(A) The commission shall consist of seven members appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate for terms of six years and until their successors are appointed and qualify. In the event the Governor does not fill a vacancy within sixty days after the vacancy occurs, the commission by majority vote shall deputize a person with suitable experience, training, and knowledge to serve as a deputy commissioner to serve until such time as the Governor fills the vacancy. As soon as the Governor appoints a replacement who is confirmed by the Senate, the deputy commissioner shall immediately cease to serve in that office. While serving as a deputy commissioner, the deputy commissioner has the power and authority to swear or cause the witnesses to be sworn and shall transmit all testimony and shall make a recommendation to the commission for an award. The commission must determine the award based upon testimony received by the deputy commissioner and may consider the deputy commissioner's recommendation.
(B) The Governor, with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall designate one of the seven commissioners as chairman for a term of two years. At the conclusion of a commissioner's two-year term as chairman, the Governor shall appoint or reappoint a commissioner to serve as chairman. If the Governor does not appoint or reappoint a chairman at the expiration of the two-year term, a majority of the commission shall elect from among their members an interim chairman who shall serve until the Governor appoints another chairman. A deputy commissioner is not eligible to serve as chairman. Any person appointed to the commission is subject to removal as provided in Section 1-3-240(C).
(C) The commissioners shall hear and determine all contested cases, conduct informal conferences when necessary, approve settlements, hear applications for full commission reviews, and handle such other matters as may come before the department for judicial disposition. Full commission reviews shall be conducted by all commissioners, excluding the original hearing commissioner, or by three-member panels, excluding the original hearing commissioner, appointed by the chairman. The chairman, with approval of a majority of the other commissioners, shall determine which full commission reviews shall be assigned to panels. The decisions of three-member panels have the same force and effect as full commission reviews.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 72-50.1; 1952 Code Section 72-51; 1943 Code Section 7035-54; 1936 (39) 1231; 1952 (47) 1925; 1964 (53) 1918; 1974 (58) 2251; 1978 Act No. 522 Section 1; 1980 Act No. 481; 1981 Act No. 163; 1981 Act No. 178 Part II Section 15; 2007 Act No. 111, Pt I, Section 11, eff July 1, 2007, applicable to injuries that occur on or after that date; 2016 Act No. 140 (S.975), Section 1, eff March 14, 2016.
Effect of Amendment
2016 Act No. 140, Section 1, rewrote (B).
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 42 - Workers' Compensation
Chapter 3 - Workers' Compensation Commission
Section 42-3-10. Creation and departments of South Carolina Workers' Compensation Commission.
Section 42-3-20. Membership, terms of office, vacancies and duties of commission, chairman.
Section 42-3-25. Chairman; executive director.
Section 42-3-30. Promulgation of rules and regulations by commission.
Section 42-3-40. Salaries of commissioners.
Section 42-3-60. Administrative assistant to commissioner.
Section 42-3-80. Executive director of administrative department.
Section 42-3-90. Divisions of administrative department.
Section 42-3-100. Annual budget.
Section 42-3-110. Approval of expense and travel vouchers.
Section 42-3-120. Advisory committee.
Section 42-3-130. Service of subpoenas; witness fees.
Section 42-3-160. Manner in which depositions of witnesses shall be taken.
Section 42-3-170. Manner in which hearings shall be conducted.
Section 42-3-175. Failure to pay claims; sanctions; notice to Department of Insurance.
Section 42-3-180. Commission to decide questions arising under title.
Section 42-3-185. Promulgation of policies or procedures implementing Section 42-15-90.
Section 42-3-190. Preparation and furnishing of forms and literature.
Section 42-3-195. Commission to provide information and statistics; confidentiality.
Section 42-3-210. Tabulation and publication of accident reports.
Section 42-3-220. Collection of fines and penalties; use of proceeds.
Section 42-3-230. Destruction of inactive files.
Section 42-3-240. Annual reports.
Section 42-3-250. Commissioners bound by Code of Judicial Conduct; continuing education requirement.