It is unlawful for any person knowingly to obtain or to attempt to obtain a saltwater fishery product taken, produced, cultured, or sold unlawfully.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 28-172; 1952 Code Section 28-172; 1942 Code Section 3328; 1932 Code Section 3328; 1924 (33) 1016; 1952 (47) 2890; 1993 Act No. 181, Section 1259; 2000 Act No. 245, Section 1.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 50 - Fish, Game and Watercraft
Chapter 5 - Marine Resources Act
Section 50-5-10. Citation of chapter.
Section 50-5-17. Flounder Population Study Program.
Section 50-5-20. Jurisdiction of Department of Natural Resources.
Section 50-5-25. Powers and duties; deposit of revenues.
Section 50-5-30. Promulgation of regulations; civil offenses; penalties; suspension of permit.
Section 50-5-40. Unauthorized tagging or marking and releasing of saltwater fish; penalty.
Section 50-5-50. Prosecutions for violations of chapter.
Section 50-5-60. Conspiracy to violate provision of chapter.
Section 50-5-65. Seizure and disposition of contraband; separate offense defined.
Section 50-5-70. Sale of confiscated device; redemption by owner.
Section 50-5-75. Common areas for taking of fish.
Section 50-5-80. Dividing line between salt and fresh water on rivers.
Section 50-5-85. General Trawling Zone; subzones.
Section 50-5-95. Unlawful taking of saltwater fish; penalty.
Section 50-5-100. Knowingly obtaining saltwater fishery product taken or sold unlawfully.
Section 50-5-105. Unlawful activities affecting others; penalty.
Section 50-5-110. Use of poison, explosive, or bang stick to take marine resources; penalty.
Section 50-5-115. Responsibility for determining location of commercial fishing vessel.
Section 50-5-125. Use of vessel within 300 feet of public fishing pier; penalty.
Section 50-5-305. Requirements for obtaining resident license; penalty.
Section 50-5-310. Commercial saltwater fishing license for nonresidents; fee; striker exception.
Section 50-5-315. Saltwater fishing without a license prohibited; penalty.
Section 50-5-320. State Shellfish Ground licenses; fees.
Section 50-5-335. Channel net licenses; restrictions.
Section 50-5-345. Commercial license a condition of permit; exceptions; revocation.
Section 50-5-355. Bait dealer licenses; fees; inspections; penalties.
Section 50-5-367. Sale, offer, or purchase of shrimp taken over bait; penalty.
Section 50-5-375. Records of wholesale seafood dealers; inspection by department; penalties.
Section 50-5-385. Expiration of licenses and permits.
Section 50-5-390. Denial of or limitations on nonresident licenses.
Section 50-5-500. Use of nets; penalties.
Section 50-5-505. Net use requirements and restrictions; mariculture impoundment net use permit.
Section 50-5-520. Channel net violations; forfeiture of license; seizure of equipment.
Section 50-5-525. Unlawful deployment of net; penalty.
Section 50-5-540. Use of seine or gill net in state park; shrimp net exception.
Section 50-5-545. Commercial blue crab traps; escape vent requirements; peeler trap exemption.
Section 50-5-560. Blue crab traps on Cooper River.
Section 50-5-565. Time restrictions for placement of commercial traps.
Section 50-5-570. Use of live bait on lines with more than three hooks.
Section 50-5-580. Gigging for fish in saltwaters of Georgetown County.
Section 50-5-581. Gigging for flounder.
Section 50-5-700. Trawling prohibited.
Section 50-5-705. Trawling Zone established.
Section 50-5-715. Trawling restriction areas within General Trawling Zone.
Section 50-5-720. Disposal of trawl bycatch; penalty.
Section 50-5-725. Trawling waters description references.
Section 50-5-730. Trawling near public fishing pier; penalty.
Section 50-5-735. Night trawling; finfish exception.
Section 50-5-745. Blue crab taken by legal shrimp trawlers.
Section 50-5-750. Crab trawling equipment restrictions; penalty.
Section 50-5-760. Illegal trawling.
Section 50-5-765. Use of turtle excluder devices; penalty.
Section 50-5-770. Shrimp trawl requirements; penalties.
Section 50-5-900. Commercial shellfish culture or mariculture permits; term.
Section 50-5-905. Permit applications; fee.
Section 50-5-920. Mitigation of adverse impacts on shellfish bottoms and waters.
Section 50-5-925. Publication of notice of application.
Section 50-5-935. Fees; late payment penalty.
Section 50-5-945. Permit to take shellfish for replanting or use in mariculture; conditions.
Section 50-5-950. Specification of other terms and conditions.
Section 50-5-960. Rules governing recreational shellfish bottom harvests.
Section 50-5-970. Mechanical harvest permits; penalties.
Section 50-5-980. Erection and maintenance of signs; penalty.
