(A) Except as otherwise specified, the season for hunting and taking small game is Thanksgiving Day through March 1.
(1) Game Zone 1:
(a) rabbit: Thanksgiving Day through March 1, with weapons and dogs, day only; March 2 through the day before Thanksgiving Day, with dogs only, day and night, and no rabbits may be taken;
(b) squirrel: October 1 through March 1, with weapons and dogs; March 2 through September 30, with dogs only, and no squirrels may be taken;
(c) fox: year round but no fox may be taken March 2 through the day before Thanksgiving Day, inclusive;
(d) raccoon and opossum: September 15 through March 15, with weapons and dogs; March 16 through September 14, with dogs only, and no raccoon or opossum may be taken;
(e) quail: Monday before Thanksgiving Day through March 1, with weapons and dogs; March 2 to the Sunday before Thanksgiving, with dogs only, and no quail may be taken;
(f) grouse: Thanksgiving Day through March 1;
(g) beaver: year round.
(2) Game Zones 2 through 4:
(a) rabbit: Thanksgiving Day through March 1, with weapons and dogs, day only; March 2 through the day before Thanksgiving Day with dogs only, day and night, and no rabbits may be taken;
(b) squirrel: October 1 through March 1, with weapons and dogs; March 2 through September 30, with dogs only, and no squirrels may be taken;
(c) fox: year round but no fox may be taken March 2 through the day before Thanksgiving Day, inclusive;
(d) raccoon and opossum: September 15 through March 15, with weapons and dogs; March 16 through September 14, with dogs only, and no raccoon or opossum may be taken;
(e) quail: Monday before Thanksgiving Day through March 1, with weapons and dogs; March 2 to the Sunday before Thanksgiving, with dogs only, and no quail may be taken;
(f) beaver: year round.
(B) The season dates in this section are inclusive except as otherwise provided. Unless otherwise specified during the small game seasons when weapons are allowed, dogs also may be used.
(C) In all game zones it is lawful to run rabbits with dogs at any time during the year in enclosures but no rabbits may be taken.
(D) As used in this section where night hunting is authorized, "night" means the time between one hour after official sundown of a day and one hour before official sunrise the following day. Where daytime hunting only is allowed "day" means the time between one hour before official sunrise of a day and one hour after official sunset of the same day.
HISTORY: [Derived from former Sections 50-11-310 (1962 Code Section 28-331; 1952 Code Section 28-331; 1942 Code Section 1781; 1932 Code Section 1751; 1945 (44) 110, 330; 1947 (45) 171; 1948 (45) 2013; 1952 (47) 2179; 1985 Act No. 68, Section 6); 50-11-350 (1962 Code Section 28-358; 1952 Code Section 28-358; 1942 Code Section 1789-1; 1938 (40) 1657; 1952 (47) 2179; 1979 Act No. 67; 1980 Act No. 338); 50-11-400 (1962 Code Section 28-421; 1952 (47) 2179; 1967 (55) 518; 1968 (55) 2832); 50-11-470. (1962 Code Section 28-333; 1952 Code Section 28-333; 1942 Code Sections 1789, 1789-1, 1790-4; 1938 (40) 1657; 1939 (41) 534; 1940 (41) 1728; 1941 (42) 225; 1949 (46) 579; 1952 (47) 2179; 1953 (48) 392; 1954 (48) 1542; 1959 (51) 27; 1973 (58) 405, 406; 1976 Act No. 485, Section 1); 50-11-490. (1962 Code Section 28-333.1; 1952 (47) 2179); 50-11-500 (1962 Code Section 28-421.1; 1952 Code Section 28-333; 1942 Code Sections 1789, 1789-1, 1790-4; 1938 (40) 1657; 1939 (41) 534; 1940 (41) 1728; 1941 (42) 225; 1949 (46) 579; 1953 (48) 392); 50-11-530 (1962 Code Section 28-334; 1952 Code Section 28-334; 1942 Code Sections 1790, 1790-4; 1938 (40) 1657; 1940 (41) 1728; 1948 (45) 678, 1708; 1952 (47) 2179; 1953 (48) 326; 1957 (50) 520; 1963 (53) 90; 1967 (55) 289; 1972 (57) 2431; 1976 Act No. 485, Section 2); 