South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 3 - Workers' Compensation Commission
Section 42-3-40. Salaries of commissioners.

The annual salary for the commissioners shall be eighty-five percent of the salary paid to the circuit judges of the State. The commissioners shall receive a subsistence allowance of thirty-five dollars a day while in the performance of their duties outside the Columbia office.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 72-50.3; 1952 Code Sections 72-51, 72-52; 1942 Code Sections 7035-54, 7035-55; 1936 (39) 1231; 1951 (47) 506; 1952 (47) 1925; 1964 (53) 1918; 1974 (58) 2251; 1978 Act No. 644 Part II Section 40; 1978 Act No. 522 Section 2; 1980 Act No. 481.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 42 - Workers' Compensation

Chapter 3 - Workers' Compensation Commission

Section 42-3-10. Creation and departments of South Carolina Workers' Compensation Commission.

Section 42-3-20. Membership, terms of office, vacancies and duties of commission, chairman.

Section 42-3-25. Chairman; executive director.

Section 42-3-30. Promulgation of rules and regulations by commission.

Section 42-3-40. Salaries of commissioners.

Section 42-3-60. Administrative assistant to commissioner.

Section 42-3-80. Executive director of administrative department.

Section 42-3-90. Divisions of administrative department.

Section 42-3-100. Annual budget.

Section 42-3-105. Commission's authority to double fines and penalties; penalties for noncompliance by uninsured employers.

Section 42-3-110. Approval of expense and travel vouchers.

Section 42-3-120. Advisory committee.

Section 42-3-130. Service of subpoenas; witness fees.

Section 42-3-140. Power of commission to subpoena witnesses, administer oaths and examine books and records.

Section 42-3-150. Manner in which attendance of witnesses and production of books and records may be compelled.

Section 42-3-160. Manner in which depositions of witnesses shall be taken.

Section 42-3-170. Manner in which hearings shall be conducted.

Section 42-3-175. Failure to pay claims; sanctions; notice to Department of Insurance.

Section 42-3-180. Commission to decide questions arising under title.

Section 42-3-185. Promulgation of policies or procedures implementing Section 42-15-90.

Section 42-3-190. Preparation and furnishing of forms and literature.

Section 42-3-195. Commission to provide information and statistics; confidentiality.

Section 42-3-210. Tabulation and publication of accident reports.

Section 42-3-220. Collection of fines and penalties; use of proceeds.

Section 42-3-230. Destruction of inactive files.

Section 42-3-240. Annual reports.

Section 42-3-250. Commissioners bound by Code of Judicial Conduct; continuing education requirement.