The witnesses examined upon the inquest shall be sworn as follows, by the coroner, who may administer the oath, that is to say: "The evidence you shall give to this inquest concerning the death of A B, here lying dead, shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. So help you God."
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 17-112; 1952 Code Section 17-112; 1942 Code Section 1078; 1932 Code Section 1078; Cr. P. '22 Section 165; Cr. C. '12 Section 1009; Cr. C. '02 Section 711; G. S. 2674; R. S. 590.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 17 - Criminal Procedures
Chapter 7 - Autopsies And Inquest On The Dead
Section 17-7-15. Return of body after autopsy or medical examination.
Section 17-7-25. Autopsy on unidentified body; preservation of DNA samples.
Section 17-7-30. Findings on preliminary examination and filing of evidence.
Section 17-7-40. Fees for preliminary examination.
Section 17-7-70. Jurisdiction of coroners to take inquests.
Section 17-7-80. Duties of coroner concerning motor vehicle, swimming, or boating accident deaths.
Section 17-7-90. Persons subject to jury duty are liable to serve on an inquest.
Section 17-7-100. Mode of summoning a jury.
Section 17-7-110. Procedures to be followed by person directed to summon jury; compensation.
Section 17-7-120. Form of warrant to summon jury.
Section 17-7-140. Number of jurors and oath.
Section 17-7-150. Coroner shall charge jury.
Section 17-7-160. Inquiry in case of suicide.
Section 17-7-170. Coroner's power to issue warrants and to summon and examine witnesses.
Section 17-7-175. Coroner's power to issue subpoena duces tecum.
Section 17-7-180. Disregard of summons or refusal to testify.
Section 17-7-190. Coroner may punish for contempt.
Section 17-7-200. Coroner's power to adjourn the jury and bind jurors.
Section 17-7-210. Supplying places of absent jurors.
Section 17-7-220. Oath of witnesses.
Section 17-7-230. Coroner shall take testimony in writing and bind over or commit witnesses.
Section 17-7-240. Duty to render verdict; form.
Section 17-7-250. Form of conclusion of inquisition where deceased was wilfully killed.
Section 17-7-270. Form of conclusion of inquisition in case of death by self-murder.
Section 17-7-280. Form of conclusion of inquisition in case of death by means unknown.
Section 17-7-290. Form of conclusion of inquisition in case of death by mischance.
Section 17-7-300. Form of attestation clause; signature to inquisition.
Section 17-7-310. Return of inquisition and evidence to clerk.
Section 17-7-320. Endorsement on return of inquisition and evidence.
Section 17-7-330. Coroner's Book of Inquisitions.
Section 17-7-340. Compensation and mileage allowed coroner's jurors.
Section 17-7-510. Penalty for burying body without notice or inquiry.
Section 17-7-520. Order to take up buried body on suspicion of violent death; examination.
Section 17-7-530. Record of body long dead and buried or improperly kept.
Section 17-7-610. Warrant in case of wilful killing.
Section 17-7-620. Form of warrant in case of wilful killing.
Section 17-7-630. Commitment of person named in warrant in case of wilful killing.
Section 17-7-640. Sheriff and jailers are required to keep persons committed.
Section 17-7-650. Binding over person who killed another by mischance and witnesses.
Section 17-7-660. Report by county coroner to Governor in certain homicide cases.