section 11-8-4 - "Urban renewal area" defined. - 11-8-4."Urban renewal area" defined. Wherever used or referred to in...
Section 11-8-5 - "Urban renewal project" defined. - 11-8-5."Urban renewal project" defined. Wherever used or referred to in...
Section 11-8-6 - "Urban renewal plan" defined. - 11-8-6."Urban renewal plan" defined. Wherever used or referred to in...
Section 11-8-7 - Legislative findings and declaration of necessity. - 11-8-7. Legislative findings and declaration of necessity. It is hereby...
Section 11-8-8 - Findings and declaration of necessity required of governing body before exercise of authority. - 11-8-8. Findings and declaration of necessity required of governing body...
Section 11-8-9 - Formulation of municipal program for urban renewal--Elements included in program. - 11-8-9. Formulation of municipal program for urban renewal--Elements included in...
Section 11-8-10 - Maximum opportunity to private enterprise as objective--Objective considered in implementation of program. - 11-8-10. Maximum opportunity to private enterprise as objective--Objective considered in...
Section 11-8-11 - Discrimination prohibited. - 11-8-11. Discrimination prohibited. For all of the purposes of this...
Section 11-8-12 - Master plan required before approval of urban renewal plans--Adoption of master plan. - 11-8-12. Master plan required before approval of urban renewal plans--Adoption...
Section 11-8-13 - Finding of slum area or blighted area required before approval of project. - 11-8-13. Finding of slum area or blighted area required before...
Section 11-8-14 - Initiation of urban renewal plans--Submission to and recommendations by planning commission--Time allowed for review. - 11-8-14. Initiation of urban renewal plans--Submission to and recommendations by...
Section 11-8-15 - Notice and hearing by governing body on urban renewal plan. - 11-8-15. Notice and hearing by governing body on urban renewal...
Section 11-8-16 - Findings required for approval of urban renewal project by governing body. - 11-8-16. Findings required for approval of urban renewal project by...
Section 11-8-17 - Findings required for approval of urban renewal project in open area. - 11-8-17. Findings required for approval of urban renewal project in...
Section 11-8-18 - Requirements waived for rehabilitation of disaster area. - 11-8-18. Requirements waived for rehabilitation of disaster area. Notwithstanding any...
Section 11-8-19 - Modification of urban renewal plan--Rights of lessee or purchaser protected. - 11-8-19. Modification of urban renewal plan--Rights of lessee or purchaser...
Section 11-8-20 - Plan or modification effective on approval by governing body. - 11-8-20. Plan or modification effective on approval by governing body....
Section 11-8-21 - Necessary powers granted to municipality. - 11-8-21. Necessary powers granted to municipality. Every municipality shall have...
Section 11-8-22 - Municipal power to carry out projects and related activities--Contracts and instruments--Dissemination of information. - 11-8-22. Municipal power to carry out projects and related activities--Contracts...
Section 11-8-23 - Municipal power to make urban renewal inspections and surveys--Property powers. - 11-8-23. Municipal power to make urban renewal inspections and surveys--Property...
Section 11-8-24 - Municipal power to develop plans--Demonstration projects. - 11-8-24. Municipal power to develop plans--Demonstration projects. Every municipality shall...
Section 11-8-25 - Acquisition and demolition of property prior to approval of plan--Losses when property not incorporated in project. - 11-8-25. Acquisition and demolition of property prior to approval of...
Section 11-8-26 - Relocation assistance and payments to persons displaced from urban renewal area. - 11-8-26. Relocation assistance and payments to persons displaced from urban...
Section 11-8-27 - Changes in streets and public places--Replanning. - 11-8-27. Changes in streets and public places--Replanning. Every municipality shall...
Section 11-8-28 - Arrangement for services, repairs, and construction--Enforcement of federal labor standard requirements. - 11-8-28. Arrangement for services, repairs, and construction--Enforcement of federal labor...
Section 11-8-29 - Municipal appropriations and expenditures--Levy of assessments--Zoning--Agreements with urban renewal agency. - 11-8-29. Municipal appropriations and expenditures--Levy of assessments--Zoning--Agreements with urban renewal...
Section 11-8-29.1 - Appropriations by municipality to finance projects. - 11-8-29.1. Appropriations by municipality to finance projects. A municipality may...
Section 11-8-30 - Acceptance of loans and grants--Agreement to conditions of federal assistance. - 11-8-30. Acceptance of loans and grants--Agreement to conditions of federal...
Section 11-8-31 - Investment of reserve and debt service funds--Redemption of bonds. - 11-8-31. Investment of reserve and debt service funds--Redemption of bonds....
Section 11-8-32 - Coordination of urban renewal activities--Organization of municipal government. - 11-8-32. Coordination of urban renewal activities--Organization of municipal government. Every...
Section 11-8-33 - Combination of powers exercised by municipality. - 11-8-33. Combination of powers exercised by municipality. Every municipality shall...
Section 11-8-34 - Power of public bodies to assist in urban renewal projects--Enforcement of agreements by successor to municipality. - 11-8-34. Power of public bodies to assist in urban renewal...
Section 11-8-35 - Municipal power to assist as public body. - 11-8-35. Municipal power to assist as public body. For the...
Section 11-8-36 - Appraisal and advertising not required before conveyance, lease or agreement by public body. - 11-8-36. Appraisal and advertising not required before conveyance, lease or...
Section 11-8-37 - General obligation bonds issued by municipality to aid urban renewal project--Laws applicable. - 11-8-37. General obligation bonds issued by municipality to aid urban...
Section 11-8-38 - Municipal election to delegate powers to urban renewal agency--Exercise of powers through other officers. - 11-8-38. Municipal election to delegate powers to urban renewal agency--Exercise...
