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Section 17-9-10. Warrant for fugitive charged with crime in another state; temporary confinement; right to bail. - Any officer in the State authorized by law to issue...
Section 17-9-15. Extradition of person charged in requesting state with committing act in South Carolina or third state which intentionally resulted in committing an offense in requesting state. - Upon the demand of the executive authority of another state,...
Section 17-9-20. Record of proceedings; transmission of copy to Governor. - Every officer committing any person under Section 17-9-10 shall keep...
Section 17-9-30. Governor shall inform governor of foreign state. - The Governor of this State shall immediately inform the governor...
Section 17-9-40. Sheriff and jailer shall surrender fugitive under order of Governor. - Every sheriff or jailer, in whose custody any person committed...
Section 17-9-50. Taking testimony in hearings on extradition; report and recommendations to Governor. - The Governor of this State may, when a hearing is...
Section 17-9-60. Compensation and expenses of agents appointed to bring fugitives to this State. - In all cases of requisition for the delivery of fugitives...
Section 17-9-70. Governor shall approve accounts; payment. - Upon presentation to the Governor of the accounts of such...