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Section 41-35-10. Payment of benefits generally. - Benefits shall become payable from the fund to any individual...
Section 41-35-20. Payment of benefits based on certain services in schools or institutions of higher education. - (1) Benefits based on service in an instructional, research, or...
Section 41-35-30. Payment of benefits in case of death. - (A) When a benefit due an individual has been unpaid...
Section 41-35-40. Weekly benefit amount; procedure for reconsideration of determinations. - (A) An insured worker's weekly benefit amount is fifty percent...
Section 41-35-50. Maximum potential benefits for year. - The maximum potential benefits of any insured worker in a...
Section 41-35-60. Weekly benefits for partial unemployment. - Each eligible individual who is unemployed in any week must...
Section 41-35-65. Wages paid for previously uncovered services. - With respect to weeks of unemployment beginning on or after...
Section 41-35-66. Benefits for participants in sports or athletic events. - Benefits shall not be paid to any individual on the...
Section 41-35-67. Benefits to aliens. - (1) Benefits shall not be paid on the basis of...
Section 41-35-100. Preservation of benefit rights of persons in armed forces. - The department must promulgate regulations necessary to preserve the benefit...
Section 41-35-110. Conditions of eligibility for benefits. - An unemployed insured worker is eligible to receive benefits with...
Section 41-35-115. Service as witness or juror not to constitute disqualification for benefits. - Notwithstanding another provision of law, an individual otherwise eligible for...
Section 41-35-120. Disqualification for benefits. - An insured worker is ineligible for benefits for: (1) Leaving...
Section 41-35-125. Benefits for individuals unemployed as a result of domestic abuse. - (A)(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 41-35-120, an individual is...
Section 41-35-126. Military relocation benefits. - Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 41-35-120, an individual is eligible...
Section 41-35-130. Payments which must not be charged to former employer. - (A) A benefit paid to a claimant for unemployment immediately...
Section 41-35-135. Charge of overpaid benefits to employer's account. - (A) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the department shall...
Section 41-35-140. Disclosure regarding child support obligations; deductions from benefits due. - (A) The department may require an individual filing a new...
Section 41-35-310. "Extended benefit period" defined. - "Extended benefit period" means a period which (1) Begins with...
Section 41-35-320. Payment of extended unemployment security benefits when federally funded. - (1) For a week in which one hundred percent federal...
Section 41-35-330. "State 'on' indicator" and "State 'off' indicator" defined. - (A) There is a "state 'on' indicator" for this State...
Section 41-35-340. "Rate of insured unemployment" defined. - For purposes of Section 41-35-330 "rate of insured unemployment" means...
Section 41-35-350. "Regular benefits" defined. - "Regular benefits" means benefits payable to an individual under Chapters...
Section 41-35-360. "Additional benefits" defined. - "Additional benefits" means benefits totally financed by a state payable...
Section 41-35-370. "Extended benefits" defined. - "Extended benefits" means benefits (including benefits payable to Federal civilian...
Section 41-35-380. "Eligibility period" defined. - "Eligibility period" of an individual means the period consisting of...
Section 41-35-390. "Exhaustee" defined. - "Exhaustee" means an individual who, with respect to any week...
Section 41-35-400. "State law" defined. - "State law" means the unemployment insurance law of any state,...
Section 41-35-410. Application of provisions relating to regular benefits. - Except when the result would be inconsistent with the other...
Section 41-35-420. Eligibility for extended benefits. - (A) An individual is eligible to receive extended benefits with...
Section 41-35-430. Weekly extended benefit amount. - The weekly extended benefit amount payable to an individual for...
Section 41-35-440. Total extended benefit amount. - (1) The total extended benefit amount payable to any eligible...
Section 41-35-450. Announcement of state "on" and "off" indicators or extended benefit periods; computation of rate of insured unemployment. - When an extended benefit period is to become effective in...
Section 41-35-610. Procedures must be pursuant to department regulations; duties of employers. - A request for determination of insured status, a request for...
Section 41-35-615. Notice to employer by United States mail or electronic mail; designation of preferred method of notice; default; time for required response. - All notices given to an employer concerning a request for...
Section 41-35-620. Notice of determination of insured status. - (1) Written notice of a determination of insured status shall...
Section 41-35-630. Determination of claim when labor dispute is involved; determinations involving multiple claimants; group appeals. - (A) In a case where the payment or denial of...
Section 41-35-640. Reconsideration of determinations. - (A) An initial determination may for good cause be reconsidered....
Section 41-35-650. Notification of denial. - If subsequent to an initial determination or redetermination benefits with...
Section 41-35-660. Appeals. - The claimant or any other interested party may file an...
Section 41-35-670. Benefits must be paid until determination, redetermination or decision has been modified or reversed. - (A) Notwithstanding another provision contained in this article, benefits must...
Section 41-35-680. Decision on appeal. - Unless an appeal is withdrawn, an appeal tribunal, after affording...
Section 41-35-690. Exclusive procedure for appeals. - The procedure provided in this chapter for appeals from a...
Section 41-35-700. Appeal tribunals. - (A) To hear and decide appeal claims, the executive director...
Section 41-35-710. Appellate Panel review of appeal tribunal decision. - The Department of Employment and Workforce Appellate Panel may on...
Section 41-35-720. Conduct of appealed claims. - The department must promulgate regulations establishing rules of procedure for...
Section 41-35-730. Fees of subpoenaed witnesses. - Witnesses subpoenaed pursuant to this article must be allowed fees...
Section 41-35-740. Judicial review of department's decision. - A decision of the department, in the absence of an...
Section 41-35-750. Procedure to obtain review. - Within thirty days from the date of mailing the department's...
Section 41-35-760. Publication of department regulations on electronic website. - (A) The department must promulgate all regulations described in this...