50-11-540 (1962 Code Section 28-422; 1952 Code Section 28-422; 1948 (45) 1708; 1952 (47) 2179; 1953 (48) 124; 1954 (48) 1808); 50-11-580 (1962 Code Section 28-334.21; 1963 (53) 563, 564; 1976 Act No. 485, Section 3; 1984 Act No. 472); 50-11-590 (1962 Code Section 28-334.22; 1968 (55) 2496); 50-11-610 (1962 Code Section 28-335; 1952 Code Section 28-335; 1950 (46) 2360; 1952 (47) 2179; 1956 (49) 1814; 1957 (50) 80; 1972 (57) 2129; 1976 Act No. 485, Section 4; 1985 Act No. 183, Section 1); 50-11-630 (1962 Code Section 28-423; 1956 (49) 1814); 50-11-680 (1962 Code Section 28-336; 1953 (48) 292; 1957 (50) 77, 78; 1959 (51) 44; 1966 (54) 2008; 1976 Act No. 475; 1976 Act No. 485, Section 5; 1985 Act No. 68, Section 8); 50-11-710 (1962 Code Section 28-336.1; 1968 (55) 2727); 50-11-720 (1962 Code Section 28-337; 1952 Code Section 28-337; 1942 Code Section 1794; 1940 (41) 1692; 1952 (47) 2179; 1972 (57) 2751; 1978 Act No. 511); 50-11-750 (1962 Code Section 28-426; 1972 (57) 2373, 2713; 1974 (58) 2198; 1988 Act No. 549, Section 1); 50-11-760 (1962 Code Section 28-337.11; 1963 (53) 542; 1964 (53) 2099; 1967 (55) 517; 1974 (58) 2198); 50-11-780 (1962 Code Section 28-337.7; 1959 (51) 373); 50-11-785 (1976 Act No. 485, Section 6); 50-11-830 (1962 Code Section 28-337.8; 1963 (53) 296; 1967 (55) 922); 50-11-850 (1962 Code Section 28-338.1; 1952 Code Section 28-338.1; 1951 (47) 244; 1952 (47) 1844, 2179; 1955 (49) 105; 1959 (51) 37, 354; 1962 (52) 1711; 1976 Act No. 485, Sections 7, 8; 1981 Act No. 63, Section 1; 1984 Act No. 460, Section 1; 1985 Act No. 68, Section 10); 50-11-860 (1962 Code Section 28-425; 1952 Code Section 28-338.1; 1951 (47) 244; 1952 (47) 1844, 2179); 50-11-870 (1962 Code Section 28-338.2; 1959 (51) 37); 50-11-880 (1962 Code Section 28-338.4; 1967 (55) 519); 50-11-910 (1962 Code Section 28-339; 1961 (52) 224; 1976 Act No. 485, Section 9; 1985 Act No. 68, Section 11); 50-11-960 (1962 Code Section 28-341; 1972 (57) 2189); 50-11-970 (1962 Code Section 28-339.1; 1974 (58) 2198; 1975 (59) 205; 1976 Act No. 485, Section 10; 1981 Act No. 119, Section 1; 1983 Act No. 95, Section 1; 1985 Act No. 68, Sections 412, 13); 50-11-980 (1962 Code Section 28-379.2; 1974 (58) 2198; 1975 (59) 205); 50-11-985 (1976 Act No. 626, Section 2; 1977 Act No. 20, Section 1; 1979 Act No. 57, Sections 1, 2; 1981 Act No. 63, Section 2; 1984 Act No. 460, Section 2; 1985 Act No. 68, Section 20); and 50-11-986 (1982 Act No. 274 Section 2; 1985 Act No. 88, Section 4; 1987 Act No. 55, Section 1)]; 1988 Act No. 561, Section 1; 1989 Act No. 170, Sections 1, 3-5; 1990 Act No. 578, Section 1; 1991 Act No. 18, Section 1; 1992 Act No. 383, Section 1; 1993 Act No. 25, Section 1; 1993 Act No. 181, Section 1262; 1994 Act No. 311, Section 2; 1994 Act No. 473, Sections 2, 3; 1994 Act No. 495, Section 1; 1995 Act No. 91, Section 1; 1995 Act No. 64, Section 1; 1999 Act No. 117, Section 2; 2003 Act No. 22, Sections 1 to 11; 2003 Act No. 33, Section 2; 2004 Act No. 261, Sections 1 to 11; 2006 Act No. 289, Section 2; 2014 Act No. 227 (S.1071), Section 2, eff July 1, 2015.
Effect of Amendment
2014 Act No. 227, Section 2, rewrote subsection (A), and in subsection (D), substituted "daytime" for "day time".
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 50 - Fish, Game and Watercraft
Chapter 11 - Protection Of Game
Section 50-11-15. Baiting prohibited in area over which migratory birds are hunted; penalties;.
Section 50-11-22. Harming actively nesting waterfowl or disturbing nest or nest box; penalties.
Section 50-11-27. Hunting and baiting on Lake Murray; violations and penalties.
Section 50-11-28. Unlawful to hunt migratory waterfowl on Lake Greenwood; penalties.
Section 50-11-29. Unlawful to hunt migratory waterfowl on Lake Wateree; penalties.
