South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 23 - Motor Vehicle Carriers
Section 58-23-1050. Certain statutory provisions not applicable to baggage.

The provisions of Articles 1 to 11 of this chapter as to motor vehicles carrying property shall not apply to the baggage of passengers transported by holders of certificates A, B or C.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 58-1465; 1952 Code Section 58-1465; 1942 Code Section 8512; 1932 Code Section 8512; 1925 (34) 252; 1930 (36) 1068; 1938 (40) 1915.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 58 - Public Utilities, Services and Carriers

Chapter 23 - Motor Vehicle Carriers

Section 58-23-10. Definitions.

Section 58-23-20. Transportation by motor vehicle for compensation regulated.

Section 58-23-25. Public Service Commission's motor carrier regulatory authority, defined.

Section 58-23-30. "For compensation" defined.

Section 58-23-40. Certificate and fee requirements.

Section 58-23-50. Chapter not applicable to transportation for certain purposes.

Section 58-23-60. Chapter not applicable to business within certain areas.

Section 58-23-70. Chapter not applicable to occasional trip.

Section 58-23-80. Penalties.

Section 58-23-100. Transfer of property pending suit shall be invalid.

Section 58-23-110. Motor carrier transportation contracts; definition; hold harmless provisions; exception.

Section 58-23-210. Application for a certificate.

Section 58-23-220. Class A certificates.

Section 58-23-230. Class B certificates.

Section 58-23-240. Class C certificates.

Section 58-23-250. Class D certificates.

Section 58-23-260. Class E certificates.

Section 58-23-270. Class F certificates.

Section 58-23-280. Provisions governing class A and C certificates shall apply to D and E certificates.

Section 58-23-290. Partial A, B and D certificates.

Section 58-23-300. Repealed.

Section 58-23-310. Certain applicants granted certificates as matter of right.

Section 58-23-320. Suspension, revocation, alteration or amendment of certificates; appeal.

Section 58-23-330. Repealed.

Section 58-23-340. Alienation or lease of certificates issued after July 1, 1983.

Section 58-23-510. Applications for annual licenses.

Section 58-23-520. Information which shall be furnished in applications for class A and B certificates.

Section 58-23-530 to 58-23-550. Repealed.

Section 58-23-560. License fees for class A, B, or C certificate holders.

Section 58-23-570. Information which shall be furnished in application for class D certificate.

Section 58-23-590. Carriers of household goods and hazardous waste for disposal; fees.

Section 58-23-600. Time of payment of fees.

Section 58-23-610. Fees shall not be refunded for period when license not used; exception.

Section 58-23-620. Situations in which local fees may or may not be imposed.

Section 58-23-630. Distribution of license fees.

Section 58-23-910. Insurance, bond, or certificate of self-insurance required of certificate holders generally.

Section 58-23-920. Insurance required of owners of motor vehicles transporting goods for hire.

Section 58-23-930. Insurance not required of owners of certain motor vehicles subject to federal Surface Transportation Board.

Section 58-23-1010. General powers of commission.

Section 58-23-1020. Certain routes or schedules shall not be changed without permit from Commission.

Section 58-23-1030. Occasional detours; use of substitute or reserve vehicles in emergencies.

Section 58-23-1040. Carriers liable for baggage only when checked.

Section 58-23-1050. Certain statutory provisions not applicable to baggage.

Section 58-23-1060. Repealed.

Section 58-23-1070. Promulgation of rules and regulations as to vehicles for hire at resorts.

Section 58-23-1080. Special plates or markers for carriers.

Section 58-23-1090. Special markers for reserve or substitute passenger vehicles.

Section 58-23-1110. Definitions.

Section 58-23-1120. Compliance by motor carriers.

Section 58-23-1130. Rulemaking by Commission.

Section 58-23-1140. Exclusion of transporters of farm or forest products.

Section 58-23-1210. Licensing of taxis by governing body of a county or city.

Section 58-23-1215. Exception to meaning of operating a taxi.

Section 58-23-1220. Liability insurance.

Section 58-23-1230. Bond may be filed in lieu of insurance.

Section 58-23-1240. "Taxi" plate; certificate of insurance.

Section 58-23-1250. Name of owner and rates shall be posted in taxi.

Section 58-23-1260. Driver identification card shall be posted in taxi and copy furnished to police.

Section 58-23-1270. Qualifications of drivers.

Section 58-23-1280. Solicitation of passengers.

Section 58-23-1290. Vehicles shall answer calls in order received.

Section 58-23-1300. Occupancy of vehicle when answering call.

Section 58-23-1310. Drivers shall not take possession of baggage without consent of owner.

Section 58-23-1320. Use of taxi for prostitution or lewd act or transporting person to place for such purpose.

Section 58-23-1330. Taxi shall not transport persons with contagious disease.

Section 58-23-1340. Vehicles shall be kept clean.

Section 58-23-1350. Vehicles shall not be used for sleeping or certain other purposes.

Section 58-23-1360. Transfer of license upon replacement of vehicle.

Section 58-23-1370. Revocation of driver's license.

Section 58-23-1380. Surrender of taxi license when insurance or bond cancelled.

Section 58-23-1390. Revocation of taxi license.

Section 58-23-1400. Fee for reinstatement of insurance or bond.

Section 58-23-1410. Penalties.

Section 58-23-1610. Definitions.

Section 58-23-1620. Compliance with article before operation as TNC; application; issuance of TNC permit; request for contested case.

Section 58-23-1625. Exclusion of insurance coverage while driver logged on digital network or providing prearranged ride; claims coverage investigation.

Section 58-23-1630. Primary automobile insurance; proof of coverage.

Section 58-23-1635. Insurance disclosure.

Section 58-23-1640. Safety inspection of TNC vehicle; display of license plate number; violations; penalties.

Section 58-23-1650. Driver qualification requirements; documentation; inspections of records; disclosures.

Section 58-23-1660. Standards.

Section 58-23-1670. Records and documentation; information requests; confidentiality of information.

Section 58-23-1680. Enforcement of article; penalties; revocation of permit; request for contested case; investigations.

Section 58-23-1690. Fees.

Section 58-23-1700. Local assessment fee; records; confidentiality of information; GIS file available for public use.

Section 58-23-1710. Law governing TNC's and TNC drivers.

Section 58-23-1720. Construction with federal law.

Section 58-23-1810. Short title.

Section 58-23-1820. Definitions.

Section 58-23-1830. General prohibitions; persons who may be refused transportation; violations and penalties.