South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 16 - Retirement System Funds
Section 9-16-320. Adoption of annual investment plan; quarterly review; deliberations in executive session; independent advisors.

(A) The commission shall meet no later than May first of each year to adopt the proposed annual investment plan for the retirement systems for the next fiscal year. The annual investment plan must be developed by the chief investment officer. No later than April first of each year, the chief investment officer shall submit the proposed plan to the commission. Amendments may be made to the plan by the commission during the fiscal year.
(B) The commission shall meet at least once during each fiscal-year quarter for the purposes of reviewing the performance of investments, assessing compliance with the annual investment plan, and determining whether to amend the plan. The commission shall meet at such other times as are set by the commission or the chairman or requested by the board.
(C) The commission may discuss, deliberate on, and make decisions on a portion of the annual investment plan or other related financial or investment matters in executive session if disclosure thereof would jeopardize the ability to implement that portion of the plan or achieve investment objectives.
(D) A record of the commission that discloses discussions, deliberations, or decisions on portions of the annual investment plan or other related financial or investment matters is not a public record under Section 30-4-20 to the extent and so long as its disclosure would jeopardize the ability to implement that portion of the plan or achieve investment objectives.
(E) [Reserved]
(F) [Reserved]
(G) The commission may retain independent advisors to assist it and periodically shall provide for an outside evaluation of the investment strategy.
HISTORY: 1998 Act No. 371, Section 2, eff May 26, 1998; 2005 Act No. 153, Pt IV, Section 3, eff July 1, 2005.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 9 - Retirement Systems

Chapter 16 - Retirement System Funds

Section 9-16-10. Definitions.

Section 9-16-20. Investment and management authority of commission; holding assets in group trust under Section 401(a)(24) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Section 9-16-30. Delegation of functions by commission; standard of care; agent's duty and submission to jurisdiction.

Section 9-16-40. Standards for discharge of duty.

Section 9-16-50. Investment and management considerations by trustee; diversification; verification of facts; statement of investment objectives and policies.

Section 9-16-55. Investments in companies that in their operations are complicit with the government of Sudan in the Darfur genocide.

Section 9-16-60. Evaluation of fiduciary's compliance with law not to be hindsight; decision-making evaluated in context of whole portfolio.

Section 9-16-70. Liability for breach of duty; insurance by retirement system or fiduciary; disclosure of terms and conditions.

Section 9-16-80. Investment meetings of board or commission as executive sessions exempt from disclosure; records of meetings.

Section 9-16-90. Quarterly and annual investment reports; contents.

Section 9-16-100. Restrictions on lobbyists.

Section 9-16-315. Retirement System Investment Commission; membership; terms; qualifications; chief executive officer; chief investment officer and administrative staff; attorneys; costs and salary.

Section 9-16-320. Adoption of annual investment plan; quarterly review; deliberations in executive session; independent advisors.

Section 9-16-330. Statement of actuarial assumptions and investment objectives; delegation of final authority to invest; components of plan; diversification; verification of investment facts; analysis and recommendations.

Section 9-16-335. Assumed annual rate of return.

Section 9-16-340. Investment of retirement systems assets; annual investment plan; adoption and review.

Section 9-16-345. Minority and minority-owned business representation.

Section 9-16-350. Use of information for self-interest; blind trusts; violations; punishment; provisions cumulative with other laws.

Section 9-16-360. Standards of conduct for fiduciary or employee of fiduciary.

Section 9-16-370. Defense and indemnification of Retirement System Investment Commission members, officers, and management employees.

Section 9-16-380. Audit of Retirement System Investment Commission.

Section 9-16-710. Investment education services.