South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 25 - Outdoor Advertising
Section 57-25-120. Definitions.

As used in this article:
(1) "Interstate system" means that portion of the national system of interstate and defense highways located within this State officially designated now or in the future by the Department of Transportation and approved by the appropriate office of the United States Government pursuant to the provisions of Title 23, United States Code, "Highways".
(2) "Federal-aid primary system" means that portion of connected main highways which officially are designated as the federal-aid primary highway system now or in the future by the Department of Transportation and approved by the appropriate office of the United States Government pursuant to the provisions of Title 23, United States Code, "Highways".
(3) "Sign" or "outdoor advertising sign" means an outdoor sign, display, device, figure, painting, drawing, message, plaque, poster, billboard, or other thing which is designed, intended, or used to advertise or inform, or any part of the advertising or its informative contents.
(4) An "unzoned commercial or industrial area" does not include land established as a scenic area pursuant to Section 57-25-140(D)(4) or land zoned by a subdivision of government. An unzoned commercial, business, or industrial area means the land occupied by the regularly used building, parking lot, and storage and processing area of a commercial, business, or industrial activity and land within six hundred feet of it on both sides of the highway. The unzoned land does not include:
(a) land on the opposite side of an interstate or freeway primary federal-aid highway;
(b) land predominantly used for residential purposes;
(c) land zoned by state or local law, regulation, or ordinance except land which is zoned in a manner which allows essentially unrestricted development or where regulation of size, spacing, and lighting of signs is unrestricted or less restrictive than the restrictions imposed by Section 57-25-140;
(d) land on the opposite side of a nonfreeway primary highway which is designated scenic by the commission.
(5) "Commercial or industrial activities" means those established activities generally recognized as commercial or industrial by zoning authorities within the State, except that none of the following are considered commercial or industrial activities:
(a) outdoor advertising structures;
(b) agriculture, forestry, ranching, grazing, farming, wayside produce stands, quarries, and borrow pits;
(c) activities conducted in a building principally used as a residence;
(d) hospitals, nursing homes, or long-term care facilities;
(e) transient or temporary activities;
(f) activities not visible from the main-traveled way;
(g) activities more than six hundred sixty feet from the nearest edge of the right-of-way of interstate and freeway primary federal-aid highways or more than three hundred feet from the nearest edge of the right-of-way of nonfreeway primary federal-aid highways;
(h) railroad tracks and minor sidings;
(i) sham, prohibited, or illegal activities;
(j) junkyards;
(k) schools, churches, or cemeteries;
(l) recreational facilities.
(6) "Freeway primary federal-aid highway" means a divided arterial highway for through traffic with full control of access built to the same standards as to access as an interstate highway, which is officially designated now or in the future as a part of the federal-aid primary system.
(7) "Adult business" means a nightclub, bar, restaurant, or another similar establishment in which a person appears in a state of sexually explicit nudity, as defined in Section 16-15-375, or semi-nudity, in the performance of their duties.
(8) "Semi-nudity" means a state of dress in which opaque clothing fails to cover the genitals, anus, anal cleft or cleavage, pubic area, vulva, nipple and areola of the female breast below a horizontal line across the top of the areola at its highest point. Semi-nudity includes the entire lower portion of the female breast, but does not include any portion of the cleavage of the human female breast exhibited by wearing clothing provided the areola is not exposed in whole or in part.
(9) "Sexually-oriented business" means a business offering its patrons goods of which a substantial portion are sexually-oriented materials. A business in which more than ten percent of the display space is used for sexually-oriented materials is presumed to be a sexually-oriented business.
(10) "Sexually-oriented materials" means textual, pictorial, or three-dimensional material that depicts nudity, sexual conduct, sexual enticement, or sadomasochistic abuse in a way that is patently offensive to the average person applying contemporary adult community standards with respect to what is suitable for minors. Sexually-oriented materials include obscene materials as defined in Section 16-15-305(B).
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 33-591.1; 1971 (57) 2061; 1975 (59) 596; 1990 Act No. 519, Section 1; 1993 Act No. 181, Section 1530; 2006 Act No. 235, Section 3.B, eff February 22, 2006.