Section 11-8-40 - Urban renewal agency created--Finding and election required before exercise of powers. - 11-8-40. Urban renewal agency created--Finding and election required before exercise...
Section 11-8-41 - Appointment and terms of office of commissioners of urban renewal agency. - 11-8-41. Appointment and terms of office of commissioners of urban...
Section 11-8-42 - Commissioners and urban renewal officers not to hold other public office. - 11-8-42. Commissioners and urban renewal officers not to hold other...
Section 11-8-43 - Reimbursement of expenses of commissioners--Tenure of office--Certificate of appointment. - 11-8-43. Reimbursement of expenses of commissioners--Tenure of office--Certificate of appointment....
Section 11-8-44 - Removal of commissioner from office--Notice and hearing. - 11-8-44. Removal of commissioner from office--Notice and hearing. For inefficiency...
Section 11-8-45 - Urban renewal agency powers exercised by commissioners--Quorum--Majority required for action--Residence of commissioners. - 11-8-45. Urban renewal agency powers exercised by commissioners--Quorum--Majority required for...
Section 11-8-46 - Chairman and vice-chairman of urban renewal agency--Employment of director and personnel--Legal assistance. - 11-8-46. Chairman and vice-chairman of urban renewal agency--Employment of director...
Section 11-8-47 - Annual report by urban renewal agency to governing body--Contents--Publication of notice of filing. - 11-8-47. Annual report by urban renewal agency to governing body--Contents--Publication...
Section 11-8-48 - Accounts of urban renewal agency--Annual report to auditor-general and governing body. - 11-8-48. Accounts of urban renewal agency--Annual report to auditor-general and...
Section 11-8-49 - Investigations and examinations by auditor-general--Enforcement of compliance by attorney general. - 11-8-49. Investigations and examinations by auditor-general--Enforcement of compliance by attorney...
Section 11-8-50 - Eminent domain power for urban renewal--Property devoted to prior public use. - 11-8-50. Eminent domain power for urban renewal--Property devoted to prior...
Section 11-8-51 - Evidence of unlawful uses and substandard conditions admissible on question of damages in eminent domain proceedings. - 11-8-51. Evidence of unlawful uses and substandard conditions admissible on...
Section 11-8-52 - Voluntary acquisition of urban renewal property by commissioner or agency employee prohibited--Disclosure of involuntary acquisition--Violation as misconduct in office. - 11-8-52. Voluntary acquisition of urban renewal property by commissioner or...
Section 11-8-53 - Disclosure by urban renewal official or employee of interest in property involved--Disqualification from participation in agency action--Violation as misconduct in office. - 11-8-53. Disclosure by urban renewal official or employee of interest...
Section 11-8-54 - Temporary operation and maintenance of urban renewal property by municipality. - 11-8-54. Temporary operation and maintenance of urban renewal property by...
Section 11-8-55 - Lease or transfer of property for urban renewal development--Covenants and conditions--Approval by governing body. - 11-8-55. Lease or transfer of property for urban renewal development--Covenants...
Section 11-8-58 - Negotiated sale of urban renewal property--Advertising and invitation for proposals. - 11-8-58. Negotiated sale of urban renewal property--Advertising and invitation for...
Section 11-8-59 - Restriction on lease or reconveyance in conveyance to purchaser or lessee of urban renewal property. - 11-8-59. Restriction on lease or reconveyance in conveyance to purchaser...
Section 11-8-60 - Municipal conveyance conclusively presumed valid. - 11-8-60. Municipal conveyance conclusively presumed valid. Any instrument executed by...
Section 11-8-61 - Recording of urban renewal plan and contract for transfer of property. - 11-8-61. Recording of urban renewal plan and contract for transfer...
Section 11-8-62 - Formalities waived in disposition of property acquired prior to approval of plan. - 11-8-62. Formalities waived in disposition of property acquired prior to...
Section 11-8-63 - Disposition of urban renewal property for resale by public body or nonprofit corporation--Purchaser or lessee required to develop. - 11-8-63. Disposition of urban renewal property for resale by public...
Section 11-8-64 - Tax exemption of urban renewal property--Termination of exemption on transfer to private purchaser or lessee. - 11-8-64. Tax exemption of urban renewal property--Termination of exemption on...
Section 11-8-66 - Power to issue bonds for urban renewal projects--Refunding bonds. - 11-8-66. Power to issue bonds for urban renewal projects--Refunding bonds....
Section 11-8-67 - Income and revenues from which bonds payable--Additional security for payment of bonds. - 11-8-67. Income and revenues from which bonds payable--Additional security for...
Section 11-8-68 - Resolution or ordinance authorizing bonds. - 11-8-68. Resolution or ordinance authorizing bonds. Bonds issued under ยง11-8-66...
Section 11-8-71 - Bonds not subject to debt limitation. - 11-8-71. Bonds not subject to debt limitation. Bonds issued under...
Section 11-8-72 - Tax exemption of bonds. - 11-8-72. Tax exemption of bonds. Bonds issued under the provisions...
Section 11-8-73 - Recital in bond conclusive of purpose and validity. - 11-8-73. Recital in bond conclusive of purpose and validity. In...
Section 11-8-74 - Investment in bonds authorized for financial institutions, trusts, fiduciaries and public deposits. - 11-8-74. Investment in bonds authorized for financial institutions, trusts, fiduciaries...
Section 11-8-75 - Chapter controlling and supplemental to other laws. - 11-8-75. Chapter controlling and supplemental to other laws. Insofar as...
Section 11-8-76 - Severability of chapter and applications. - 11-8-76. Severability of chapter and applications. If a part of...