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Section 38-74-10. Definitions. - As used in this chapter: (1) "Pool" means the South...
Section 38-74-20. South Carolina health insurance pool. - (A) There is created a nonprofit entity to be known...
Section 38-74-30. Eligibility for pool coverage. - (A) A person who is a resident of this State...
Section 38-74-40. Administration of pool. - (A) The board shall select an insurer through a competitive...
Section 38-74-50. Insurer's assessment. - (A) Each insurer's assessment is determined by multiplying the net...
Section 38-74-60. Major medical expense coverage. - (A)(1) Except as provided in Section 38-74-60(B), the pool shall...
Section 38-74-70. Immunity. - (A) Neither the participation in the pool as members, the...
Section 38-74-80. Tax exemption and credits. - The pool established pursuant to this chapter is exempt from...
Section 38-74-90. Director of Department of Insurance; promulgation of regulations. - The Director of the Department of Insurance may promulgate regulations...