South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 29 - South Carolina Local Government Comprehensive Planning Enabling Act Of 1994
Section 6-29-1520. Definitions.

As used in this article:
(1) "Approved" or "approval" means a final action by the local governing body or an exhaustion of all administrative remedies that results in the authorization of a site specific development plan or a phased development plan.
(2) "Building permit" means a written warrant or license issued by a local building official that authorizes the construction or renovation of a building or structure at a specified location.
(3) "Conditionally approved" or "conditional approval" means an interim action taken by a local governing body that provides authorization for a site specific development plan or a phased development plan but is subject to approval.
(4) "Landowner" means an owner of a legal or equitable interest in real property including the heirs, devisees, successors, assigns, and personal representatives of the owner. "Landowner" may include a person holding a valid option to purchase real property pursuant to a contract with the owner to act as his agent or representative for purposes of submitting a proposed site specific development plan or a phased development plan pursuant to this article.
(5) "Local governing body" means: (a) the governing body of a county or municipality, or (b) a county or municipal body authorized by statute or by the governing body of the county or municipality to make land-use decisions.
(6) "Person" means an individual, corporation, business or land trust, estate, trust, partnership, association, two or more persons having a joint or common interest, or any legal entity as defined by South Carolina laws.
(7) "Phased development plan" means a development plan submitted to a local governing body by a landowner that shows the types and density or intensity of uses for a specific property or properties to be developed in phases, but which do not satisfy the requirements for a site specific development plan.
(8) "Real property" or "property" means all real property that is subject to the land use and development ordinances or regulations of a local governing body, and includes the earth, water, and air, above, below, or on the surface, and includes improvements or structures customarily regarded as a part of real property.
(9) "Site specific development plan" means a development plan submitted to a local governing body by a landowner describing with reasonable certainty the types and density or intensity of uses for a specific property or properties. The plan may be in the form of, but is not limited to, the following plans or approvals: planned unit development; subdivision plat; preliminary or general development plan; variance; conditional use or special use permit plan; conditional or special use district zoning plan; or other land-use approval designations as are used by a county or municipality.
(10) "Vested right" means the right to undertake and complete the development of property under the terms and conditions of a site specific development plan or a phased development plan as provided in this article and in the local land development ordinances or regulations adopted pursuant to this chapter.
HISTORY: 2004 Act No. 287, Section 2, eff July 1, 2005.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 6 - Local Government - Provisions Applicable to Special Purpose Districts and Other Political Subdivisions

Chapter 29 - South Carolina Local Government Comprehensive Planning Enabling Act Of 1994

Section 6-29-310. "Local planning commission" defined.

Section 6-29-320. Bodies authorized to create local planning commissions.

Section 6-29-330. Areas of jurisdiction; agreement for county planning commission to act as municipal planning commission.

Section 6-29-340. Functions, powers, and duties of local planning commissions.

Section 6-29-350. Membership; terms of office; compensation; qualifications.

Section 6-29-360. Organization of commission; meetings; procedural rules; records; purchases.

Section 6-29-370. Referral of matters to commission; reports.

Section 6-29-380. Funding of commissions; expenditures; contracts.

Section 6-29-510. Planning process; elements; comprehensive plan.

Section 6-29-520. Advisory committees; notice of meetings; recommendations by resolution; transmittal of recommended plan.

Section 6-29-530. Adoption of plan or elements; public hearing.

Section 6-29-540. Review of proposals following adoption of plan; projects in conflict with plan; exemption for utilities.

Section 6-29-710. Zoning ordinances; purposes.

Section 6-29-715. Church-related activities; zoning ordinances for single family residences.

Section 6-29-720. Zoning districts; matters regulated; uniformity; zoning techniques.

Section 6-29-730. Nonconformities.

Section 6-29-740. Planned development districts.

Section 6-29-750. Special development district parking facility plan; dedication.

Section 6-29-760. Procedure for enactment or amendment of zoning regulation or map; notice and rights of landowners; time limit on challenges.

