South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 23 - Motor Vehicle Carriers
Section 58-23-50. Chapter not applicable to transportation for certain purposes.

(A) Articles 1 to 11 of this chapter do not apply to:
(1) motor vehicles used exclusively for transporting persons to and from schools, Sunday Schools, churches, or religious services, or to or from picnics or upon special prearranged excursions;
(2) the United States mail carriers operating star routes, while engaged solely in carrying mail;
(3) farmers or dairymen hauling dairy or farm products;
(4) persons transporting agricultural livestock and poultry feeds, including ingredients;
(5) other persons engaged in hauling perishable products of the farm or dairy products for hire from the farm to the first market when sold in South Carolina;
(6) lumber haulers engaged in transporting lumber from the forest to shipping points in this State;
(7) haulers engaged in transporting logs, chips, or wood residues which are subject to the South Carolina Unmanufactured Forest Products Trucking Regulations which are promulgated and adopted by the Department of Public Safety's Transport Police Division;
(8) a vehicle engaged in hauling, towing, or transporting wrecked or damaged vehicles;
(9) vehicles used in ridesharing;
(10) single-source lessors of vehicles and drivers who lease the motor vehicles and drivers to uncertificated motor vehicle carriers that conduct transportation of property (other than used household goods) in furtherance of and within the scope of their nontransportation primary enterprises, when the period of the lease is for thirty days or more, the lessee maintains insurance coverage for the protection of the public, a copy of the lease is carried in the motor vehicle during the period of the lease, and there is displayed on both sides of the motor vehicle a placard identifying the lessee.
(B) For the purposes of this section, perishable products of the farm include hay and straw.
(C) Articles 1 to 11 of this chapter also do not apply to Transportation Network Companies and Transportation Network Company Drivers.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 58-1404; 1952 Code Section 58-1404; 1942 Code Section 8508; 1932 Code Section 8508; 1925 (34) 252; 1930 (36) 1327; 1956 (49) 2020; 1957 (50) 551; 1962 (52) 1911; 1978 Act No. 490, eff May 5, 1978; 1979 Act No. 152 Section 3, eff July 6, 1979; 1983 Act No. 138 Section 13, eff June 15, 1983; 1985 Act No. 112, Section 1, eff May 24, 1985; 1996 Act No. 425, Section 6, eff January 1, 1996; 2015 Act No. 88 (H.3525), Section 3, eff June 24, 2015.
Effect of Amendment
2015 Act No. 88, Section 3, added (C).

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 58 - Public Utilities, Services and Carriers

Chapter 23 - Motor Vehicle Carriers

Section 58-23-10. Definitions.

Section 58-23-20. Transportation by motor vehicle for compensation regulated.

Section 58-23-25. Public Service Commission's motor carrier regulatory authority, defined.

Section 58-23-30. "For compensation" defined.

Section 58-23-40. Certificate and fee requirements.

Section 58-23-50. Chapter not applicable to transportation for certain purposes.

Section 58-23-60. Chapter not applicable to business within certain areas.

Section 58-23-70. Chapter not applicable to occasional trip.

Section 58-23-80. Penalties.

Section 58-23-100. Transfer of property pending suit shall be invalid.

Section 58-23-110. Motor carrier transportation contracts; definition; hold harmless provisions; exception.

Section 58-23-210. Application for a certificate.

Section 58-23-220. Class A certificates.

Section 58-23-230. Class B certificates.

Section 58-23-240. Class C certificates.

Section 58-23-250. Class D certificates.

Section 58-23-260. Class E certificates.

Section 58-23-270. Class F certificates.

Section 58-23-280. Provisions governing class A and C certificates shall apply to D and E certificates.

Section 58-23-290. Partial A, B and D certificates.

Section 58-23-300. Repealed.

Section 58-23-310. Certain applicants granted certificates as matter of right.

Section 58-23-320. Suspension, revocation, alteration or amendment of certificates; appeal.

Section 58-23-330. Repealed.

Section 58-23-340. Alienation or lease of certificates issued after July 1, 1983.

Section 58-23-510. Applications for annual licenses.

Section 58-23-520. Information which shall be furnished in applications for class A and B certificates.

Section 58-23-530 to 58-23-550. Repealed.

Section 58-23-560. License fees for class A, B, or C certificate holders.

