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Section 41-33-10. Creation and content of unemployment compensation fund. - There is established a special fund, to be known as...
Section 41-33-20. Department to control fund. - Subject to the provisions of Chapters 27 through 41 of...
Section 41-33-30. State Treasurer shall administer fund and issue warrants upon it. - The State Treasurer is ex officio treasurer and custodian of...
Section 41-33-40. Three separate accounts within fund; collections credited to clearing account. - All money in the fund must be comingled and undivided,...
Section 41-33-45. Annual reports; trend charts; cost analysis. - (A) The department shall report, by October first of each...
Section 41-33-50. Transfer of funds to United States Secretary of the Treasury for federal unemployment trust fund. - After clearance thereof, all moneys in the clearing account other...
Section 41-33-60. Withdrawals from unemployment trust fund shall constitute benefit account. - The benefit account consists of all monies requisitioned from this...
Section 41-33-70. Deposit of moneys in clearing and benefit accounts. - Except as otherwise provided in Chapters 27 through 41 of...
Section 41-33-80. Moneys must be requisitioned from State's account in unemployment trust fund for payment of benefits and refunds. - Except as provided in Section 41-33-180, money must be requisitioned...
Section 41-33-90. Requisitions by department on State Treasurer. - The department shall from time to time issue its requisition...
Section 41-33-100. Deposit of amounts drawn by department; security. - Such lump sum amounts when received by the department from...
Section 41-33-110. Representatives of department shall sign checks; bonds of representatives. - The department shall delegate to designated representatives the authority to...
Section 41-33-120. Payment of refunds. - A refund payable pursuant to Section 41-31-360 or item (6)...
Section 41-33-130. Appropriation or formal release not required for expenditures from benefit account or refunds from clearing account. - An expenditure of money in the benefit account and a...
Section 41-33-140. Withdrawal and use of money credited to State's account in unemployment trust fund. - Money credited to the account of this State pursuant to...
Section 41-33-150. Appropriation law required for requisitions from unemployment trust fund for payment of administrative expenses; warrants. - Money credited to the account of this State in the...
Section 41-33-160. Disposition of money appropriated from unemployment trust fund for administrative expenses. - Money appropriated as provided in Section 41-33-150 for the payment...
Section 41-33-170. Disposition of unused amounts in benefit payment account. - A balance of money requisitioned from the unemployment trust fund...
Section 41-33-180. Withdrawals from unemployment trust fund for certain federal benefits. - Money also may be requisitioned from this State's account in...
Section 41-33-190. Bank account for payment of certain federal benefits. - The department may establish bank accounts other than the benefit...
Section 41-33-200. Disposition of unused funds withdrawn for certain federal benefits. - A balance of money requisitioned from the unemployment trust fund...
Section 41-33-210. Management of funds upon discontinuance of unemployment trust funds. - The provisions of this article to the extent that they...
Section 41-33-220. Liability of State Treasurer on bond. - The State Treasurer shall be liable on his official bond...
Section 41-33-410. Creation and contents of Department of Employment and Workforce administration fund. - There is hereby created in the State Treasury a special...
Section 41-33-420. Deposit, administration, and disbursement of fund. - All money in the Department of Employment and Workforce administration...
Section 41-33-430. Use of fund; requisitions and warrants. - Monies deposited or paid into the fund are appropriated and...
Section 41-33-440. Expenditure of monies in fund. - All monies in the Department of Employment and Workforce administration...
Section 41-33-450. Liability of State Treasurer on bond. - The State Treasurer shall be liable on his official bond...
Section 41-33-460. State shall replace funds lost or improperly spent. - Money in the Department of Employment and Workforce administration fund,...
Section 41-33-470. Reports to State Fiscal Accountability Authority and the Department of Administration. - The department shall report to the State Fiscal Accountability Authority...
Section 41-33-610. Department of Employment and Workforce special administration fund. - (A) There is created in the State Treasury a special...
Section 41-33-710. Department of Employment and Workforce administrative contingency fund. - (A) There is created in the State Treasury a special...
Section 41-33-810. Department of Employment and Workforce interest assessment fund. - (A) There is hereby created in the State Treasury a...
Section 41-33-910. Department of Employment and Workforce integrity fund. - (A) There is created in the State Treasury a special...