South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 1 - South Carolina Retirement System
Section 9-1-10. Definitions.

As used in this chapter, unless a different meaning is plainly required by the context:
(1) "Accumulated contribution" means the sum of all the amounts deducted from the compensation of a member and credited to the members individual account in the employee annuity savings fund, together with regular interest on the account, as provided in Article 9 of this chapter.
(2) "Active member" means an employee who is compensated by an employer participating in the system and who is making regular retirement contributions to the system.
(3) "Actuarial equivalent" means a benefit of equal value when computed upon the basis of mortality tables adopted by the board and regular interest.
(4)(a) "Average final compensation" with respect to Class One and Class Two members retiring on or after July 1, 1986, means the average annual earnable compensation of a member during the twelve consecutive quarters of his creditable service on which regular contributions as a member were made to the system producing the highest such average; a quarter means a period January through March, April through June, July through September, or October through December. An amount up to and including forty-five days' termination pay for unused annual leave at retirement may be added to the average final compensation. Average final compensation for an elected official may be calculated as the average annual earnable compensation for the thirty-six consecutive months before the expiration of the elected official's term of office.
(b) "Average final compensation" with respect to Class Three members means the average annual earnable compensation of a member during the twenty consecutive quarters of the member's creditable service on which regular contributions as a member were made to the system producing the highest such average; a quarter means a period January through March, April through June, July through September, or October through December. Termination pay for unused annual leave at retirement may not be added to the average final compensation.
(5) "Beneficiary" means a person in receipt of a pension, an annuity, a retirement allowance or other benefit provided under the system.
(6) "Board" means the Board of Directors of the South Carolina Public Employee Benefit Authority which shall act under the provisions of this chapter through its Division of Retirement Systems.
(7) "Creditable service" means a member's earned service, prior service, and purchased service.
(8)(a) "Earnable compensation" means the full rate of the compensation that would be payable to a member if the member worked the member's full normal working time; when compensation includes maintenance, fees, and other things of value the board shall fix the value of that part of the compensation not paid in money directly by the employer.
(b) For work performed by a member after December 31, 2012, earnable compensation does not include any overtime pay not mandated by the employer.
(9) "Earned service" means:
(a) paid employment as a teacher or employee of an employer participating in the system where the teacher or employee makes regular retirement contributions to the system; or
(b) service rendered while participating in the State Optional Retirement Program, the Optional Retirement Program for Teachers and School Administrators, or the Optional Retirement Program for Publicly Supported Four Year and Postgraduate Institutions of Higher Education that has been purchased pursuant to Section 9-1-1140(F); or
(c) service earned as a participant in the system, the South Carolina Police Officers Retirement System, the Retirement System for Members of the General Assembly, or the Retirement System for Judges and Solicitors that is transferred to or purchased in the system.
(10) "Educational service" means paid service as a classroom teacher in a public, private, or sectarian school providing elementary or secondary education, kindergarten through grade twelve.
(11) "Employee" means:
(a) to the extent compensated by this State, an employee, agent, or officer of the State or any of its departments, bureaus, and institutions, other than the public schools, whether the employee is elected, appointed, or employed;
(b) the president, dean, professor, or teacher or any other person employed in any college, university, or educational institution of higher learning supported by and under the control of the State;
(c) an employee, agent, or officer of a county, municipality, or school district, or an agency or department of any of these, which has been admitted to the system under the provisions of Section 9-1-470, to the extent the employee, agent, or officer is compensated for services from public funds;
(d) an employee of the extension service and any other employee a part of whose salary or wage is paid by the federal government if the federal funds from which the salary or wage is paid before disbursement become state funds;
(e) an employee of a service organization, the membership of which is composed solely of persons eligible to be teachers or employees as defined by this section, if the compensation received by the employees of the service organization is provided from monies paid by the members as dues or otherwise, or from funds derived from public sources and if the employee contributions prescribed by this title are paid from the funds of the service organization;
(f) an employee of an alcohol and drug abuse planning agency authorized to receive funds pursuant to Section 61-12-20;
(g) an employee of a local council on aging or other governmental agency providing aging services funded by the Department on Aging.