Section 50-5-995. Shellfish mariculture operation permits.
Section 50-5-997. Shellfish mariculture permittees; out-of-season harvest permits.
Section 50-5-1005. Shellfish importation permits; conditions; penalties.
Section 50-5-1015. Unlawful removal of shell; penalty.
Section 50-5-1100. Lawful and unlawful taking of shrimp; penalties.
Section 50-5-1102. Persons who may not obtain or hold shrimp baiting license; penalty.
Section 50-5-1105. Catch limits; bait dealer taking and possession requirements; penalties.
Section 50-5-1110. Mesh size and stretch measure for shrimp cast nets.
Section 50-5-1300. Taking of sponge crabs prohibited; import permits; penalties.
Section 50-5-1305. Blue crabs; commercial taking at night prohibited; penalties.
Section 50-5-1310. Size limitations for blue crabs; peeler crab and clam mariculture exceptions.
Section 50-5-1315. Importation of undersize blue crabs; penalties.
Section 50-5-1320. Identification of vessels taking blue crabs by trap; buoy colors; penalty.
Section 50-5-1325. Stone crabs; claw size, removal and sale limitations; penalty.
Section 50-5-1330. Horseshoe crab permits, taking and handling requirements; penalty.
Section 50-5-1335. Use of blue crab traps in certain locations.
Section 50-5-1340. Repealed by 2012 Act No. 7, Section 12, March 22, 2013.
Section 50-5-1500. Regulation of devices for taking shad, herring, or eels.
Section 50-5-1505. Taking of shad, herring, or sturgeon.
Section 50-5-1510. Special provisions as to shad and herring.
Section 50-5-1515. Shad hook and line catch limits.
Section 50-5-1520. Herring catch limits.
Section 50-5-1525. Unlawful taking of Atlantic sturgeon; penalties.
Section 50-5-1530. Receiving Atlantic sturgeon; record keeping requirements; penalties.
Section 50-5-1535. Taking of shortnose sturgeon prohibited; penalty.
Section 50-5-1540. Net placement.
Section 50-5-1545. Removal of nets during off times and periods; penalties.
Section 50-5-1550. Seizure of net or seine containing decomposed fish.
Section 50-5-1555. Commercial eel taking permits; conditions; penalty.
Section 50-5-1556. Striped bass.
Section 50-5-1557. Shad, herring, or eel sale requirements.
Section 50-5-1705. Catch limits.
Section 50-5-1707. Repealed by 2009 Act No. 47, Section 1, eff June 2, 2009.
Section 50-5-1710. Size limits.
Section 50-5-1711. Repealed by 2007, Act No. 85, Section 4, eff June 15, 2007.
Section 50-5-1713. Cobia limits established.
Section 50-5-1900. Article title.
Section 50-5-1905, 50-5-1910. Repealed by 2009 Act No. 15, Section 10, eff July 1, 2009.
Section 50-5-1915. Charter fishing vessel and public pier logs; penalties.
Section 50-5-1920, 50-5-1925. Repealed by 2009 Act No. 15, Section 10, eff July 1, 2009.
Section 50-5-1935. Commemorative stamps authorized.
Section 50-5-1940. Creation and design of stamps, licenses, prints, and related articles.
Section 50-5-1945. Repealed by 2009 Act No. 15, Section 10, eff July 1, 2009.
Section 50-5-2017. Repealed by 2010 Act No. 140, Section 3, eff March 31, 2010.
Section 50-5-2100. Mariculture permits; penalty for failure to acquire.
Section 50-5-2300. Taking and possessing diamond-backed terrapins; penalty.
Section 50-5-2305. Permit to remove live wild rock; penalty.
Section 50-5-2310. Display of dolphins and whales prohibited; penalty.
Section 50-5-2500. Point values for suspension of saltwater privileges; relation to other penalties.
Section 50-5-2505. Point system administration.
Section 50-5-2510. Suspension of saltwater privileges for accumulation of points.
Section 50-5-2515. Notice of suspension; request for review.
Section 50-5-2517. Mammalian dolphin or porpoise; prohibited activities; penalty.
Section 50-5-2525. Points cleared when suspension expires; concurrent running of suspensions.
Section 50-5-2530. Administering of article.
Section 50-5-2535. Engaging in prohibited activities while under suspension; penalties.
Section 50-5-2536. Other violations while under suspension.
Section 50-5-2540. Activities prohibited while under commercial suspension.
Section 50-5-2545. Prior points and suspensions.
Section 50-5-2700. Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Compact; members; term; vacancies.
Section 50-5-2705. Powers of Compact Commission and commissioners.
Section 50-5-2710. State officials to cooperate and furnish information.
Section 50-5-2715. Records, reports, and recommendations.
Section 50-5-2730. Federal fishing regulations declared to be law of State; exceptions.