Section 58-23-570. Information which shall be furnished in application for class D certificate.

Section 58-23-590. Carriers of household goods and hazardous waste for disposal; fees.

Section 58-23-600. Time of payment of fees.

Section 58-23-610. Fees shall not be refunded for period when license not used; exception.

Section 58-23-620. Situations in which local fees may or may not be imposed.

Section 58-23-630. Distribution of license fees.

Section 58-23-910. Insurance, bond, or certificate of self-insurance required of certificate holders generally.

Section 58-23-920. Insurance required of owners of motor vehicles transporting goods for hire.

Section 58-23-930. Insurance not required of owners of certain motor vehicles subject to federal Surface Transportation Board.

Section 58-23-1010. General powers of commission.

Section 58-23-1020. Certain routes or schedules shall not be changed without permit from Commission.

Section 58-23-1030. Occasional detours; use of substitute or reserve vehicles in emergencies.

Section 58-23-1040. Carriers liable for baggage only when checked.

Section 58-23-1050. Certain statutory provisions not applicable to baggage.

Section 58-23-1060. Repealed.

Section 58-23-1070. Promulgation of rules and regulations as to vehicles for hire at resorts.

Section 58-23-1080. Special plates or markers for carriers.

Section 58-23-1090. Special markers for reserve or substitute passenger vehicles.

Section 58-23-1110. Definitions.

Section 58-23-1120. Compliance by motor carriers.

Section 58-23-1130. Rulemaking by Commission.

Section 58-23-1140. Exclusion of transporters of farm or forest products.

Section 58-23-1210. Licensing of taxis by governing body of a county or city.

Section 58-23-1215. Exception to meaning of operating a taxi.

Section 58-23-1220. Liability insurance.

Section 58-23-1230. Bond may be filed in lieu of insurance.

Section 58-23-1240. "Taxi" plate; certificate of insurance.

Section 58-23-1250. Name of owner and rates shall be posted in taxi.

Section 58-23-1260. Driver identification card shall be posted in taxi and copy furnished to police.

Section 58-23-1270. Qualifications of drivers.

Section 58-23-1280. Solicitation of passengers.

Section 58-23-1290. Vehicles shall answer calls in order received.

Section 58-23-1300. Occupancy of vehicle when answering call.

Section 58-23-1310. Drivers shall not take possession of baggage without consent of owner.

Section 58-23-1320. Use of taxi for prostitution or lewd act or transporting person to place for such purpose.

Section 58-23-1330. Taxi shall not transport persons with contagious disease.

Section 58-23-1340. Vehicles shall be kept clean.

Section 58-23-1350. Vehicles shall not be used for sleeping or certain other purposes.

Section 58-23-1360. Transfer of license upon replacement of vehicle.

Section 58-23-1370. Revocation of driver's license.

Section 58-23-1380. Surrender of taxi license when insurance or bond cancelled.

Section 58-23-1390. Revocation of taxi license.

Section 58-23-1400. Fee for reinstatement of insurance or bond.

Section 58-23-1410. Penalties.

Section 58-23-1610. Definitions.

Section 58-23-1620. Compliance with article before operation as TNC; application; issuance of TNC permit; request for contested case.

Section 58-23-1625. Exclusion of insurance coverage while driver logged on digital network or providing prearranged ride; claims coverage investigation.

Section 58-23-1630. Primary automobile insurance; proof of coverage.

Section 58-23-1635. Insurance disclosure.

Section 58-23-1640. Safety inspection of TNC vehicle; display of license plate number; violations; penalties.

Section 58-23-1650. Driver qualification requirements; documentation; inspections of records; disclosures.

Section 58-23-1660. Standards.

Section 58-23-1670. Records and documentation; information requests; confidentiality of information.

Section 58-23-1680. Enforcement of article; penalties; revocation of permit; request for contested case; investigations.

Section 58-23-1690. Fees.

Section 58-23-1700. Local assessment fee; records; confidentiality of information; GIS file available for public use.

Section 58-23-1710. Law governing TNC's and TNC drivers.

Section 58-23-1720. Construction with federal law.

Section 58-23-1810. Short title.

Section 58-23-1820. Definitions.

Section 58-23-1830. General prohibitions; persons who may be refused transportation; violations and penalties.