South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 29 - South Carolina Local Government Comprehensive Planning Enabling Act Of 1994
Section 6-29-1560. Establishing vested right in absence of local ordinances providing therefor; significant affirmative government acts.

(A) If a local governing body does not have land development ordinances or regulations or fails to adopt an amendment to its land development ordinances or regulations as required by this section, a landowner has a vested right to proceed in accordance with an approved site specific development plan for a period of two years from the approval. The landowner of real property with a vested right may apply at the end of the vesting period to the local governing body for an annual extension of the vested right. The local governing body must approve applications for at least five annual extensions of the vested right unless an amendment to the land development ordinances or regulations has been adopted that prohibits approval. For purposes of this section, the landowner's rights are considered vested in the types of land use and density or intensity of uses defined in the development plan and the vesting is not affected by later amendment to a zoning ordinance or land-use or development regulation if the landowner:
(1) obtains, or is the beneficiary of, a significant affirmative government act that remains in effect allowing development of a specific project;
(2) relies in good faith on the significant affirmative government act; and
(3) incurs significant obligations and expenses in diligent pursuit of the specific project in reliance on the significant affirmative government act.
(B) For the purposes of this section, the following are significant affirmative governmental acts allowing development of a specific project:
(1) the local governing body has accepted exactions or issued conditions that specify a use related to a zoning amendment;
(2) the local governing body has approved an application for a rezoning for a specific use;
(3) the local governing body has approved an application for a density or intensity of use;
(4) the local governing body or board of appeals has granted a special exception or use permit with conditions;
(5) the local governing body has approved a variance;
(6) the local governing body or its designated agent has approved a preliminary subdivision plat, site plan, or plan of phased development for the landowner's property and the applicant diligently pursues approval of the final plat or plan within a reasonable period of time under the circumstances; or
(7) the local governing body or its designated agent has approved a final subdivision plat, site plan, or plan of phased development for the landowner's property.
HISTORY: 2004 Act No. 287, Section 2, eff July 1, 2005.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 6 - Local Government - Provisions Applicable to Special Purpose Districts and Other Political Subdivisions

Chapter 29 - South Carolina Local Government Comprehensive Planning Enabling Act Of 1994

Section 6-29-310. "Local planning commission" defined.

Section 6-29-320. Bodies authorized to create local planning commissions.

Section 6-29-330. Areas of jurisdiction; agreement for county planning commission to act as municipal planning commission.

Section 6-29-340. Functions, powers, and duties of local planning commissions.

Section 6-29-350. Membership; terms of office; compensation; qualifications.

Section 6-29-360. Organization of commission; meetings; procedural rules; records; purchases.

Section 6-29-370. Referral of matters to commission; reports.

Section 6-29-380. Funding of commissions; expenditures; contracts.

Section 6-29-510. Planning process; elements; comprehensive plan.

Section 6-29-520. Advisory committees; notice of meetings; recommendations by resolution; transmittal of recommended plan.

Section 6-29-530. Adoption of plan or elements; public hearing.

Section 6-29-540. Review of proposals following adoption of plan; projects in conflict with plan; exemption for utilities.

Section 6-29-710. Zoning ordinances; purposes.

Section 6-29-715. Church-related activities; zoning ordinances for single family residences.

Section 6-29-720. Zoning districts; matters regulated; uniformity; zoning techniques.

Section 6-29-730. Nonconformities.

Section 6-29-740. Planned development districts.

Section 6-29-750. Special development district parking facility plan; dedication.

Section 6-29-760. Procedure for enactment or amendment of zoning regulation or map; notice and rights of landowners; time limit on challenges.

Section 6-29-770. Governmental entities subject to zoning ordinances; exceptions.

Section 6-29-775. Use of property obtained from federal government.

Section 6-29-780. Board of zoning appeals; membership; terms of office; vacancies; compensation.

Section 6-29-790. Board of zoning appeals; officers; rules; meetings; notice; records.

Section 6-29-800. Powers of board of appeals; variances; special exceptions; remand; stay; hearing; decisions and orders.

Section 6-29-810. Contempt; penalty.

Section 6-29-820. Appeal from zoning board of appeals to circuit court; pre-litigation mediation; filing requirements.

Section 6-29-825. Pre-litigation mediation; notice; settlement approval; effect on real property; unsuccessful mediation.

Section 6-29-830. Notice of appeal; transcript; supersedeas.

Section 6-29-840. Determination of appeal; costs; trial by jury.

Section 6-29-850. Appeal to Supreme Court.

Section 6-29-860. Financing of board of zoning appeals.

Section 6-29-870. Board of architectural review; membership; officers; rules; meetings; records.

Section 6-29-880. Powers of board of architectural review.

Section 6-29-890. Appeal to board of architectural review.

Section 6-29-900. Appeal from board of architectural review to circuit court; pre-litigation mediation; filing requirements.

Section 6-29-910. Contempt; penalty.

Section 6-29-915. Pre-litigation mediation; notice; settlement approval; effect on real property; unsuccessful mediation.

Section 6-29-920. Notice of appeal; transcript; supersedeas.

Section 6-29-930. Determination of appeal; costs; trial by jury.

Section 6-29-940. Appeal to Supreme Court.

Section 6-29-950. Enforcement of zoning ordinances; remedies for violations.

Section 6-29-960. Conflict with other laws.

Section 6-29-1110. Definitions.

Section 6-29-1120. Legislative intent; purposes.

Section 6-29-1130. Regulations.

Section 6-29-1140. Development plan to comply with regulations; submission of unapproved plan for recording is a misdemeanor.

Section 6-29-1145. Determining existence of restrictive covenant; effect.

Section 6-29-1150. Submission of plan or plat to planning commission; record; appeal.

Section 6-29-1155. Pre-litigation mediation; notice; settlement approval; effect on real property; unsuccessful mediation.

Section 6-29-1160. Recording unapproved land development plan or plat; penalty; remedies.

Section 6-29-1170. Approval of plan or plat not acceptance of dedication of land.

Section 6-29-1180. Surety bond for completion of site improvements.

Section 6-29-1190. Transfer of title to follow approval and recording of development plan; violation is a misdemeanor.

Section 6-29-1200. Approval of street names required; violation is a misdemeanor; changing street name.

Section 6-29-1210. Land development plan not required to execute a deed.

Section 6-29-1310. Definitions.

Section 6-29-1320. Identification of persons covered by act; compliance schedule.

Section 6-29-1330. State Advisory Committee; creation; members; terms; duties; compensation; meetings; fees charged.

Section 6-29-1340. Educational requirements; time-frame for completion; subjects.

Section 6-29-1350. Exemption from educational requirements.

Section 6-29-1360. Certification.

Section 6-29-1370. Sponsorship and funding of programs; compliance and exemption; certification as public records.

Section 6-29-1380. Failure to complete training requirements; false documentation.

Section 6-29-1510. Citation of article.

Section 6-29-1520. Definitions.

Section 6-29-1530. Two-year vested right established on approval of site specific development plan; conforming ordinances and regulations; renewal.

Section 6-29-1540. Conditions and limitations.

Section 6-29-1550. Vested right attaches to real property; applicability of laws relating to public health, safety and welfare.

Section 6-29-1560. Establishing vested right in absence of local ordinances providing therefor; significant affirmative government acts.

Section 6-29-1610. Short title.

Section 6-29-1620. Legislative purpose.

Section 6-29-1625. Definitions.

Section 6-29-1630. Local planning department investigations, recommendations and findings; incorporation into official maps.

Section 6-29-1640. Application to former or closing military installations.