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Section 37-7-101. Definitions. - As used in this chapter: (1) "Consumer" means consumer as...
Section 37-7-102. Licensing requirement. - A person may not engage in credit counseling services in...
Section 37-7-103. Surety bonds. - (A) A credit counseling organization may not offer or agree...
Section 37-7-104. License application as credit counseling organization and credit counselor; contents; fee. - (A) A person required to be licensed as a credit...
Section 37-7-105. Continuing professional education requirements. - (A) Licensees must complete at least twelve hours of continuing...
Section 37-7-106. Grounds for refusal to license, suspension, revocation or refusal to renew. - The department may refuse to license an applicant or suspend...
Section 37-7-107. Issuance or denial of license; contents and posting; renewal. - (A) Upon the filing of a complete application for a...
Section 37-7-108. Requirements for engaging in credit counseling services or debt management plans; preparation and contents of budget analysis; notice regarding services. - A credit counseling organization, through its credit counselors, may not...
Section 37-7-109. Debt management plan; fee; form for consent of creditors; notice of plan to creditors; presumed consent. - (A) Upon establishing a debt management plan for a debtor,...
Section 37-7-110. Written contract; contents; required disclosures; cancellation of plan. - (A) A written contract is required. A service that requires...
Section 37-7-111. Funds paid to licensee for distribution to creditors; trust accounts; duties and responsibilities. - (A) Funds paid to the licensee by or on behalf...
Section 37-7-112. Fees. - A licensee may not charge a consumer a fee except...
Section 37-7-113. Individualized counseling and education session. - A licensee shall provide the consumer with an individualized counseling...
Section 37-7-114. Records; maintenance and preservation. - (A) Each credit counseling organization shall maintain and preserve in...
Section 37-7-115. Annual reports; occurrences triggering other reports. - (A) Each credit counseling organization licensed pursuant to this chapter...
Section 37-7-116. Prohibited acts. - (A) A licensee may not: (1) obtain an agreement from...
Section 37-7-117. Violations and penalties; civil action by consumer; limitations. - (A) A person who violates this chapter is guilty of...
Section 37-7-118. Violation of Unfair Trade Practices Act. - A violation of a provision of this chapter is considered...
Section 37-7-119. Cease and desist orders; penalties for noncompliance; revocation of license; increase of bond. - (A) Upon the finding that an action of a licensee...
Section 37-7-120. Appeals. - Within thirty days after the final decision of the department...
Section 37-7-121. Regulations. - The department may promulgate regulations necessary to effectuate the purposes...
Section 37-7-122. Use of application and renewal fees. - All application and renewal fees collected by the department may...