South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 27 - Employment And Workforce - General Provisions
Section 41-27-610. Place where failure to perform acts deemed to occur.

The failure to do an act required by or under the provisions of Chapters 27 through 41 of this title shall be deemed an act committed in part at the office of the department in Columbia.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 68-35; 1952 Code Section 68-32; 1942 Code Section 7035-101; 1936 (39) 1716; 1939 (41) 487; 2010 Act No. 146, Section 30, eff March 30, 2010; 2011 Act No. 3, Section 3, eff March 14, 2011.
Effect of Amendment
The 2010 amendment substituted "department" for "commission in Columbia"; and made other nonsubstantive changes.
The 2011 amendment substituted "by or under the provisions" for "pursuant to a provision" and "shall be deemed" for "is considered", and added "in Columbia".

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 41 - Labor and Employment

Chapter 27 - Employment And Workforce - General Provisions

Section 41-27-10. Short title.

Section 41-27-20. Declaration of state public policy.

Section 41-27-30. Construction.

Section 41-27-40. Amendments.

Section 41-27-110. Generally.

Section 41-27-120. Agricultural labor.

Section 41-27-130. Annual payroll.

Section 41-27-140. Average weekly wage.

Section 41-27-150. Base period.

Section 41-27-160. Benefit year.

Section 41-27-170. Benefits.

Section 41-27-180. Claimant.

Section 41-27-190. Department.

Section 41-27-200. Contributions.

Section 41-27-210. Employer.

Section 41-27-220. Employing unit.

Section 41-27-230. Employment.

Section 41-27-235. Employment by Native American tribes; benefits; contributions.

Section 41-27-240. Employment office.

Section 41-27-250. Employment security administration fund.

Section 41-27-260. Exempted employment.

Section 41-27-265. Corporate officers not exempt from unemployment benefits absent corporate election; notice; procedure; exceptions; new business registration.

Section 41-27-270. Fund.

Section 41-27-280. Hospital.

Section 41-27-290. Institution of higher education.

Section 41-27-300. Insured work.

Section 41-27-310. Insured worker.

Section 41-27-320. Payments in lieu of contributions.

Section 41-27-330. Secretary of Labor.

Section 41-27-340. Educational institution.

Section 41-27-350. State.

Section 41-27-360. Statewide average weekly wage.

Section 41-27-370. Unemployed.

Section 41-27-380. Wages.

Section 41-27-390. Week.

Section 41-27-410. Departmental administrative contingency assessment.

Section 41-27-510. Promulgation of regulations regarding unemployed individuals.

Section 41-27-520. Included and excluded service.

Section 41-27-525. Availability of benefits for persons seeking only part-time work.

Section 41-27-530. Separate establishments deemed single employing unit.

Section 41-27-540. Individuals employed to assist agents or employees.

Section 41-27-550. Reciprocal agreements.

Section 41-27-560. Prohibition of libel or slander actions.

Section 41-27-570. Defense of suits involving duties of department.

Section 41-27-580. Representation of department in civil actions.

Section 41-27-590. Prosecution of criminal actions.

Section 41-27-600. Compromises.

Section 41-27-610. Place where failure to perform acts deemed to occur.

Section 41-27-620. Department's certificate as prima facie evidence.

Section 41-27-630. Liability of State and department for payment of benefits.

Section 41-27-640. Extension of unemployment insurance coverage to political subdivisions mandated by P.L. 94-566.

Section 41-27-650. Department must work in conjunction with Department of Commerce and Department of Administration on certain matters.

Section 41-27-700. Department of Employment and Workforce Review Committee; creation.

Section 41-27-710. Committee membership; organization; meetings; quorum.

Section 41-27-720. Duties of committee.

Section 41-27-725. Powers of committee; oaths and affirmations; depositions; subpoenas.

Section 41-27-730. Expenses of committee and its members.

Section 41-27-740. Staff support for committee.

Section 41-27-750. Comprehensive study of other states' unemployment and workforce agencies; report and recommendations.

Section 41-27-760. Candidates for Department of Employment and Workforce Appellate Panel; support pledges limited; violations.