South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 31 - South Carolina Local Government Development Agreement Act
Section 6-31-10. Short title; legislative findings and intent; authorization for development agreements; provisions are supplemental to those extant.

(A) This chapter may be cited as the "South Carolina Local Government Development Agreement Act".
(B)(1) The General Assembly finds: The lack of certainty in the approval of development can result in a waste of economic and land resources, can discourage sound capital improvement planning and financing, can cause the cost of housing and development to escalate, and can discourage commitment to comprehensive planning.
(2) Assurance to a developer that upon receipt of its development permits it may proceed in accordance with existing laws and policies, subject to the conditions of a development agreement, strengthens the public planning process, encourages sound capital improvement planning and financing, assists in assuring there are adequate capital facilities for the development, encourages private participation in comprehensive planning, reduces the economic costs of development, allows for the orderly planning of public facilities and services, and allows for the equitable allocation of the cost of public services.
(3) Because the development approval process involves the expenditure of considerable sums of money, predictability encourages the maximum efficient utilization of resources at the least economic cost to the public.
(4) Public benefits derived from development agreements may include, but are not limited to, affordable housing, design standards, and on and off-site infrastructure and other improvements. These public benefits may be negotiated in return for the vesting of development rights for a specific period.
(5) Land planning and development involve review and action by multiple governmental agencies. The use of development agreements may facilitate the cooperation and coordination of the requirements and needs of the various governmental agencies having jurisdiction over land development.
(6) Development agreements will encourage the vesting of property rights by protecting such rights from the effect of subsequently enacted local legislation or from the effects of changing policies and procedures of local government agencies which may conflict with any term or provision of the development agreement or in any way hinder, restrict, or prevent the development of the project. Development agreements will provide a reasonable certainty as to the lawful requirements that must be met in protecting vested property rights, while maintaining the authority and duty of government to enforce laws and regulations which promote the public safety, health, and general welfare of the citizens of our State.
(C) It is the intent of the General Assembly to encourage a stronger commitment to comprehensive and capital facilities planning, ensure the provision of adequate public facilities for development, encourage the efficient use of resources, and reduce the economic cost of development.
(D) This intent is effected by authorizing the appropriate local governments and agencies to enter into development agreements with developers, subject to the procedures and requirements of this chapter.
(E) This chapter must be regarded as supplemental and additional to the powers conferred upon local governments and other government agencies by other laws and must not be regarded as in derogation of any powers existing on the effective date of this chapter.
HISTORY: 1993 Act No. 150, Section 1.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 6 - Local Government - Provisions Applicable to Special Purpose Districts and Other Political Subdivisions

Chapter 31 - South Carolina Local Government Development Agreement Act

Section 6-31-10. Short title; legislative findings and intent; authorization for development agreements; provisions are supplemental to those extant.

Section 6-31-20. Definitions.

Section 6-31-30. Local governments authorized to enter into development agreements; approval of county or municipal governing body required.

Section 6-31-40. Developed property must contain certain number of acres of highland; permissible durations of agreements for differing amounts of highland content.

Section 6-31-50. Public hearings; notice and publication.

Section 6-31-60. What development agreement must provide; what it may provide; major modification requires public notice and hearing.

Section 6-31-70. Agreement and development must be consistent with local government comprehensive plan and land development regulations.

Section 6-31-80. Law in effect at time of agreement governs development; exceptions.

Section 6-31-90. Periodic review to assess compliance with agreement; material breach by developer; notice of breach; cure of breach or modification or termination of agreement.

Section 6-31-100. Amendment or cancellation of development agreement by mutual consent of parties or successors in interest.

Section 6-31-110. Validity and duration of agreement entered into prior to incorporation or annexation of affected area; subsequent modification or suspension by municipality.

Section 6-31-120. Developer to record agreement within fourteen days; burdens and benefits inure to successors in interest.

Section 6-31-130. Agreement to be modified or suspended to comply with later-enacted state or federal laws or regulations.

Section 6-31-140. Rights, duties, and privileges of gas and electricity suppliers, and of municipalities with respect to providing same, not affected; no extraterritorial powers.

Section 6-31-145. Applicability to local government of constitutional and statutory procedures for approval of debt.

Section 6-31-150. Invalidity of all or part of Section 6-31-140 invalidates chapter.

Section 6-31-160. Agreement may not contravene or supersede building, housing, electrical, plumbing, or gas code; compliance with such code if subsequently enacted.