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Section 17-7-10. Coroners or solicitors shall order autopsies; autopsy to be ordered upon death of persons in penal institutions. - The coroner of the county in which a body is...
Section 17-7-15. Return of body after autopsy or medical examination. - Whenever any county, state or municipal law enforcement agency transports...
Section 17-7-20. Requirement of preliminary examination before formal inquest; issuance of burial permit, conclusion of inquiry or formal inquest. - Whenever a body is found dead and an investigation or...
Section 17-7-25. Autopsy on unidentified body; preservation of DNA samples. - A coroner performing an autopsy on an unidentified body must...
Section 17-7-30. Findings on preliminary examination and filing of evidence. - The evidence and the finding of the officer on such...
Section 17-7-40. Fees for preliminary examination. - For such preliminary examination such officer shall receive the same...
Section 17-7-70. Jurisdiction of coroners to take inquests. - Subject to the provisions of Sections 17-7-20 to 17-7-40 every...
Section 17-7-80. Duties of coroner concerning motor vehicle, swimming, or boating accident deaths. - Every coroner or other official responsible for performing the duties...
Section 17-7-90. Persons subject to jury duty are liable to serve on an inquest. - All persons subject to jury duty in the circuit courts...
Section 17-7-100. Mode of summoning a jury. - When the coroner upon the required preliminary examination shall determine...
Section 17-7-110. Procedures to be followed by person directed to summon jury; compensation. - The sheriff, deputy sheriff or magistrates' constable who shall be...
Section 17-7-120. Form of warrant to summon jury. - The warrant to summon a jury shall be in this...
Section 17-7-130. Execution and return of warrant; officer or juror subject to penalty for failure to perform. - Any constable or sheriff to whom such warrant shall come...
Section 17-7-140. Number of jurors and oath. - Of the jurors summoned and appearing the coroner shall swear...
Section 17-7-150. Coroner shall charge jury. - The jury so sworn shall be charged by the coroner...
Section 17-7-160. Inquiry in case of suicide. - If the jury so charged find that the deceased came...
Section 17-7-170. Coroner's power to issue warrants and to summon and examine witnesses. - The coroner may issue warrants, summon witnesses and examine before...
Section 17-7-175. Coroner's power to issue subpoena duces tecum. - In addition to the authority contained in Section 17-7-170, a...
Section 17-7-180. Disregard of summons or refusal to testify. - Every person summoned or required to give evidence and disregarding...
Section 17-7-190. Coroner may punish for contempt. - Whenever any person shall wilfully disturb or impede the proceedings...
Section 17-7-200. Coroner's power to adjourn the jury and bind jurors. - A coroner may, if he deems it necessary, adjourn the...
Section 17-7-210. Supplying places of absent jurors. - If all or any part of the jurors shall fail...
Section 17-7-220. Oath of witnesses. - The witnesses examined upon the inquest shall be sworn as...
Section 17-7-230. Coroner shall take testimony in writing and bind over or commit witnesses. - The testimony of all witnesses examined upon an inquest shall...
Section 17-7-240. Duty to render verdict; form. - The jury having viewed the body, heard the evidence and...
Section 17-7-250. Form of conclusion of inquisition where deceased was wilfully killed. - If it shall appear that the deceased was wilfully killed...
Section 17-7-260. Form of conclusion of inquisition where death was not wilful but by the hands of another. - If the proof shall be that the death was occasioned...
Section 17-7-270. Form of conclusion of inquisition in case of death by self-murder. - If it appears that the deceased died by self-murder the...
Section 17-7-280. Form of conclusion of inquisition in case of death by means unknown. - If it shall appear that the deceased came to his...
Section 17-7-290. Form of conclusion of inquisition in case of death by mischance. - If it appears that the deceased came to his death...
Section 17-7-300. Form of attestation clause; signature to inquisition. - After the conclusion as prescribed in Sections 17-7-250 to 17-7-290,...
Section 17-7-310. Return of inquisition and evidence to clerk. - The original inquisition and evidence, as taken by him, shall...
Section 17-7-320. Endorsement on return of inquisition and evidence. - The coroner, before he returns such inquisition and evidence, shall...
Section 17-7-330. Coroner's Book of Inquisitions. - Every coroner shall keep a book to be called "The...
Section 17-7-340. Compensation and mileage allowed coroner's jurors. - For his services as such, each coroner's juror sworn shall,...
Section 17-7-510. Penalty for burying body without notice or inquiry. - It is unlawful for a person to bury or cause...
Section 17-7-520. Order to take up buried body on suspicion of violent death; examination. - If the coroner shall know or be informed of the...
Section 17-7-530. Record of body long dead and buried or improperly kept. - If the body has been so long dead and buried...
Section 17-7-610. Warrant in case of wilful killing. - If the finding of the inquest be wilful killing by...
Section 17-7-620. Form of warrant in case of wilful killing. - Such warrant shall be in this form: "The State of...
Section 17-7-630. Commitment of person named in warrant in case of wilful killing. - Upon the return of such warrant and the arrest of...
Section 17-7-640. Sheriff and jailers are required to keep persons committed. - All sheriffs and jailers are required to receive and keep...
Section 17-7-650. Binding over person who killed another by mischance and witnesses. - If the finding of the inquest be that the deceased...
Section 17-7-660. Report by county coroner to Governor in certain homicide cases. - Each county coroner, whenever a homicide has been committed in...
Section 17-7-670. Report by coroners and magistrates to Public Service Commission in case of railroad accident. - All coroners and magistrates shall file with the Public Service...