South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 13 - Conduct Of Elections
Section 7-13-1500. Oath of person preparing or operating tabulating devices.

Any person who prepares or operates the tabulating devices in any election or preparatory thereto shall take an oath as a custodian and file in accordance with law.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 23-400.120; 1970 (56) 2022.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 7 - Elections

Chapter 13 - Conduct Of Elections

Section 7-13-10. Time of general elections for federal, state, and county officers; conduct of general and special elections.

Section 7-13-15. Primaries to be conducted by State Election Commission and county boards of voter registration and elections on second Tuesday in June; filing fees.

Section 7-13-20. Time of general election for certain county officers.

Section 7-13-25. Early voting.

Section 7-13-30. Time of election of probate judges.

Section 7-13-35. Notice of general, municipal, special, and primary elections.

Section 7-13-40. Time of party primary; certification of names; verification of candidates' qualifications; filing fee.

Section 7-13-45. Acceptance of filings.

Section 7-13-50. Second and other primaries.

Section 7-13-60. Hours polls open.

Section 7-13-72. Managers of election.

Section 7-13-75. Members of local boards of voter registration and elections; political activity prohibited.

Section 7-13-80. Organization of voter registration and elections; managers and clerks; oaths.

Section 7-13-100. Managers shall take oath before opening polls.

Section 7-13-110. Residency requirements of chairmen, clerks, and managers of elections.

Section 7-13-120. Candidates and their relatives may not be managers or clerks.

Section 7-13-130. Managers' table; guard rail; general arrangement; preservation of right to vote and secrecy of ballot.

Section 7-13-140. Maintenance of order; police powers of managers.

Section 7-13-150. Penalty for failure to assist in maintaining order.

Section 7-13-160. Peace officers shall enter polling place only on request or to vote.

Section 7-13-170. Procedure when managers fail to attend, take charge of, or conduct election.

Section 7-13-180. Posting proposed constitutional amendments at polling place.

Section 7-13-190. Special elections to fill vacancies in office.

Section 7-13-310. Kinds of general election ballots; different colored paper to be used.

Section 7-13-315. Joint election of Governor and Lieutenant Governor; single vote.

Section 7-13-320. Ballot standards and specifications.

Section 7-13-325. Use of candidate's given name, derivative of, or nickname on ballot.

Section 7-13-330. Form of ballot; instructions.

Section 7-13-335. Arrangement of names on certain ballots.

Section 7-13-340. Printing and distribution of ballots.

Section 7-13-350. Certification of candidates; verification of qualifications.

Section 7-13-351. Nominees by petition.

Section 7-13-352. Date by which statement of candidacy must be filed; verification of candidates' qualifications.

Section 7-13-355. Time for submitting question to election commission for submission as referendum to electors.

Section 7-13-360. Place on ballot for write-in names.

Section 7-13-370. Death, withdrawal, or disqualification of candidate after name printed on ballot.

Section 7-13-380. Reprinting ballots to delete name of deceased or withdrawn candidate is optional.

Section 7-13-390. Limitations on withdrawal of candidacy.

Section 7-13-400. Form of ballot when questions are submitted.

Section 7-13-410. Ballots where both statewide and local constitutional amendments are submitted.

Section 7-13-420. Oath of printer of ballots and assistants.

Section 7-13-430. Ballots provided where voting machines not used; substitute ballots; penalties for failure to provide; failsafe ballots.

Section 7-13-440. Repealed.

Section 7-13-450. Use of voting machines does not prohibit use of separate ballots on certain questions.

Section 7-13-460. Use of paper ballots.

Section 7-13-610. Ballot specifications; separate ballots for each party.

Section 7-13-611. Arrangement of official county and state primary ballots.

Section 7-13-710. Proof of right to vote; signing poll list; comparison of signatures; provisional ballot; purpose of requirement.

Section 7-13-720. Oath of voter.

Section 7-13-730. Delivery and marking of ballot; deposit into ballot box.

Section 7-13-740. Number and construction of booths; only one voter in booth at a time; speaking to voter prohibited.

Section 7-13-760. Time when voter must leave booth and voting place; voter must be alone in booth and must not talk while voting.

Section 7-13-770. Unauthorized persons within guard rails; voters requiring assistance; minor children of qualified elector accompanying parent into booth.

Section 7-13-771. Voting by handicapped and elderly electors who cannot enter the polling place or cannot stand in line to vote.

Section 7-13-780. Designation of voters who may receive assistance.

Section 7-13-790. Substitute for marred or defaced ballot.

Section 7-13-800. Write-ins to be in handwriting of voter or authorized manager.

Section 7-13-810. Prevention of illegal voting or taking too much time; challenging voters.

Section 7-13-820. Voting by person whose name is not on registration book.

Section 7-13-825. Location of requirements to challenge a ballot.

Section 7-13-830. Procedure when voter challenged.

Section 7-13-840. Ballot boxes; number, location, construction, color, labeling.

Section 7-13-850. Closing polls; voters waiting may vote.

