1-14-14. Cooperation with other state agencies and public corporations.
The commissioner of administration shall furnish such cooperation, coordination, data, and information to other departments, subdivisions, or officers of the state government and public corporations contracting for local government services as may promote the most efficient administration of the state and local governments as a whole and as may tend to prevent duplication of effort and expense in administration of such government, and he may require the same for such purposes from other departments, subdivisions, or officers of the state government.
Source: SDC 1939, §55.2004; SL 1988, ch 11, §9.
Structure South Dakota Codified Laws
Title 1 - State Affairs and Government
Chapter 14 - Bureau Of Administration
Section 1-14-1 - Bureau within Department of Executive Management--Central office.
Section 1-14-2 - Qualifications of commissioner.
Section 1-14-3 - Duties of commissioner--Oath of office.
Section 1-14-4 - Commissioner as member of Board of Finance.
Section 1-14-12 - General powers and duties of bureau.
Section 1-14-12.15 - Accounting by commissioner--Overhead costs charged to public corporations.
Section 1-14-12.16 - Financing of bureau operations.
Section 1-14-12.17 - Local government service contracts limiting remedies allowed.
Section 1-14-14 - Cooperation with other state agencies and public corporations.
Section 1-14-14.1 - Contracts between bureau and political subdivisions--Appropriation of funds.
Section 1-14-14.2 - Rules establishing administrative charges for contractual services.
Section 1-14-18 - Central mail service fund--Apportionment of expenses.
Section 1-14-19 - Central office supply program--Supply internal service fund.