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Section 41-15-10. Repealed by 2010 Act No. 137, Section 8, eff March 31, 2010. - Editor's Note Former Section 41-15-10 was entitled "Locking of employees...
Section 41-15-50. Repealed by 2010 Act No. 137, Section 8, eff March 31, 2010. - Editor's Note Former Section 41-15-50 was entitled "Light at entrance...
Section 41-15-80. Employers shall furnish safe place; compliance of employers and employees to certain rules. - (1) Each employer shall furnish to his employees employment and...
Section 41-15-90. Employers shall inform employees of protections and obligations; exceptions. - The Director of the Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation...
Section 41-15-100. Exposure of employees to potentially harmful materials. - The Director of the Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation...
Section 41-15-210. Director may promulgate, modify, or revoke rules and regulations. - The Director of the Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation...
Section 41-15-220. Notice and hearing; occupational safety and health standards not subject to Administrative Procedure Act; rebuttable presumptions created by publication of notice. - (A) Before the promulgation, modification, or revocation of a regulation...
Section 41-15-230. Effective dates. - Any rule or regulation promulgated, modified or revoked under this...
Section 41-15-240. Temporary permits for variances. - Any affected employer may apply to the Director of the...
Section 41-15-250. Permits for permanent variances. - Any affected employer may apply to the Director for a...
Section 41-15-260. Interrogation; inspection; warrant for inspection; issuance; return; records of warrants issued. - (A) The Director, his inspectors, compliance officers, agents or designees,...
Section 41-15-270. Subpoenas and taking testimony. - The Director of the Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation...
Section 41-15-280. Citation for violation; notice in lieu of citation. - If, upon inspection or investigation, the Director or his authorized...
Section 41-15-290. Correction of dangerous conditions or practices; injunctions; mandamus. - (a) The court of common pleas of the county where...
Section 41-15-300. Notice of penalties. - If, after an inspection or investigation, the Director issues a...
Section 41-15-310. Appeal of Division of Labor decisions to administrative law judge. - (A) Within thirty days after receipt of a citation, notice...
Section 41-15-320. Penalties. - (a) Any employer who wilfully or repeatedly violates any occupational...
Section 41-15-330. Action when penalty is not paid within thirty days. - In each case where the penalty is not paid within...
Section 41-15-510. Employees shall not be discriminated against for filing complaints and instituting proceedings. - No person shall discharge or in any manner discriminate against...
Section 41-15-520. Remedies of an employee charging discrimination. - A private sector employee believing that he has been discharged...
Section 41-15-600 to 41-15-640. Repealed by 2008 Act No. 188, Section 3, eff January 1, 2009. - Editor's Note Former Section 41-15-600 was entitled "Occupational Health and...