South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 29 - South Carolina Local Government Comprehensive Planning Enabling Act Of 1994
Section 6-29-890. Appeal to board of architectural review.

(A) Appeals to the board may be taken by any person aggrieved or by any officer, department, board, or bureau of the municipality or county. The appeal must be taken within a reasonable time, as provided by the zoning ordinance or rules of the board, or both, by filing with the officer from whom the appeal is taken and with the board of architectural review notice of appeal specifying the grounds of it. The officer from whom the appeal is taken immediately must transmit to the board all the papers constituting the record upon which the action appealed from was taken. Upon a motion by a party or the board's own motion, the board may remand a matter to an administrative official if the board determines the record is insufficient for review. A party's motion for remand may be denied if the board determines that the record is sufficient for review. The board must set a rehearing on the remanded matter without further public notice for a time certain within sixty days unless otherwise agreed to by the parties. The board must maintain a list of persons who express an interest in being informed when the remanded matter is set for rehearing, and notice of the rehearing must be mailed to these persons prior to the rehearing.
(B) An appeal stays all legal proceedings in furtherance of the action appealed from, unless the officer from whom the appeal is taken certifies to the board, after the notice of appeal has been filed with him, that by reason of facts stated in the certificate a stay would, in his opinion, cause imminent peril to life and property. In that case, proceedings may not be stayed otherwise than by a restraining order which may be granted by the board or by a court of record on application, upon notice to the officer from whom the appeal is taken, and on due cause shown.
(C) The board must fix a reasonable time for the hearing of the appeal or other matter referred to it, and give public notice of the hearing, as well as due notice to the parties in interest, and decide the appeal or other matter within a reasonable time. At the hearing, any party may appear in person, by agent, or by attorney.
HISTORY: 1994 Act No. 355, Section 1; 2003 Act No. 39, Section 7, eff June 2, 2003.
Effect of Amendment
The 2003 amendment, in subsection (A) added the last four sentences relating to remand procedures, in subsection (C) substituted "the hearing" for "it" and "appeal or other matter" for "same", and in subsections (A),(B), and (C) made nonsubstantive changes.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 6 - Local Government - Provisions Applicable to Special Purpose Districts and Other Political Subdivisions

Chapter 29 - South Carolina Local Government Comprehensive Planning Enabling Act Of 1994

Section 6-29-310. "Local planning commission" defined.

Section 6-29-320. Bodies authorized to create local planning commissions.

Section 6-29-330. Areas of jurisdiction; agreement for county planning commission to act as municipal planning commission.

Section 6-29-340. Functions, powers, and duties of local planning commissions.

Section 6-29-350. Membership; terms of office; compensation; qualifications.

Section 6-29-360. Organization of commission; meetings; procedural rules; records; purchases.

Section 6-29-370. Referral of matters to commission; reports.

Section 6-29-380. Funding of commissions; expenditures; contracts.

Section 6-29-510. Planning process; elements; comprehensive plan.

Section 6-29-520. Advisory committees; notice of meetings; recommendations by resolution; transmittal of recommended plan.

Section 6-29-530. Adoption of plan or elements; public hearing.

Section 6-29-540. Review of proposals following adoption of plan; projects in conflict with plan; exemption for utilities.

Section 6-29-710. Zoning ordinances; purposes.

Section 6-29-715. Church-related activities; zoning ordinances for single family residences.

Section 6-29-720. Zoning districts; matters regulated; uniformity; zoning techniques.

Section 6-29-730. Nonconformities.

Section 6-29-740. Planned development districts.

Section 6-29-750. Special development district parking facility plan; dedication.

Section 6-29-760. Procedure for enactment or amendment of zoning regulation or map; notice and rights of landowners; time limit on challenges.

Section 6-29-770. Governmental entities subject to zoning ordinances; exceptions.

Section 6-29-775. Use of property obtained from federal government.

