Of the jurors summoned and appearing the coroner shall swear six and administer to the foreman, appointed by him, an oath in the form following: "You shall inquire and true presentment make on behalf of the State of South Carolina in what manner A B, here lying dead, came to his death and you shall deliver a true verdict thereon, according to such evidence as shall be given and according to your knowledge. So help you, God." To the others he shall administer an oath in this form: "The oath which your foreman has taken on his part, you shall well and truly observe and keep on your part. So help you, God."
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 17-103; 1952 Code Section 17-103; 1942 Code Section 1070; 1932 Code Sections 1070, 1074; Cr. P. '22 Sections 157, 161; Cr. C. '12 Section 1002; Cr. C. '02 Section 704; G. S. 2667; R. S. 583; 1839 (11) 73; 1914 (28) 517; 1917 (30) 161; 1933 (38) 23; 1936 (39) 1297.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 17 - Criminal Procedures
Chapter 7 - Autopsies And Inquest On The Dead
Section 17-7-15. Return of body after autopsy or medical examination.
Section 17-7-25. Autopsy on unidentified body; preservation of DNA samples.
Section 17-7-30. Findings on preliminary examination and filing of evidence.
Section 17-7-40. Fees for preliminary examination.
Section 17-7-70. Jurisdiction of coroners to take inquests.
Section 17-7-80. Duties of coroner concerning motor vehicle, swimming, or boating accident deaths.
Section 17-7-90. Persons subject to jury duty are liable to serve on an inquest.
Section 17-7-100. Mode of summoning a jury.
Section 17-7-110. Procedures to be followed by person directed to summon jury; compensation.
Section 17-7-120. Form of warrant to summon jury.
Section 17-7-140. Number of jurors and oath.
Section 17-7-150. Coroner shall charge jury.
Section 17-7-160. Inquiry in case of suicide.
Section 17-7-170. Coroner's power to issue warrants and to summon and examine witnesses.
Section 17-7-175. Coroner's power to issue subpoena duces tecum.
Section 17-7-180. Disregard of summons or refusal to testify.
Section 17-7-190. Coroner may punish for contempt.
Section 17-7-200. Coroner's power to adjourn the jury and bind jurors.
Section 17-7-210. Supplying places of absent jurors.
Section 17-7-220. Oath of witnesses.
Section 17-7-230. Coroner shall take testimony in writing and bind over or commit witnesses.
Section 17-7-240. Duty to render verdict; form.
Section 17-7-250. Form of conclusion of inquisition where deceased was wilfully killed.
Section 17-7-270. Form of conclusion of inquisition in case of death by self-murder.
Section 17-7-280. Form of conclusion of inquisition in case of death by means unknown.
Section 17-7-290. Form of conclusion of inquisition in case of death by mischance.
Section 17-7-300. Form of attestation clause; signature to inquisition.
Section 17-7-310. Return of inquisition and evidence to clerk.
Section 17-7-320. Endorsement on return of inquisition and evidence.
Section 17-7-330. Coroner's Book of Inquisitions.
Section 17-7-340. Compensation and mileage allowed coroner's jurors.
Section 17-7-510. Penalty for burying body without notice or inquiry.
Section 17-7-520. Order to take up buried body on suspicion of violent death; examination.
Section 17-7-530. Record of body long dead and buried or improperly kept.
Section 17-7-610. Warrant in case of wilful killing.
Section 17-7-620. Form of warrant in case of wilful killing.
Section 17-7-630. Commitment of person named in warrant in case of wilful killing.
Section 17-7-640. Sheriff and jailers are required to keep persons committed.
Section 17-7-650. Binding over person who killed another by mischance and witnesses.
Section 17-7-660. Report by county coroner to Governor in certain homicide cases.