South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 25 - Outdoor Advertising
Section 57-25-610. Definitions.

As used in this article:
(a) "The Highway" means the John C. Calhoun Memorial Highway.
(b) "Sign" or "outdoor advertising sign" means any outdoor sign, display, device, figure, painting, drawing, message, plaque, poster, billboard, or other thing which is designed, intended or used to advertise or inform, any part of the advertising or informative contents of which is visible from any place on the main-traveled way of the highway.
(c) "Unzoned commercial or industrial area" means the lands occupied by the regularly used buildings, parking lots, storage or processing areas of at least one distinct commercial or industrial activity, and those lands lying along the highway for a distance of seven hundred and fifty feet immediately adjacent to the outermost or end activity. All measurements shall be from the outer edges of the regularly used buildings, parking lots, storage or processing areas of the activities, not from the property line of the activities, and shall be measured parallel to the edge of the highway pavement. An unzoned area, as defined herein, shall not include land predominantly used for residential properties, and land zoned by the State or local law, regulations or ordinance.
(d) "Commercial or industrial activities" means those established activities generally recognized as commercial or industrial by zoning authorities within the area affected by this article, except that none of the following shall be considered commercial or industrial activities:
(1) Outdoor advertising structures.
(2) Agricultural, forestry, ranching, grazing, farming, wayside produce stands and related activities.
(3) Activities conducted in a building principally used as a residence.
(4) Railroad tracks and minor sidings.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 33-595.22; 1969 (56) 362.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 57 - Highways, Bridges and Ferries

Chapter 25 - Outdoor Advertising

Section 57-25-10. Unlawful to display, place, or affix posters within right-of-way.

Section 57-25-15. Highway signs.

Section 57-25-20. Obscene or indecent billboards prohibited.

Section 57-25-30. Erection of bus shelters; location; permit requirement; fee.

Section 57-25-40. Commercial advertisement benches; application by regional transit authority or public transit operator to install.

Section 57-25-110. Short title.

Section 57-25-120. Definitions.

Section 57-25-130. Declaration of purpose.

Section 57-25-140. Signs permitted along interstate or federal-aid primary highways; customary use exception; removal of vegetation from right-of-ways.

Section 57-25-145. Outdoor advertising signs for adult or sexually-oriented business; location restriction; continuation as nonconforming use; penalties.

Section 57-25-150. Permits for erection and maintenance of signs; fees.

Section 57-25-155. Issuance of permits for existing signs; department not authorized to require removal of conforming signs.

Section 57-25-160. Erection and maintenance of illegal advertising device.

Section 57-25-170. Information signs on highway right-of-way.

Section 57-25-180. Advertising devices violating article declared illegal; removal; just compensation for existing devices; right of entry for purpose of removal.

Section 57-25-185. Department to promulgate regulations.

Section 57-25-190. Compensation for removal of signs; relocation of signs affected by highway projects.

Section 57-25-195. Department to confer with Federal Highway Administration; submission of plan to Administration; consultation with interested parties.

Section 57-25-200. Agreements with other authorities as to control of advertising in areas adjacent to interstate and primary highway systems.

Section 57-25-210. Expenditures for removal dependent upon availability of federal funds and agreement with Secretary of Transportation.

Section 57-25-220. Rule of construction.

Section 57-25-410. Definitions.

Section 57-25-420. Information required on signs.

Section 57-25-430. Permitted outdoor advertising signs.

Section 57-25-440. Permits for erection and maintenance of signs.

Section 57-25-450. Erection and maintenance of illegal advertising device.

Section 57-25-460. Advertising devices violating article declared public nuisances; removal; right of entry for purpose of removal.

Section 57-25-470. Compensation for removal of signs.

Section 57-25-480. Information signs within right-of-way.

Section 57-25-490. Agencies shall cooperate with Department of Transportation.

Section 57-25-500. Rule of construction.

Section 57-25-610. Definitions.

Section 57-25-620. Portion of United States Highway No. 123 designated as John C. Calhoun Memorial Highway.

Section 57-25-630. Information required on signs.

Section 57-25-640. Permitted outdoor advertising signs.

Section 57-25-650. Permits for erection and maintenance of signs.

Section 57-25-660. Erection and maintenance of illegal advertising device.

Section 57-25-670. Advertising devices violating article declared public nuisances; removal; right of entry for purpose of removal.

Section 57-25-680. Compensation for removal of signs.

Section 57-25-690. Information signs within right-of-way.

Section 57-25-700. Markers; agencies shall cooperate with Department of Transportation.

Section 57-25-710. Rule of construction.

Section 57-25-800. Definitions.

Section 57-25-810. Creation of program to provide directional signs leading to tourism and agritourism facilities; regulations.

Section 57-25-820. Department of Transportation responsibility for signs; coordination with other departments; criteria for selection of qualified agritourism facilities; approval of applications for signs.

Section 57-25-830. Submission of application; costs, installation, and maintenance of signs.