Editor's Note
2006 Act No. 235, Section 6, provides as follows:
"This act takes effect upon approval by the Governor. Nothing in this act preempts or otherwise alters, modifies, applies to, or effects relocation or removal of any off-premises outdoor advertising signs pursuant to an ordinance or regulation enacted by a local governing body prior to April 14, 2005. It is the intent of the General Assembly that nothing in this act may be construed to require the payment of monetary compensation for any off-premises outdoor advertising signs relocated or removed pursuant to an ordinance enacted before the effective date of this act unless the ordinance otherwise requires the payment of monetary compensation."

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 57 - Highways, Bridges and Ferries

Chapter 25 - Outdoor Advertising

Section 57-25-10. Unlawful to display, place, or affix posters within right-of-way.

Section 57-25-15. Highway signs.

Section 57-25-20. Obscene or indecent billboards prohibited.

Section 57-25-30. Erection of bus shelters; location; permit requirement; fee.

Section 57-25-40. Commercial advertisement benches; application by regional transit authority or public transit operator to install.

Section 57-25-110. Short title.

Section 57-25-120. Definitions.

Section 57-25-130. Declaration of purpose.

Section 57-25-140. Signs permitted along interstate or federal-aid primary highways; customary use exception; removal of vegetation from right-of-ways.

Section 57-25-145. Outdoor advertising signs for adult or sexually-oriented business; location restriction; continuation as nonconforming use; penalties.

Section 57-25-150. Permits for erection and maintenance of signs; fees.

Section 57-25-155. Issuance of permits for existing signs; department not authorized to require removal of conforming signs.

Section 57-25-160. Erection and maintenance of illegal advertising device.

Section 57-25-170. Information signs on highway right-of-way.

Section 57-25-180. Advertising devices violating article declared illegal; removal; just compensation for existing devices; right of entry for purpose of removal.

Section 57-25-185. Department to promulgate regulations.

Section 57-25-190. Compensation for removal of signs; relocation of signs affected by highway projects.

Section 57-25-195. Department to confer with Federal Highway Administration; submission of plan to Administration; consultation with interested parties.

Section 57-25-200. Agreements with other authorities as to control of advertising in areas adjacent to interstate and primary highway systems.

Section 57-25-210. Expenditures for removal dependent upon availability of federal funds and agreement with Secretary of Transportation.

Section 57-25-220. Rule of construction.

Section 57-25-410. Definitions.

Section 57-25-420. Information required on signs.

Section 57-25-430. Permitted outdoor advertising signs.

Section 57-25-440. Permits for erection and maintenance of signs.

Section 57-25-450. Erection and maintenance of illegal advertising device.

Section 57-25-460. Advertising devices violating article declared public nuisances; removal; right of entry for purpose of removal.

Section 57-25-470. Compensation for removal of signs.

Section 57-25-480. Information signs within right-of-way.

Section 57-25-490. Agencies shall cooperate with Department of Transportation.

Section 57-25-500. Rule of construction.

Section 57-25-610. Definitions.

Section 57-25-620. Portion of United States Highway No. 123 designated as John C. Calhoun Memorial Highway.

Section 57-25-630. Information required on signs.

Section 57-25-640. Permitted outdoor advertising signs.

Section 57-25-650. Permits for erection and maintenance of signs.

Section 57-25-660. Erection and maintenance of illegal advertising device.

Section 57-25-670. Advertising devices violating article declared public nuisances; removal; right of entry for purpose of removal.

Section 57-25-680. Compensation for removal of signs.

Section 57-25-690. Information signs within right-of-way.

Section 57-25-700. Markers; agencies shall cooperate with Department of Transportation.

Section 57-25-710. Rule of construction.

Section 57-25-800. Definitions.

Section 57-25-810. Creation of program to provide directional signs leading to tourism and agritourism facilities; regulations.

Section 57-25-820. Department of Transportation responsibility for signs; coordination with other departments; criteria for selection of qualified agritourism facilities; approval of applications for signs.

Section 57-25-830. Submission of application; costs, installation, and maintenance of signs.