"Employee" does not include supreme and circuit court judges, any person whose services are remunerated solely by per diem payments, or any person employed by a school, college, or university at which the person is enrolled as a student or otherwise regularly attending classes for academic credit unless the person is employed as a school bus driver and is paid by the same school district in which the person is enrolled in school. In determining student status, the system may consider the guidelines of the Social Security Administration regarding student services and other criteria the system uniformly prescribes.
(12) "Employee annuity" means annual payments for life derived from the accumulated contributions of a member.
(13) "Employee annuity reserve" means the present value of all payments to be made on account of an employee annuity or benefit in lieu of the employee annuity, computed on the basis of mortality tables adopted by the board and regular interest.
(14) "Employer" means this State, a county board of education, a district board of trustees, the board of trustees or other managing board of a state-supported college or educational institution, or any other agency of this State by which a teacher or employee is paid; the term "employer" also includes a county, municipality, or other political subdivision of the State, or an agency or department of any of these, which has been admitted to the system under the provisions of Section 9-1-470, a service organization referred to in item (11)(e) of this section, an alcohol and drug abuse planning agency authorized to receive funds pursuant to Section 61-12-20, and a local council on aging or other governmental agency providing aging services funded by the Department on Aging.
(15) "Employer annuity" means annual payments for life derived from money provided by the employer.
(16) "Employer annuity reserve" means the present value of all payments to be made on account of an employer annuity or benefit in lieu of the employee annuity, computed on the basis of mortality tables adopted by the board and regular interest.
(17) [Reserved]
(18) "Member" means a teacher or employee included in the membership of the system as provided in Article 5 of this chapter.
(18A) "Class Three member" means an employee member of the system with an effective date of membership after June 30, 2012.
(19) "Military service" means:
(a) service in the United States Army, United States Navy, United States Marine Corps, United States Air Force, or United States Coast Guard;
(b) service in the select reserve of the Army Reserve, Naval Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve, Air Force Reserve, or the Coast Guard Reserve, and
(c) service as a member of the Army National Guard or Air National Guard of this or any other state.
(20) "Nonqualified service" means purchased service other than public service, educational service, military service, leave of absence, and reestablishment of withdrawals.
(21) "Prior service" means service rendered as a teacher or employee before July 1, 1945, for which credit is allowable under Article 7 of this chapter.
(22) "Public school" means a school conducted within this State under the authority and supervision of a duly elected or appointed school district board of trustees.
(23) "Public service" means service as an employee of the government of the United States, a state or political subdivision of the United States, or an agency or instrumentality of any of these. "Public service" does not include "educational service" or "military service" as defined in this section. "Public service" does include paid service rendered as an employee of a postsecondary public technical college or public junior college, or a public four-year or postgraduate institution of higher education, while the member was a student at that institution.
(24) "Purchased service" means service credit purchased by an active member while an employee of an employer participating in the system.
(25) "Regular interest" means interest compounded annually at a rate determined by the board in accordance with Section 9-1-280.
(26) "Retirement" means the withdrawal from active service with a retirement allowance granted under the system.
(27) "Retirement allowance" means the sum of the employer annuity and the employee annuity or any optional benefit payable in lieu of the annuity.
(28) "Retirement system" or "system" means the South Carolina Retirement System established under Section 9-1-20.
(28A) "Rule of ninety" means a requirement that the total of the member's age and the member's creditable service equals at least ninety years.
(29) "State" or "this State" means the State of South Carolina.
(30) "Teacher" means a classroom teacher employed in the public schools supported by this State as determined by the board.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 61-1; 1952 Code Section 61-1; 1945 (44) 212; 1949 (46) 424; 1950 (46) 3605; 1951 (47) 172; 1964 (53) 1843; 1966 (54) 2009; 1970 (56) 1939; 1977 Act No. 27 Section 1; 1978 Act No. 408; 1978 Act No. 430 Section 1; 1984 Act No. 512, Part II, Section 27A; 1986 Act No. 540, Part II, Section 25A, effective June 18, 1986, and became law without the Governor's signature; 1991 Act No. 162, Sections 1, 2, eff June 12, 1991; 1996 Act No. 458, Part II, Section 48A, eff June 19, 1996; 1998 Act No. 317, Sections 2, 3, eff July 1, 1998; 2000 Act No. 387, Part II, Section 67A, eff January 1, 2001; 2003 Act No. 77, Section 1, eff June 27, 2003; 2005 Act No. 14, Section 1, eff July 1, 2004; 2005 Act No. 153, Pt III, Section 1, eff July 1, 2005; 2008 Act No. 311, Section 30, eff June 4, 2008; 2008 Act No. 353, Section 2, Pt 25D.1 and Pt 25D.2, eff July 1, 2008; 2012 Act No. 278, Pt I, Section 3, Pt. IV, Subpt 2, Section 39, eff July 1, 2012; 2018 Act No. 261 (S.107), Pt I, Sections 3, 4, eff January 1, 2019.
Effect of Amendment
2018 Act No. 261, Section 3, in (11)(g), substituted "Department on Aging" for "Office on Aging, Office of the Lieutenant Governor".
2018 Act No. 261, Section 4, in (14), substituted "Department on Aging" for "Office on Aging, Office of the Lieutenant Governor" at the end.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 9 - Retirement Systems

Chapter 1 - South Carolina Retirement System

Section 9-1-10. Definitions.

