South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 7 - Consumer Credit Counseling
Section 37-7-108. Requirements for engaging in credit counseling services or debt management plans; preparation and contents of budget analysis; notice regarding services.

A credit counseling organization, through its credit counselors, may not engage in credit counseling services or a debt management plan unless:
(1) the licensee provides the consumer with a credit education program designed to improve the financial literacy of the consumer;
(2) a thorough and written budget analysis is compiled and a copy delivered to the debtor. A licensee may not accept an account unless a written and thorough budget analysis indicates that the services are suitable for the debtor and that the debtor can reasonably meet the requirements of the budget analysis. The budget analysis must contain all of the following information about the debtor:
(a) name and address;
(b) marital status and number of dependents;
(c) amount and source of all employment compensation, payments from government programs, child support and alimony payments, and other income;
(d) number of exemptions claimed in the debtor's most recent federal income tax return;
(e) gross income for each pay period, type and amount of all payroll deductions, and net income for pay period;
(f) monthly home mortgage or rental payment. If the home mortgage payment does not include an escrow for real estate taxes, the budget analysis must contain the amount and due dates of the real estate taxes on the property;
(g) type and amount of all other fixed periodic payments;
(h) type and amount of food, clothing, utility, vehicle, insurance, and all other living expenses;
(i) a list of each creditor the licensee reasonably expects to participate in the plan and a list of each creditor the licensee reasonably expects not to participate in the plan;
(j) a list of DMPs the debtor is currently participating in with a party exempt pursuant to Section 37-7-101(2)(b), if applicable;
(k) if the debtor is currently participating in a debt management plan with a party exempted pursuant to Section 37-7-101(2)(b), written documentation of all the DMPs;
(l) a description of and amount owed for garnishments and judgments; and
(m) periodic amount available for payment toward a debt management plan;
(3) the organization provides a written document to the consumer in a form the consumer may keep that clearly and conspicuously contains the following statements and nothing else:
(a) that credit counseling services are not suitable for all consumers and that consumers may request information about other ways, including bankruptcy, to deal with indebtedness; and
(b) that the credit counseling services offered by the provider do not include secured debt, including a brief description of the most common type of secured debt such as mortgages and car loans, unless that service is offered.
HISTORY: 2005 Act No. 111, Section 1, eff 6 month after approval by the Governor (became law without the Governor's signature on June 2, 2005).

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 37 - Consumer Protection Code

Chapter 7 - Consumer Credit Counseling

Section 37-7-101. Definitions.

Section 37-7-102. Licensing requirement.

Section 37-7-103. Surety bonds.

Section 37-7-104. License application as credit counseling organization and credit counselor; contents; fee.

Section 37-7-105. Continuing professional education requirements.

Section 37-7-106. Grounds for refusal to license, suspension, revocation or refusal to renew.

Section 37-7-107. Issuance or denial of license; contents and posting; renewal.

Section 37-7-108. Requirements for engaging in credit counseling services or debt management plans; preparation and contents of budget analysis; notice regarding services.

Section 37-7-109. Debt management plan; fee; form for consent of creditors; notice of plan to creditors; presumed consent.

Section 37-7-110. Written contract; contents; required disclosures; cancellation of plan.

Section 37-7-111. Funds paid to licensee for distribution to creditors; trust accounts; duties and responsibilities.

Section 37-7-112. Fees.

Section 37-7-113. Individualized counseling and education session.

Section 37-7-114. Records; maintenance and preservation.

Section 37-7-115. Annual reports; occurrences triggering other reports.

Section 37-7-116. Prohibited acts.

Section 37-7-117. Violations and penalties; civil action by consumer; limitations.

Section 37-7-118. Violation of Unfair Trade Practices Act.

Section 37-7-119. Cease and desist orders; penalties for noncompliance; revocation of license; increase of bond.

Section 37-7-120. Appeals.

Section 37-7-121. Regulations.

Section 37-7-122. Use of application and renewal fees.