South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 6 - Administration
Section 37-6-118. Investigation of unfair trade practices in consumer transactions.

(1) Whenever the administrator receives a complaint against a person pertaining to any consumer transaction arising out of the production, promotion or sale of consumer goods and services, and:
(a) the person against whom the complaint is made fails to respond to a written inquiry made by the administrator concerning the complaint within the time limitation set forth in the inquiry; or
(b) the administrator has probable cause to believe that the person complained of has or is engaged in market practices or a course of conduct which is fraudulent, illegal, deceptive or unfair, the administrator may, subject to Section 37-6-105, conduct an investigation of the complaint pursuant to Section 37-6-106 to determine if that person has engaged in such market practices or course of conduct. Upon receiving written notice of an action brought by an individual or the Attorney General of South Carolina pursuant to Chapter 5, Title 39 or of an unfair trade practice action by the Federal Trade Commission to investigate the facts complained of or to seek sanctions against the person that is the subject of the complaint, the administrator shall automatically stay any pending investigation undertaken by him. Any action by the administrator shall be dismissed if the other action is dismissed with prejudice or results in a final judgment granting or denying the claim asserted.
(2) The administrator shall notify the person whose conduct is investigated of his findings of fact and conclusions, separately stated. The notice shall be in writing and mailed by certified or registered mail to the address of the principal office of the person investigated or to such other address as that person may designate in writing.
(3) A person aggrieved by an order of the administrator may request a contested case hearing before the Administrative Law Court in accordance with the court's rules of procedure. If the person fails to request a contested case hearing within the time provided in the court's rules of procedure, the administrative order becomes final and the department may bring an action to enforce the order pursuant to Chapter 23, Title 1.
(4) The findings and conclusions of the administrator, when and as they become final, either by failure to request a hearing as provided for in subsection (3) or by exhausting administrative and judicial remedies, shall be filed in the office of the administrator as a part of an education and information program provided for in item (e) of Section 37-6-117.
(5) The provisions of this section shall not apply if consumer-industry appeals, arbitration or mediation panels or boards, whose decisions are binding on the participating business, are available in South Carolina for the product or service concerned, provided such business complies with the decision of the panel or board.
HISTORY: 1982 Act No. 385, Section 54; 2016 Act No. 244 (H.5040), Section 14, eff June 5, 2016.
Effect of Amendment
2016 Act No. 244, Section 14, rewrote (3), updating the procedures available to a person aggrieved by an order of the administrator.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 37 - Consumer Protection Code

Chapter 6 - Administration

Section 37-6-101. Short title.

Section 37-6-102. Applicability.

Section 37-6-103. "Administrator" defined.

Section 37-6-104. Powers of administrator; harmony with Federal regulations; reliance on rules; duty to report.

Section 37-6-105. Administrative powers with respect to supervised financial organizations.

Section 37-6-106. Investigatory powers.

Section 37-6-107. Administrative actions.

Section 37-6-108. Administrative enforcement orders.

Section 37-6-109. Assurance of discontinuance.

Section 37-6-110. Injunctions against violations of title.

Section 37-6-111. Injunctions against unconscionable agreements and fraudulent or unconscionable conduct.

Section 37-6-112. Temporary relief.

Section 37-6-113. Civil actions by administrator.

Section 37-6-115. Remedies not affected.

Section 37-6-116. Venue.

Section 37-6-117. Administrative responsibilities respecting consumer protection generally.

Section 37-6-118. Investigation of unfair trade practices in consumer transactions.

Section 37-6-119. Trade practices targeting vulnerable adults prohibited; penalties.

Section 37-6-201. Applicability.

Section 37-6-202. Notification.

Section 37-6-203. Fees.

Section 37-6-204. Notification; persons making consumer rental-purchase agreements.

Section 37-6-301. Council of Advisors on Consumer Credit.

Section 37-6-302. Function of council; conflict of interest.

Section 37-6-303. Meetings.

Section 37-6-401. Applicability and scope; conflict with Administrative Procedures Act.

Section 37-6-402. "Contested case"; "license"; "licensing"; "party"; "rule" defined.

Section 37-6-403. Public information; adoption of rules; availability of rules and orders.

Section 37-6-404. Procedure for adoption of rules.

Section 37-6-405. Filing and taking effect of rules.

Section 37-6-406. Publication of rules.

Section 37-6-407. Petition for adoption of rules.

Section 37-6-408. Declaratory judgment on validity or applicability of rules.

Section 37-6-409. Declaratory rulings by administrator.

Section 37-6-410. Contested cases; notice; hearing; records.

Section 37-6-411. Rules of evidence; official notice.

Section 37-6-412. Decisions and orders.

Section 37-6-413. Licenses.

Section 37-6-414. Contested case hearings before the Administrative Law Court.

Section 37-6-501. Department of Consumer Affairs; Commission on Consumer Affairs; administrator.

Section 37-6-502. Members of Commission on Consumer Affairs; terms; vacancies.

Section 37-6-503. Quorum; meetings.

Section 37-6-504. Bonds of Commission members.

Section 37-6-505. Compensation and expenses of Commission members.

Section 37-6-506. Powers and duties of Commission.

Section 37-6-507. Qualifications of administrator.

Section 37-6-508. Deputy administrator.

Section 37-6-509. Oath and bond of administrator.

Section 37-6-510. Personnel.

Section 37-6-511. Department to maintain file for each creditor of rate schedules filed by creditor; certified copies; fees.

Section 37-6-512. Advisory committee of persons with cognizable handicaps.

Section 37-6-601. Division of Consumer Advocacy created.

Section 37-6-602. Consumer Advocate; qualifications.

Section 37-6-603. Staff and expenses.

Section 37-6-604. Functions and duties of division.

Section 37-6-605. Access to records of state agencies and insurance companies.

Section 37-6-606. Petitions filed by advocate with regulatory agencies in interest of consumers.

Section 37-6-607. Advocate may maintain actions for judicial review.

Section 37-6-608. Temporary staff; compensation.

Section 37-6-609. Discretion as to Consumer Advocate's decisions.