Section 9-1-20. South Carolina Retirement System created; system shall have powers and privileges of corporation; purposes of system.

Section 9-1-30. Property of system exempt from taxation.

Section 9-1-40. Penalties for making false statement or record.

Section 9-1-50. Reservation of right to revise system to conform to changes in Federal Social Security Act.

Section 9-1-60. Implementation of "cafeteria" plan.

Section 9-1-100. Payments to beneficiaries may include payments to persons, trustees, and estates.

Section 9-1-210. Board shall administer system.

Section 9-1-230. Authority to engage actuarial and other services.

Section 9-1-240. Actuary for board.

Section 9-1-250. Investigation and valuation by actuary every five years.

Section 9-1-260. Annual valuation by actuary.

Section 9-1-270. Board shall keep actuarial data in convenient form.

Section 9-1-280. Board shall determine interest rate; base rate established.

Section 9-1-290. Rules and regulations.

Section 9-1-300. Records and reports.

Section 9-1-310. Administrative costs of retirement systems funded from interest earnings; allocation of costs.

Section 9-1-320. Confidentiality of member records.

Section 9-1-410. Membership generally.

Section 9-1-420. Certain persons employed after December 31, 1948, are automatically members of system.

Section 9-1-425. Contributing member of system.

Section 9-1-430. Special provision for certain persons employed between April 26, 1945 and December 31, 1966.

Section 9-1-450. Members of other agency or departmental retirement plans.

Section 9-1-460. Discontinuance of certain local plans or funds.

Section 9-1-470. Political subdivisions may apply for admission to system as employers.

Section 9-1-480. Employees of political subdivisions as members.

Section 9-1-490. Firemen and peace officers.

Section 9-1-510. Option of employees and teachers receiving $100 or less a month; legislators, and certain elected officials.

Section 9-1-520. Certain members of General Assembly may elect to remain members of system; contributions.

Section 9-1-530. Certain former legislators may elect to remain members following termination of service; contributions; members must establish service and qualify for allowance on or before December 31, 1965.

Section 9-1-540. Certain constitutional officers and members of General Assembly may elect, prior to December 31, 1965, to return to system.

Section 9-1-550. Option of certain public school employees.

Section 9-1-560. Option of day laborers.

Section 9-1-570. Option of state employees required to become members of Federal Railroad Retirement System.

Section 9-1-580. Option of certain hospital employees.

Section 9-1-610. Determination of who is teacher or employee.

Section 9-1-620. Effect on members, beneficiaries, their widows or other dependents, of other statutes.

Section 9-1-630. Certain persons may withdraw from system.

Section 9-1-640. Employers and members divided into two classes; change from Class One to Class Two.

Section 9-1-650. Continuation of membership in correlated systems.

Section 9-1-660. Firemen eligible for Police Officers Retirement System; benefits.

Section 9-1-670. Members eligible for membership in South Carolina State Employees Credit Union.

Section 9-1-810. Claims for prior service.

Section 9-1-820. Verification of service claimed; determination of compensation paid during period of prior service.

Section 9-1-830. Prior service certificates.

Section 9-1-840. What constitutes one year of service.

Section 9-1-1010. Assets to be credited to employee annuity savings fund and employer annuity accumulation fund.

Section 9-1-1020. Employee annuity savings fund; deductions from compensation of members of System; employer to pay required member contributions on earnings after July 1, 1982; tax treatment; funding; retirement treatment.

Section 9-1-1030. Deductions must be made although compensation is reduced below legal minimum; consent to deductions.

Section 9-1-1050. Employer annuity accumulation fund; contributions paid by employers.

Section 9-1-1060. Normal contribution rate.

Section 9-1-1070. Accrued liability contribution rate.

Section 9-1-1080. Minimum contributions to employer annuity accumulation fund.

Section 9-1-1085. Employer and employee contribution rates.

Section 9-1-1090. Discontinuance of accrued liability contribution.

Section 9-1-1100. Employer annuities and benefits to be paid from employer annuity accumulation fund.

Section 9-1-1110. Obligations of employer annuity accumulation fund.

Section 9-1-1120. Transfer between funds on return of retired employee to active service.

Section 9-1-1130. Earnings to be credited to employer annuity accumulation fund.

Section 9-1-1135. Interest on member accounts.

Section 9-1-1140. Establishing service credits by making payments into system; career highest fiscal year salary; credits during absences; employer payments; rules and regulations; credits for unused sick leave.

Section 9-1-1160. Collection of members' contributions; failure to make payroll reports and remittances; employer to pay required member contributions on earnings after July 1, 1982; tax treatment; funding; retirement treatment.

Section 9-1-1170. Collection of employers' contributions.

