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Section 37-6-101. Short title. - This chapter shall be known and may be cited as...
Section 37-6-102. Applicability. - This part applies to persons in this State who: (1)...
Section 37-6-103. "Administrator" defined. - "Administrator" means the officer appointed by the Commission on Consumer...
Section 37-6-104. Powers of administrator; harmony with Federal regulations; reliance on rules; duty to report. - (1) In addition to other powers granted by this title,...
Section 37-6-105. Administrative powers with respect to supervised financial organizations. - (1) With respect to supervised financial organizations, the powers of...
Section 37-6-106. Investigatory powers. - (1) If the administrator has probable cause to believe that...
Section 37-6-107. Administrative actions. - Except as otherwise provided, the Administrative Procedures Act applies to...
Section 37-6-108. Administrative enforcement orders. - (A) After notice, the administrator may order a creditor, a...
Section 37-6-109. Assurance of discontinuance. - If it is claimed that a person has engaged in...
Section 37-6-110. Injunctions against violations of title. - The administrator may bring a civil action to restrain any...
Section 37-6-111. Injunctions against unconscionable agreements and fraudulent or unconscionable conduct. - (1) The administrator may bring a civil action to restrain...
Section 37-6-112. Temporary relief. - With respect to an action brought to enjoin violations of...
Section 37-6-113. Civil actions by administrator. - (A) After demand, the administrator may bring a civil action...
Section 37-6-115. Remedies not affected. - The grant of powers to the administrator in this chapter...
Section 37-6-116. Venue. - The administrator may bring actions or proceedings in a court...
Section 37-6-117. Administrative responsibilities respecting consumer protection generally. - In addition to his powers and responsibilities relating to consumer...
Section 37-6-118. Investigation of unfair trade practices in consumer transactions. - (1) Whenever the administrator receives a complaint against a person...
Section 37-6-119. Trade practices targeting vulnerable adults prohibited; penalties. - (A) For the purpose of this section: (1) "Personal identifying...
Section 37-6-201. Applicability. - This part applies to a person engaged in this State...
Section 37-6-202. Notification. - (1) Persons subject to this part shall file notification with...
Section 37-6-203. Fees. - A person required to file notification shall pay on or...
Section 37-6-204. Notification; persons making consumer rental-purchase agreements. - In lieu of the notification requirements of Section 37-6-202, persons...
Section 37-6-301. Council of Advisors on Consumer Credit. - (1) There is hereby created the Council of Advisors on...
Section 37-6-302. Function of council; conflict of interest. - The council shall advise and consult with the administrator concerning...
Section 37-6-303. Meetings. - The council and the administrator shall meet together at a...
Section 37-6-401. Applicability and scope; conflict with Administrative Procedures Act. - This part applies to the administrator, prescribes the procedures to...
Section 37-6-402. "Contested case"; "license"; "licensing"; "party"; "rule" defined. - In this part: (1) "Contested case" means a proceeding including,...
Section 37-6-403. Public information; adoption of rules; availability of rules and orders. - (1) In addition to other rule-making requirements imposed by law,...
Section 37-6-404. Procedure for adoption of rules. - (1) Prior to the adoption, amendment, or repeal of any...
Section 37-6-405. Filing and taking effect of rules. - (1) The administrator shall file in the office of the...
Section 37-6-406. Publication of rules. - (1) The Secretary of State shall compile, index, and publish...
Section 37-6-407. Petition for adoption of rules. - An interested person may petition the administrator requesting the promulgation,...
Section 37-6-408. Declaratory judgment on validity or applicability of rules. - The validity or applicability of a rule may be determined...
Section 37-6-409. Declaratory rulings by administrator. - The administrator shall provide by rule for the filing and...
Section 37-6-410. Contested cases; notice; hearing; records. - (1) In a contested case, all parties shall be afforded...
Section 37-6-411. Rules of evidence; official notice. - In contested cases: (1) Irrelevant, immaterial, or unduly repetitious evidence...
Section 37-6-412. Decisions and orders. - A final decision or order adverse to a party in...
Section 37-6-413. Licenses. - (1) When the grant or denial of a license is...
Section 37-6-414. Contested case hearings before the Administrative Law Court. - (A) A person who has exhausted all administrative remedies available...
Section 37-6-501. Department of Consumer Affairs; Commission on Consumer Affairs; administrator. - There is hereby created: (a) The Department of Consumer Affairs;...
Section 37-6-502. Members of Commission on Consumer Affairs; terms; vacancies. - The Commission on Consumer Affairs shall be composed of nine...
Section 37-6-503. Quorum; meetings. - A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum. The...
Section 37-6-504. Bonds of Commission members. - Each member of the Commission other than ex officio shall,...
Section 37-6-505. Compensation and expenses of Commission members. - Each member of the Commission other than ex officio shall...
Section 37-6-506. Powers and duties of Commission. - (1) The Commission shall be the policymaking and governing authority...
Section 37-6-507. Qualifications of administrator. - The administrator shall be a person of good moral character,...
Section 37-6-508. Deputy administrator. - The administrator, with the approval of the commission, may designate...
Section 37-6-509. Oath and bond of administrator. - The administrator shall take the oath of office prescribed for...
Section 37-6-510. Personnel. - The administrator shall prepare in writing a manual of necessary...
Section 37-6-511. Department to maintain file for each creditor of rate schedules filed by creditor; certified copies; fees. - The Department of Consumer Affairs shall maintain a file for...
Section 37-6-512. Advisory committee of persons with cognizable handicaps. - The Administrator of the Department of Consumer Affairs acting as...
Section 37-6-601. Division of Consumer Advocacy created. - There is created within the Department of Consumer Affairs the...
Section 37-6-602. Consumer Advocate; qualifications. - The Consumer Advocate may be the Administrator of Consumer Affairs...
Section 37-6-603. Staff and expenses. - The Division of Consumer Advocacy must be staffed and equipped...
Section 37-6-604. Functions and duties of division. - (A) The functions and duties of the Division of Consumer...
Section 37-6-605. Access to records of state agencies and insurance companies. - In the performance of his assigned functions, the Consumer Advocate...
Section 37-6-606. Petitions filed by advocate with regulatory agencies in interest of consumers. - (A) Except as provided in Section 37-6-604(C), whenever the Consumer...
Section 37-6-607. Advocate may maintain actions for judicial review. - The Consumer Advocate is considered to have an interest sufficient...
Section 37-6-608. Temporary staff; compensation. - To the extent necessary to carry out the consumer advocacy...
Section 37-6-609. Discretion as to Consumer Advocate's decisions. - Decisions of the Consumer Advocate respecting whether, when, or how...