Section 6-29-770. Governmental entities subject to zoning ordinances; exceptions.

Section 6-29-775. Use of property obtained from federal government.

Section 6-29-780. Board of zoning appeals; membership; terms of office; vacancies; compensation.

Section 6-29-790. Board of zoning appeals; officers; rules; meetings; notice; records.

Section 6-29-800. Powers of board of appeals; variances; special exceptions; remand; stay; hearing; decisions and orders.

Section 6-29-810. Contempt; penalty.

Section 6-29-820. Appeal from zoning board of appeals to circuit court; pre-litigation mediation; filing requirements.

Section 6-29-825. Pre-litigation mediation; notice; settlement approval; effect on real property; unsuccessful mediation.

Section 6-29-830. Notice of appeal; transcript; supersedeas.

Section 6-29-840. Determination of appeal; costs; trial by jury.

Section 6-29-850. Appeal to Supreme Court.

Section 6-29-860. Financing of board of zoning appeals.

Section 6-29-870. Board of architectural review; membership; officers; rules; meetings; records.

Section 6-29-880. Powers of board of architectural review.

Section 6-29-890. Appeal to board of architectural review.

Section 6-29-900. Appeal from board of architectural review to circuit court; pre-litigation mediation; filing requirements.

Section 6-29-910. Contempt; penalty.

Section 6-29-915. Pre-litigation mediation; notice; settlement approval; effect on real property; unsuccessful mediation.

Section 6-29-920. Notice of appeal; transcript; supersedeas.

Section 6-29-930. Determination of appeal; costs; trial by jury.

Section 6-29-940. Appeal to Supreme Court.

Section 6-29-950. Enforcement of zoning ordinances; remedies for violations.

Section 6-29-960. Conflict with other laws.

Section 6-29-1110. Definitions.

Section 6-29-1120. Legislative intent; purposes.

Section 6-29-1130. Regulations.

Section 6-29-1140. Development plan to comply with regulations; submission of unapproved plan for recording is a misdemeanor.

Section 6-29-1145. Determining existence of restrictive covenant; effect.

Section 6-29-1150. Submission of plan or plat to planning commission; record; appeal.

Section 6-29-1155. Pre-litigation mediation; notice; settlement approval; effect on real property; unsuccessful mediation.

Section 6-29-1160. Recording unapproved land development plan or plat; penalty; remedies.

Section 6-29-1170. Approval of plan or plat not acceptance of dedication of land.

Section 6-29-1180. Surety bond for completion of site improvements.

Section 6-29-1190. Transfer of title to follow approval and recording of development plan; violation is a misdemeanor.

Section 6-29-1200. Approval of street names required; violation is a misdemeanor; changing street name.

Section 6-29-1210. Land development plan not required to execute a deed.

Section 6-29-1310. Definitions.

Section 6-29-1320. Identification of persons covered by act; compliance schedule.

Section 6-29-1330. State Advisory Committee; creation; members; terms; duties; compensation; meetings; fees charged.

Section 6-29-1340. Educational requirements; time-frame for completion; subjects.

Section 6-29-1350. Exemption from educational requirements.

Section 6-29-1360. Certification.

Section 6-29-1370. Sponsorship and funding of programs; compliance and exemption; certification as public records.

Section 6-29-1380. Failure to complete training requirements; false documentation.

Section 6-29-1510. Citation of article.

Section 6-29-1520. Definitions.

Section 6-29-1530. Two-year vested right established on approval of site specific development plan; conforming ordinances and regulations; renewal.

Section 6-29-1540. Conditions and limitations.

Section 6-29-1550. Vested right attaches to real property; applicability of laws relating to public health, safety and welfare.

Section 6-29-1560. Establishing vested right in absence of local ordinances providing therefor; significant affirmative government acts.

Section 6-29-1610. Short title.

Section 6-29-1620. Legislative purpose.

Section 6-29-1625. Definitions.

Section 6-29-1630. Local planning department investigations, recommendations and findings; incorporation into official maps.

Section 6-29-1640. Application to former or closing military installations.