South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 3 - Workers' Compensation Commission
Section 42-3-160. Manner in which depositions of witnesses shall be taken.

Any party to a proceeding pending under this title or his attorney may cause the depositions of witnesses, either within or without the State, to be taken either by commission or de bene esse. Such depositions shall be taken in accordance with and subject to the same provisions, conditions and restrictions as apply to the taking of like depositions in civil actions at law in the courts of common pleas and the same rules with respect to the giving of notice to the opposite party, the taking and transcribing of testimony and the transmission and certification thereof and matters of practice relating thereto shall apply. In any case in which testimony shall be taken by commission, such commission shall be issued, upon request of the party or his attorney, by some member of the commission. The provisions of this section shall not be so construed as to prevent the commission or any deputy commissioner from issuing commissions for the taking of testimony, even in the absence of any application therefor, when in its or his judgment it is deemed necessary or appropriate.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 72-50.16; 1952 Code Section 72-64; 1942 Code Section 7035-57; 1936 (39) 1231; 1937 (40) 613; 1974 (58) 2251; 1980 Act No. 481.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 42 - Workers' Compensation

Chapter 3 - Workers' Compensation Commission

Section 42-3-10. Creation and departments of South Carolina Workers' Compensation Commission.

Section 42-3-20. Membership, terms of office, vacancies and duties of commission, chairman.

Section 42-3-25. Chairman; executive director.

Section 42-3-30. Promulgation of rules and regulations by commission.

Section 42-3-40. Salaries of commissioners.

Section 42-3-60. Administrative assistant to commissioner.

Section 42-3-80. Executive director of administrative department.

Section 42-3-90. Divisions of administrative department.

Section 42-3-100. Annual budget.

Section 42-3-105. Commission's authority to double fines and penalties; penalties for noncompliance by uninsured employers.

Section 42-3-110. Approval of expense and travel vouchers.

Section 42-3-120. Advisory committee.

Section 42-3-130. Service of subpoenas; witness fees.

Section 42-3-140. Power of commission to subpoena witnesses, administer oaths and examine books and records.

Section 42-3-150. Manner in which attendance of witnesses and production of books and records may be compelled.

Section 42-3-160. Manner in which depositions of witnesses shall be taken.

Section 42-3-170. Manner in which hearings shall be conducted.

Section 42-3-175. Failure to pay claims; sanctions; notice to Department of Insurance.

Section 42-3-180. Commission to decide questions arising under title.

Section 42-3-185. Promulgation of policies or procedures implementing Section 42-15-90.

Section 42-3-190. Preparation and furnishing of forms and literature.

Section 42-3-195. Commission to provide information and statistics; confidentiality.

Section 42-3-210. Tabulation and publication of accident reports.

Section 42-3-220. Collection of fines and penalties; use of proceeds.

Section 42-3-230. Destruction of inactive files.

Section 42-3-240. Annual reports.

Section 42-3-250. Commissioners bound by Code of Judicial Conduct; continuing education requirement.