Section 6-29-780. Board of zoning appeals; membership; terms of office; vacancies; compensation.

Section 6-29-790. Board of zoning appeals; officers; rules; meetings; notice; records.

Section 6-29-800. Powers of board of appeals; variances; special exceptions; remand; stay; hearing; decisions and orders.

Section 6-29-810. Contempt; penalty.

Section 6-29-820. Appeal from zoning board of appeals to circuit court; pre-litigation mediation; filing requirements.

Section 6-29-825. Pre-litigation mediation; notice; settlement approval; effect on real property; unsuccessful mediation.

Section 6-29-830. Notice of appeal; transcript; supersedeas.

Section 6-29-840. Determination of appeal; costs; trial by jury.

Section 6-29-850. Appeal to Supreme Court.

Section 6-29-860. Financing of board of zoning appeals.

Section 6-29-870. Board of architectural review; membership; officers; rules; meetings; records.

Section 6-29-880. Powers of board of architectural review.

Section 6-29-890. Appeal to board of architectural review.

Section 6-29-900. Appeal from board of architectural review to circuit court; pre-litigation mediation; filing requirements.

Section 6-29-910. Contempt; penalty.

Section 6-29-915. Pre-litigation mediation; notice; settlement approval; effect on real property; unsuccessful mediation.

Section 6-29-920. Notice of appeal; transcript; supersedeas.

Section 6-29-930. Determination of appeal; costs; trial by jury.

Section 6-29-940. Appeal to Supreme Court.

Section 6-29-950. Enforcement of zoning ordinances; remedies for violations.

Section 6-29-960. Conflict with other laws.

Section 6-29-1110. Definitions.

Section 6-29-1120. Legislative intent; purposes.

Section 6-29-1130. Regulations.

Section 6-29-1140. Development plan to comply with regulations; submission of unapproved plan for recording is a misdemeanor.

Section 6-29-1145. Determining existence of restrictive covenant; effect.

Section 6-29-1150. Submission of plan or plat to planning commission; record; appeal.

Section 6-29-1155. Pre-litigation mediation; notice; settlement approval; effect on real property; unsuccessful mediation.

Section 6-29-1160. Recording unapproved land development plan or plat; penalty; remedies.

Section 6-29-1170. Approval of plan or plat not acceptance of dedication of land.

Section 6-29-1180. Surety bond for completion of site improvements.

Section 6-29-1190. Transfer of title to follow approval and recording of development plan; violation is a misdemeanor.

Section 6-29-1200. Approval of street names required; violation is a misdemeanor; changing street name.

Section 6-29-1210. Land development plan not required to execute a deed.

Section 6-29-1310. Definitions.

Section 6-29-1320. Identification of persons covered by act; compliance schedule.

Section 6-29-1330. State Advisory Committee; creation; members; terms; duties; compensation; meetings; fees charged.

Section 6-29-1340. Educational requirements; time-frame for completion; subjects.

Section 6-29-1350. Exemption from educational requirements.

Section 6-29-1360. Certification.

Section 6-29-1370. Sponsorship and funding of programs; compliance and exemption; certification as public records.

Section 6-29-1380. Failure to complete training requirements; false documentation.

Section 6-29-1510. Citation of article.

Section 6-29-1520. Definitions.

Section 6-29-1530. Two-year vested right established on approval of site specific development plan; conforming ordinances and regulations; renewal.

Section 6-29-1540. Conditions and limitations.

Section 6-29-1550. Vested right attaches to real property; applicability of laws relating to public health, safety and welfare.

Section 6-29-1560. Establishing vested right in absence of local ordinances providing therefor; significant affirmative government acts.

Section 6-29-1610. Short title.

Section 6-29-1620. Legislative purpose.

Section 6-29-1625. Definitions.

Section 6-29-1630. Local planning department investigations, recommendations and findings; incorporation into official maps.

Section 6-29-1640. Application to former or closing military installations.