Section 9-1-1175. Employer contributions.

Section 9-1-1180. Deductions and employer contributions for teachers and employees of technical training schools.

Section 9-1-1190. Board may change accounting methods and procedures of system.

Section 9-1-1210. Employer contributions shall reflect cost of Preretirement Death Benefit Program.

Section 9-1-1310. Trustee of retirement system; investment of funds.

Section 9-1-1320. Custodian of assets of the Retirement System.

Section 9-1-1330. Cash kept available with State Treasurer.

Section 9-1-1340. Conflicts of interest and use of funds by commission members or employees.

Section 9-1-1350. Transfers from general fund authorized.

Section 9-1-1510. Retirement of members at age 60 or after 28 years' service.

Section 9-1-1515. Early retirement.

Section 9-1-1540. Disability retirement.

Section 9-1-1545. Election between service retirement and disability retirement; receipt of service retirement pending approval of disability retirement.

Section 9-1-1550. Service retirement allowances.

Section 9-1-1560. Allowances upon retirement for disability.

Section 9-1-1570. Reexamination of beneficiaries retired on account of disability; consequences of refusal to submit to reexamination.

Section 9-1-1580. Effect of ability to engage in gainful occupation; change in amount of disability retirement allowance.

Section 9-1-1590. Effect of restoring beneficiaries to active service.

Section 9-1-1610. Members of General Assembly may draw retirement benefits under certain conditions.

Section 9-1-1615. Retirement allowances payable in monthly installments; payments after death of retired member.

Section 9-1-1620. Optional forms of allowances.

Section 9-1-1625. Compliance with Internal Revenue Code.

Section 9-1-1630. Special benefits to teachers for service prior to July 1, 1945.

Section 9-1-1640. Manner of paying annuities.

Section 9-1-1650. Amounts paid upon termination of employment; election to leave contributions in system; effect of death before or after retirement.

Section 9-1-1660. Nominee on member's death may receive monthly allowance instead of accumulated contributions.

Section 9-1-1665. Compliance with Internal Revenue Code Section 401(a)(9).

Section 9-1-1670. Change or error in records.

Section 9-1-1680. Exemption from taxation and legal process; exceptions; assignment.

Section 9-1-1690. Credit of State is not pledged for payments; rights in case of termination of system or discontinuance of contributions.

Section 9-1-1740. Increase in benefits for persons who were receiving benefits prior to July 1, 1966.

Section 9-1-1750. Increase in benefits for persons who were receiving benefits prior to July 1, 1967 and subsequent to June 30, 1966.

Section 9-1-1760. Increase in benefits for persons who retired prior to July 1, 1972.

Section 9-1-1765. Additional increase in benefits for persons who retired prior to July 1, 1972.

Section 9-1-1766. Further additional increase in benefits for persons who retired prior to July 1, 1972.

Section 9-1-1767. Increase of benefits payable due to retirement before July 1, 1988 and July 1, 1989.

Section 9-1-1770. Preretirement Death Benefit Program; post-retirement benefit payment.

Section 9-1-1775. Death Benefit Plan.

Section 9-1-1780. Recomputation allowances of certain persons having thirty-five or more years of creditable service.

Section 9-1-1790. Amount which may be earned upon return to covered employment.

Section 9-1-1795. Employment of certain retired teachers without loss of retirement benefits; procedure by which retired teachers may be employed.

Section 9-1-1800. Recalculation of benefits for certain persons who retired prior to July 1, 1964.

Section 9-1-1812. Revision of sections upon certain conditions.

Section 9-1-1814. Revision of sections upon certain conditions.

Section 9-1-1815. Retirement allowance adjustments.

Section 9-1-1830. Payment and transfer of funds to the employer annuity accumulation fund.

Section 9-1-1850. Purchases of additional service credit by members with at least twenty-five years of creditable service.

Section 9-1-1870. Beneficiaries receiving Medicaid (Title XIX) sponsored nursing home care; effect on benefits; exception.

Section 9-1-1910. Minimum allowance for persons retiring with twenty or more years of service, generally.

Section 9-1-1920. Minimum allowance for certain persons who retired prior to July 1, 1945.

Section 9-1-1930. Minimum allowance for certain persons whose membership became effective on or after January 1, 1953.

Section 9-1-1940. Minimum allowance for certain persons whose membership became effective on or after January 1, 1951.

Section 9-1-1950. Minimum allowance for certain members of General Assembly.

Section 9-1-1960. Additional payments to certain members of the General Assembly effective July 1, 1972.

Section 9-1-1970. Compensation used for determining benefits to be subject to federal limitations.

Section 9-1-1975. Compliance with USERRA.

Section 9-1-1980. Compliance with Internal Revenue Code Section 415.

Section 9-1-2210. Repealed.