Section 50-11-30. Repealed by 2008 Act No. 286, Section 11, eff June 11, 2008.
Section 50-11-32. Hunting waterfowl on Lake Marion; penalty.
Section 50-11-33. Hunting migratory waterfowl on portions of Lake Marion; penalties.
Section 50-11-34. Hunting migratory waterfowl on portions of Lake Marion; penalty; markers.
Section 50-11-35. Hunting migratory fowl in Murrell's Inlet Creek.
Section 50-11-36. Hunting migratory waterfowl on Lake Keowee.
Section 50-11-37. Hunting migratory waterfowl on Broadway Lake.
Section 50-11-38. Hunting migratory waterfowl on Lake Moultrie.
Section 50-11-45. Certain rifle defined as primitive weapon.
Section 50-11-65. Training of bird dogs.
Section 50-11-90. Controlled substances for the capture and immobilization of wildlife.
Section 50-11-96. Introduction of fertility control agents into wildlife; exceptions; penalties.
Section 50-11-105. Wildlife disease control; regulation of wildlife shipments; euthanasia.
Section 50-11-110. Small game defined.
Section 50-11-120. Small game seasons.
Section 50-11-150. Small game bag limits.
Section 50-11-160. Unlawful to trap rabbits; exceptions.
Section 50-11-170. Repealed by 2008 Act. No. 286, Section 11, eff June 11, 2008.
Section 50-11-300. Species constituting big game.
Section 50-11-310. Open season for antlered deer.
Section 50-11-320. Issuance of tags for hunting and taking deer; penalties.
Section 50-11-340. Penalty for hunting deer during closed season.
Section 50-11-350. Illegally taking deer; penalty.
Section 50-11-355. Hunting deer near residences with firearm; penalties.
Section 50-11-356. Discharging weapon near poultry layer or broiler house prohibited; penalties.
Section 50-11-360. Taking or attempting to take elk; penalty.
Section 50-11-365. Wearing of international orange while on Wildlife Management Area lands.
Section 50-11-380. Repealed by 2010 Act No. 211, Section 5, eff June 8, 2010.
Section 50-11-390. Departmental authority over game zones.
Section 50-11-430. Bear hunting; unlawful acts; penalties.
Section 50-11-435. Weight restriction on bear taken; penalties.
Section 50-11-440. Black bears; feeding or enticing with food; penalty.
Section 50-11-450. Unprocessed bait authorized in Game Zone 4.
Section 50-11-500. Provisions applicable to wild turkey.
Section 50-11-510. Prohibition against baiting wild turkeys; definitions.
Section 50-11-515. Use of wild turkey feathers in art.
Section 50-11-525. Authority to promulgate regulations.
Section 50-11-544. Wild turkey tags.
Section 50-11-546. Electronic harvest reporting system.
Section 50-11-550. Repealed by 2008 Act No. 286, Section 11, eff June 11, 2008.
Section 50-11-565. Archery equipment defined.
Section 50-11-590. Youth Turkey Hunting Weekend.
Section 50-11-600. Falconry; unlawful acts; penalties; regulations.
Section 50-11-700. Definitions.
Section 50-11-717. Use of artificial lights at night; exceptions.
Section 50-11-730. Unlawful to hunt, shoot, or kill deer from a water conveyance; penalties.
Section 50-11-750. Unlawful to feed or entice with food any alligator; exceptions; penalties.
Section 50-11-780. Dogs engaged in hunting not required to be constrained by leash.
Section 50-11-840. Destroying active wild bird nest or eggs; permit for removal.
Section 50-11-850. Unlawful to transport resident or migratory wild nongame bird; exceptions.
Section 50-11-851. Shooting, killing, or maiming of "carrier pigeon" prohibited; penalties.
Section 50-11-852. Unlawful to molest or kill birds of prey; bald eagles; penalties.
Section 50-11-854. Seasons and bag limits for hunting and taking crows.
Section 50-11-860. Department to designate and establish sanctuaries; agreements with landowners.
Section 50-11-870. Bird sanctuaries declared in certain areas; hunting waterfowl on Lake Wylie.
Section 50-11-875. Bird sanctuary within City of Charleston.
Section 50-11-890. Bird and squirrel sanctuaries declared in certain areas.
Section 50-11-900. Nongame bird sanctuaries declared in certain areas.
Section 50-11-910. Francis Beidler Forest declared wildlife sanctuary.
Section 50-11-915. Playcard Environmental Education Center sanctuary in Horry County.
Section 50-11-920. Kershaw County park declared wildlife sanctuary.
Section 50-11-925. South Carolina Future Farmers of America Camp Wildlife Sanctuary.
Section 50-11-935. Lake Conestee Nature Park declared wildlife sanctuary.
