If any person, at any time whatsoever, shall hunt or range on any lands or shall enter thereon, for the purpose of hunting, fishing, or trapping, without the consent of the owner or manager thereof, such person shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall, for a first offense, be fined not more than five hundred dollars or imprisoned for not more than thirty days, for a second offense, be fined not less than five hundred dollars nor more than one thousand dollars or imprisoned for not more than thirty days and, for a third or subsequent offense, be fined not less than one thousand dollars nor more than two thousand five hundred dollars or imprisoned for not more than six months or both. The magistrates court has concurrent jurisdiction to hear first and second offenses under this section. A first or second offense prosecution resulting in a conviction shall be reported by the magistrate or city recorder hearing the case to the communications and records division of the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division which shall keep a record of such conviction so that any law enforcement agency may inquire into whether or not a defendant has a prior record. Only those offenses which occurred within a period of ten years, including and immediately preceding the date of the last offense, shall constitute prior offenses within the meaning of this section.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 28-8; 1952 Code Section 28-8; 1942 Code Section 1758; 1932 Code Section 1779; Cr. C. '22 Section 756; Cr. C. '12 Section 730; Cr. C. '02 Section 542; G. S. 1689; R. S. 422; 1769 (4) 310; 1905 (24) 906; 1976 Act No. 742 Section 2; 1979 Act No. 62 Section 1A; 1993 Act No. 181, Section 1257; 2014 Act No. 250 (S.986), Section 1, eff June 6, 2014.
Effect of Amendment
2014 Act No. 250, Section 1, rewrote the section.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 50 - Fish, Game and Watercraft
Chapter 1 - General Provisions
Section 50-1-10. Wild birds, wild game, and fish are property of State.
Section 50-1-20. "Hunters" and "hunting" defined.
Section 50-1-30. Classifications of birds, animals, and fish.
Section 50-1-40. Stocked or released exotic game birds.
Section 50-1-50. Geographic boundaries for certain bodies of water.
Section 50-1-60. Division of State into game zones.
Section 50-1-70. Application of game laws to zones.
Section 50-1-80. Peace officers to assist in enforcement of game and fish laws.
Section 50-1-90. Hunting, fishing, or trapping without consent on lands of others; penalties.
Section 50-1-100. Repealed by 2010 Act No. 200, Section 15, eff May 28, 2010.
Section 50-1-110. Disposition of game and fish unlawfully caught, taken, or killed.
Section 50-1-125. Wildlife defined; penalties for trafficking in wildlife.
Section 50-1-130. General penalties.
Section 50-1-136. Penalties for conspiracy.
Section 50-1-140. Receiving portion of fine imposed for violation of game and fish laws.
Section 50-1-160. Release of seized property to innocent owner or lienholder.
Section 50-1-180. Consent of General Assembly to Congressional rulemaking.
Section 50-1-190. Agreements with United States respecting wildlife of national forest lands.
Section 50-1-200. Powers of department over national forest lands.
Section 50-1-210. Violation of department rules pertaining to national forest lands.
Section 50-1-220. Application of Sections 50-1-180 to 50-1-220 to other federal or state lands.
Section 50-1-250. Acquiring rights of way to certain waters for public use.
Section 50-1-260. Vandalizing property seized by department.
Section 50-1-280. Nongame Wildlife and Natural Areas Fund.
Section 50-1-285. Admissibility of photographs; authentication.
Section 50-1-290. Unlawful to buy, sell, or possess for sale protected native wildlife; penalty.
Section 50-1-295. Removing or defacing buoys marking areas or bottoms; penalty.