South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 12 - Cable Television
Section 58-12-380. Denial of access to service based on income in service area; filing of complaint.

(A) A cable or video service provider that has been granted a state-issued certificate of franchise authority may not deny access to service to any group of potential residential subscribers because of the income of the residents in the local area in which the group resides.
(B) For purposes of determining whether a holder of a state-issued certificate of franchise authority has violated Section 58-12-380(A), cost, density, distance, and technological or commercial limitations must be taken into account, and the holder of the state-issued certificate shall have a reasonable time to deploy its service. Use of alternative technologies that provide different or comparable content, service, and functionality may not be considered a violation of this section. The inability to serve a potential residential subscriber because a holder of a state-issued certificate of franchise authority is prohibited from placing its own facilities in a building or property may not be found to be a violation of this section. This section may not be construed as authorizing any build-out requirements on a holder of a state-issued certificate of franchise authority.
(C) Any potential residential subscriber or group of residential subscribers within a municipality or county described pursuant to Section 58-12-310(B)(2) who believe they are being denied access to services in violation of subsection (A) may file a complaint with the Secretary of State, along with a clear statement of the facts and the information supporting the complaint. At the request of the potential residential subscriber or group of residential subscribers, the parties shall participate in mediation governed by procedures established in the South Carolina Circuit Court Alternative Dispute Resolution Rules that are in effect at the time for the State or for any portion of the State. If requested by the Secretary of State, the Attorney General must investigate the allegations contained in a complaint filed pursuant to this section, assist the Secretary of State in the preparation of a written determination required by this section, and represent the Secretary of State in any proceeding instituted pursuant to this section. Upon receipt of any such complaint, the Secretary of State or the Attorney General acting on behalf of the Secretary of State shall serve a copy of the complaint and supporting materials upon the subject cable or video service provider, which shall have sixty days after receipt of such information to submit a written answer and any other relevant information the provider wishes to submit to the Secretary of State in response to the complaint. If, after investigation of the allegations contained in the complaint, the Secretary of State determines based on the information submitted or gathered pursuant to such process that a material violation of subsection (A) has occurred, the Secretary of State or the Attorney General acting on behalf of the Secretary of State shall issue a written determination setting forth the basis for such findings and giving the cable or video service provider a reasonable time to cure such violation. If the cable or video service provider fails to cure the violation within the time permitted in the written determination, the Secretary of State may seek enforcement of the terms of the written determination in the circuit courts of this State or in any federal court of competent jurisdiction. A cable or video service provider that is found by the Secretary of State to be in violation of subsection (A) may challenge that determination in the circuit courts of this State or in any federal court of competent jurisdiction.
(D) The Secretary of State must not withhold or deny an application for franchise authority due to an alleged violation of subsection (A).
HISTORY: 2006 Act No. 288, Section 4, eff May 23, 2006; 2007 Act No. 8, Section 2, eff March 30, 2007.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 58 - Public Utilities, Services and Carriers

Chapter 12 - Cable Television

Section 58-12-5. Purpose; findings and preemption as to cable and video service.

Section 58-12-10. Installation of cable over or beneath public lands, highways, roads or waters.

Section 58-12-20. Interference with maintenance of public lands, highways, roads or waters; damage to roads or highways.

Section 58-12-30. Franchising by counties and municipalities.

Section 58-12-40. Easements or rights-of-way to contain provision contemplating use by cable television companies.

Section 58-12-50. Penalties for violations; persons who may bring suit.

Section 58-12-60. Damage to private property.

Section 58-12-70. Underground installations on private property; consent required.

Section 58-12-80. Fees payable by companies receiving benefits of grandfather clauses.

Section 58-12-90. Channel to be made available to Educational Television Commission.

Section 58-12-100. Companies to maintain complaint service.

Section 58-12-110. Televising of athletic events.

Section 58-12-120. Cable television company and cable television system defined.

Section 58-12-130. Fee for right-of-way usage; availability of channel to Educational Television Commission; issuance of continuing permits; enforcement.

Section 58-12-300. Definitions.

Section 58-12-310. Application for certificate; procedure.

Section 58-12-320. Predecessor and successor entities.

Section 58-12-325. Transfer from county or municipality issued franchise authority to state issued franchise authority.

Section 58-12-330. Payments to municipalities and counties.

Section 58-12-340. Review of cable or video service provider's business records by municipality or county.

Section 58-12-350. Imposition of cable system or video service network construction or cable or video service deployment build-out requirements.

Section 58-12-360. Customer service requirements.

Section 58-12-370. Public, educational, and governmental (PEG) access channels; utilization requirements; interconnection with incumbent cable provider.

Section 58-12-380. Denial of access to service based on income in service area; filing of complaint.

Section 58-12-390. Order to cure noncompliance.

Section 58-12-395. County emergency preparedness and alert system responsibilities.

Section 58-12-400. Applicability of Article 2; educational television.

Section 58-12-500. Blocking programs not subscribed to upon request; notice; delivery of channels on promotional basis.

Section 58-12-510. Transmission of blocked channel due to equipment failure; time frame for blocking upon notification.