Section 7-13-860. Watchers; appointment, qualifications, identification, and conduct.

Section 7-13-1010. Additional oath of voters.

Section 7-13-1020. Absentee voting not permitted in primaries; exceptions.

Section 7-13-1030. Voting by National Guard when on duty.

Section 7-13-1040. No person may vote in more than one primary on same day.

Section 7-13-1110. Counting ballots and declaration of result; volunteer personnel may assist.

Section 7-13-1120. Disposition of improperly marked ballots.

Section 7-13-1130. Disposition of ballots found in wrong box and ballots folded together.

Section 7-13-1140. Procedure when too many ballots found in box or too many votes tabulated.

Section 7-13-1150. Accounting for ballots after election; returns; delivery of poll lists and other matters; unused ballots.

Section 7-13-1160. Reporting of election results to State Election Commission.

Section 7-13-1170. Ordering of new election by Governor.

Section 7-13-1320. Use of vote recorders in certain precincts; use of vote recorders of different kinds; number and capacity of vote records.

Section 7-13-1330. Vote recorders and optical scan voting systems; approval process; duration and changes.

Section 7-13-1340. Requirements for vote recorders or optical scan voting devices.

Section 7-13-1350. Payment for vote recorders.

Section 7-13-1360. Form and contents of ballot labels; primary elections.

Section 7-13-1370. Ballot cards.

Section 7-13-1371. Ballot cards used in conjunction with optical scanning device; instructions.

Section 7-13-1380. Write-in votes.

Section 7-13-1390. Labeling, preparation, and testing of vote recorders; custodians and deputies; examination by interested persons.

Section 7-13-1400. Delivery of vote recorders; duties of officials at polling places.

Section 7-13-1410. Duties of officials after closing of polls; review of ballots; duplicate ballots.

Section 7-13-1420. Observation by poll watchers after polls close.

Section 7-13-1430. Counting stations; processing and counting of ballots and preparation of summary sheets.

Section 7-13-1440. Witnesses are to observe at counting station.

Section 7-13-1450. Public display of vote recorders preceding election.

Section 7-13-1460. Use of paper ballots where use of vote recorders is not possible or practicable.

Section 7-13-1470. Procedure when vote recorder becomes out of order.

Section 7-13-1480. Custody, storage, and care of vote recorders.

Section 7-13-1490. Regulations, instructions, and forms.

Section 7-13-1500. Oath of person preparing or operating tabulating devices.

Section 7-13-1610. State Board of Voting Machine Commissioners.

Section 7-13-1620. Voting system approval process.

Section 7-13-1640. Voting machine requirements.

Section 7-13-1650. Experimental use of voting machines.

Section 7-13-1655. "Voting system" defined; State Election Commission duties.

Section 7-13-1670. Demonstrations with machines for instruction of voters.

Section 7-13-1680. Number of voting machines; type and use; repair; custody.

Section 7-13-1690. Employment and qualifications of custodians of voting machines.

Section 7-13-1700. Instruction of managers and clerks in use of machines; appointment of manager or clerk in emergency.

Section 7-13-1710. Voting machine ballots; arrangement of nominations.

Section 7-13-1720. Unopposed candidates in primaries.

Section 7-13-1730. Use of separate ballots on constitutional amendments and other public measures.

Section 7-13-1740. Sample or instruction ballots.

Section 7-13-1750. Preparation of machines for elections; party representatives may examine machines.

Section 7-13-1760. The boards of voter registration and elections shall see that machines and other equipment are in place and good order.

Section 7-13-1770. Duties of managers prior to opening polls; when machines may not be used for voting purposes.

Section 7-13-1780. Placement of voting machines in polling places.

Section 7-13-1790. Lights and screens.

Section 7-13-1800. Inspection of machines; covering of counter compartment kept locked; attendance at voting places.

Section 7-13-1810. Instructions of voters by model machine at polling place.

Section 7-13-1820. Persons within guard rail; time permitted voters to vote.

Section 7-13-1830. Instruction after voter has entered machine.

Section 7-13-1840. Assistance may be given to voters.

Section 7-13-1850. Write-in ballots.

Section 7-13-1860. Duty to protect machines against injury.

Section 7-13-1870. Procedure when voting machine becomes inoperative.

Section 7-13-1880. Canvass and return of vote; return of provisional and failsafe ballots.

Section 7-13-1890. Machines shall remain locked after election; certification of managers or election; verification of results of election.

Section 7-13-1900. Use of voting machines for primary elections.

Section 7-13-1910. Possession of voting machine key by unauthorized person.

Section 7-13-1920. Tampering with voting machine.

Section 7-13-1930. Other provisions of this Title applicable to use of voting machines.

Section 7-13-2110. Authorization of simplified or more detailed explanation of proposed constitutional amendments.

Section 7-13-2120. Constitutional Ballot Commission.

Section 7-13-2130. Jurisdiction of proceedings challenging explanations.

Section 7-13-2210. General or special election.

Section 7-13-2220. Primary election.