Section 50-11-940 to 50-11-941. Repealed by 2013 Act No. 4, Section 2, eff March 4, 2013.
Section 50-11-950. Certain lands owned by Brookgreen Gardens declared wildlife sanctuary.
Section 50-11-960. Paris Mountain Wildlife Sanctuary designated.
Section 50-11-961. Greenville Technical College campus declared wildlife sanctuary.
Section 50-11-970. Certain lands owned by Lake Dogwood Corporation designated waterfowl sanctuary.
Section 50-11-990. Penalties for hunting or trespassing upon land designated sanctuary.
Section 50-11-1050. Permit to remove destructive wildlife.
Section 50-11-1060. Repealed by 2012 Act No. 257, Section 14, eff June 18, 2012.
Section 50-11-1070. Repealed by 2012 Act No. 257, Section 14, eff June 18, 2012.
Section 50-11-1080. No closed season on coyotes.
Section 50-11-1090. Authority of department to permit taking of game animal; requirements.
Section 50-11-1130. Authorization for landowners to kill raccoons and squirrels destroying crops.
Section 50-11-1150. Authority of department to trap predatory animals.
Section 50-11-1160. Authority of certain Federal employees to trap predatory animals.
Section 50-11-1200. Operating licenses for privately owned shooting preserves.
Section 50-11-1205. Licensing of new preserves.
Section 50-11-1210. Annual fees.
Section 50-11-1220. Preserve acreage requirements.
Section 50-11-1230. Designation of boundaries.
Section 50-11-1240. Repealed by 2010 Act No. 233, Section 13, eff July 1, 2010.
Section 50-11-1250. Legal shooting preserve species.
Section 50-11-1270. Shooting season.
Section 50-11-1280. Harvest limits.
Section 50-11-1300. Stocking private preserve.
Section 50-11-1310. Permit to operate quail call pen trap.
Section 50-11-1320. Care of penned animals.
Section 50-11-1330. Maintenance of records; copies to department.
Section 50-11-1350. "Pen-raised quail" defined.
Section 50-11-1360. Authorization to engage in business of propagating pen-raised quail.
Section 50-11-1370. Commercial quail breeder's license.
Section 50-11-1390. Revocation of or refusal to issue breeders license.
Section 50-11-1400. Sale of pen-raised quail.
Section 50-11-1420. Copy of invoice of pen-raised quail sold or shipped in State.
Section 50-11-1430. Killing of pen-raised quail.
Section 50-11-1440. Trapping wild quail.
Section 50-11-1450. Violation of article, penalty.
Section 50-11-1750. Application to ship game birds or animals.
Section 50-11-1765. Possession, importation, or sale of live wolves.
Section 50-11-1910. Sale of deer or deer parts; penalties.
Section 50-11-1930. Sale or purchase of willet or dove prohibited.
Section 50-11-1940. Unlawful to buy or barter for sale wild quail; penalty.
Section 50-11-1950. Possession and sale of pheasant eggs permitted.
Section 50-11-2215. Noninterference with agency duties and landowner rights.
Section 50-11-2225. Trespass on closed area; penalties.
Section 50-11-2240. Wildlife management area lottery hunt.
Section 50-11-2300. Operation Game Thief Program created; funding.
Section 50-11-2310. Purposes for which program funds may be expended.
Section 50-11-2320. Program funds to be expended in certain order.
Section 50-11-2400. Definitions.
Section 50-11-2420. Repealed by 2012 Act No. 257, Section 14, eff June 18, 2012.
Section 50-11-2430. Proof of ownership or permission to use land on which traps are set.
Section 50-11-2440. Frequency of visitations.
Section 50-11-2445. Removal of trapped wildlife by owner of trap or owner's designee; penalties.
Section 50-11-2450. Commercial fur licensees to report annually to department.
Section 50-11-2460. Traps allowed for trapping; traps to bear owner's name and address.
Section 50-11-2470. Fur dealer, buyer, and processor's license.
Section 50-11-2475. Fur processor's license.
Section 50-11-2480. Persons not required to obtain fur buyer's license.
Section 50-11-2515. Prohibited acts.
Section 50-11-2560. Penalties.
Section 50-11-2565. Penalties.
Section 50-11-2570. Issuance of special permit to capture destructive wildlife.
Section 50-11-2575. Repealed by 2012 Act No. 257, Section 14, eff June 18,2012.
Section 50-11-2600. Definitions.
Section 50-11-2605. Coyote and fox purchase and release.
Section 50-11-2610. Enclosure permits.
Section 50-11-2620. Obtaining foxes and coyotes to stock enclosures.
Section 50-11-2630. Sales of live foxes or coyotes by trappers; records of sales.