South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 31 - South Carolina Local Government Development Agreement Act
Section 6-31-30. Local governments authorized to enter into development agreements; approval of county or municipal governing body required.

A local government may establish procedures and requirements, as provided in this chapter, to consider and enter into development agreements with developers. A development agreement must be approved by the governing body of a county or municipality by the adoption of an ordinance.
HISTORY: 1993 Act No. 150, Section 1.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 6 - Local Government - Provisions Applicable to Special Purpose Districts and Other Political Subdivisions

Chapter 31 - South Carolina Local Government Development Agreement Act

Section 6-31-10. Short title; legislative findings and intent; authorization for development agreements; provisions are supplemental to those extant.

Section 6-31-20. Definitions.

Section 6-31-30. Local governments authorized to enter into development agreements; approval of county or municipal governing body required.

Section 6-31-40. Developed property must contain certain number of acres of highland; permissible durations of agreements for differing amounts of highland content.

Section 6-31-50. Public hearings; notice and publication.

Section 6-31-60. What development agreement must provide; what it may provide; major modification requires public notice and hearing.

Section 6-31-70. Agreement and development must be consistent with local government comprehensive plan and land development regulations.

Section 6-31-80. Law in effect at time of agreement governs development; exceptions.

Section 6-31-90. Periodic review to assess compliance with agreement; material breach by developer; notice of breach; cure of breach or modification or termination of agreement.

Section 6-31-100. Amendment or cancellation of development agreement by mutual consent of parties or successors in interest.

Section 6-31-110. Validity and duration of agreement entered into prior to incorporation or annexation of affected area; subsequent modification or suspension by municipality.

Section 6-31-120. Developer to record agreement within fourteen days; burdens and benefits inure to successors in interest.

Section 6-31-130. Agreement to be modified or suspended to comply with later-enacted state or federal laws or regulations.

Section 6-31-140. Rights, duties, and privileges of gas and electricity suppliers, and of municipalities with respect to providing same, not affected; no extraterritorial powers.

Section 6-31-145. Applicability to local government of constitutional and statutory procedures for approval of debt.

Section 6-31-150. Invalidity of all or part of Section 6-31-140 invalidates chapter.

Section 6-31-160. Agreement may not contravene or supersede building, housing, electrical, plumbing, or gas code; compliance with such code if subsequently enacted.