South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 74 - Health Insurance Pool
Section 38-74-60. Major medical expense coverage.

(A)(1) Except as provided in Section 38-74-60(B), the pool shall offer major medical expense coverage to every eligible person. The coverage to be issued by the pool, its schedule of benefits, exclusions, and other limitations must be established by the board and approved by the director taking into consideration the advice and recommendations of the pool members.
(2) In establishing and reviewing the pool's major medical expense coverage, the board shall take into consideration the levels of health insurance provided in the State and medical and economic factors considered appropriate and promulgate benefit levels, deductibles, coinsurance factors, exclusions, and limitations determined to be generally reflective of and commensurate with health insurance provided through a representative number of large employers in the State. At least one policy form of coverage must be comparable to comprehensive health insurance coverage offered in the individual market in this State or to the standard health insurance plan as defined in Section 38-71-1330.
(B) The pool shall offer Medicare supplemental health insurance coverage to each person who is under age sixty-five covered under Medicare Parts A and B for reasons other than age. The benefit plans to be offered must include Medicare supplement plan A and plan C.
(C) The pool shall provide a choice of health insurance coverage to all eligible individuals.
(D)(1) Premium rates charged for pool coverage may not be unreasonable in relation to the benefits provided, the risk experience, and the reasonable expenses of providing the coverage. Separate schedules of premium rates based on age, sex, and geographical location may apply for individual risks.
(2) The board shall determine the standard risk rate for major medical expense coverage by taking into account the individual standard rate charged by the five largest insurers offering individual coverages in the State comparable to the pool coverage. If five insurers do not offer comparable coverage, the standard risk rate must be established using reasonable actuarial techniques and must reflect anticipated experience and expenses for coverage. Rates initially established for pool coverage are two hundred percent of rates established as applicable for individual standard risks. Rates subsequently established must provide fully for the expected costs of claims and expenses of operation taking into account investment income and any other cost factors but may not exceed two hundred percent of rates established as applicable for individual standard risks subject to the limitations described in this section. All rates and rate schedules must be submitted to the director or his designee for approval.
(3) Premium rates charged for Medicare supplemental insurance coverage may not be unreasonable in relation to the benefits provided, the risk experience, and the reasonable expenses of providing the coverage. Rates established must provide fully for the expected costs of claims and expenses of operation taking into account investment income and any other cost factors.
(E) Except as provided in Section 38-74-30(B), (C), and (D), pool coverage excludes charges or expenses incurred during the first six months following the effective date of coverage as to any condition which during the six-month period immediately preceding the effective date of coverage:
(1) had manifested itself in a manner so as to cause an ordinarily prudent person to seek diagnosis, care, or treatment; or
(2) for which medical advice, care, or treatment was recommended or received as to the condition.
(F)(1) A benefit otherwise payable under pool coverage for covered expenses must be reduced by all amounts paid or payable for the same expenses through any other health insurance or health coverage and by all hospital and medical expense benefits paid or payable under any workers' compensation coverage, automobile medical payment, or liability insurance whether provided on the basis of fault or nonfault, and by any hospital or medical benefits paid or payable under or provided pursuant to any state or federal law or program.
(2) The insurer or the pool has a cause of action against an eligible person for the recovery of the amount of benefits paid which are not for covered expenses. Benefits due from the pool may be reduced or refused as a setoff against any amount recoverable under this paragraph.
HISTORY: 1989 Act No. 127, Section 6; 1993 Act No. 181, Section 790; 1997 Act No. 4, Section 5; 2002 Act No. 240, Section 3, eff January 1, 2003; 2006 Act No. 332, Section 13, eff June 1, 2006.