When a subscriber notifies the cable or video service provider that he wishes to block video and audio and one or more blocked channels are transmitted due to equipment failure of the cable or video service provider, the cable or video service provider that uses digital transmission technology to deliver cable or video programming must immediately block the channels. When a subscriber notifies the cable or video service provider that he wishes to block video and audio and one or more blocked channels are transmitted due to equipment failure of the cable or video service provider, the cable or video service provider that uses analog transmission technology to deliver cable or video programming must block the channel within forty-eight hours after the subscriber notifies the cable or video service provider of the failed blocking. The time frames stated herein shall not apply if the cable or video service provider is unable to comply with them due to circumstances beyond the cable or video service provider's control.
HISTORY: 2008 Act No. 182, Section 2, eff upon approval (became law without the Governor's signature on February 28, 2008).
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 58 - Public Utilities, Services and Carriers
Section 58-12-5. Purpose; findings and preemption as to cable and video service.
Section 58-12-10. Installation of cable over or beneath public lands, highways, roads or waters.
Section 58-12-30. Franchising by counties and municipalities.
Section 58-12-50. Penalties for violations; persons who may bring suit.
Section 58-12-60. Damage to private property.
Section 58-12-70. Underground installations on private property; consent required.
Section 58-12-80. Fees payable by companies receiving benefits of grandfather clauses.
Section 58-12-90. Channel to be made available to Educational Television Commission.
Section 58-12-100. Companies to maintain complaint service.
Section 58-12-110. Televising of athletic events.
Section 58-12-120. Cable television company and cable television system defined.
Section 58-12-300. Definitions.
Section 58-12-310. Application for certificate; procedure.
Section 58-12-320. Predecessor and successor entities.
Section 58-12-330. Payments to municipalities and counties.
Section 58-12-360. Customer service requirements.
Section 58-12-380. Denial of access to service based on income in service area; filing of complaint.
Section 58-12-390. Order to cure noncompliance.
Section 58-12-395. County emergency preparedness and alert system responsibilities.
Section 58-12-400. Applicability of Article 2; educational television.