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Section 41-27-10. Short title. - Chapters 27 through 41 of this title shall be known...
Section 41-27-20. Declaration of state public policy. - Without intending that this section shall supersede, alter or modify...
Section 41-27-30. Construction. - Nothing in Chapters 27 through 41 of this title must...
Section 41-27-40. Amendments. - The General Assembly reserves the right to amend or repeal...
Section 41-27-110. Generally. - As used in Chapters 27 through 41 of this Title,...
Section 41-27-120. Agricultural labor. - The term "agricultural labor" includes all service performed: (1) On...
Section 41-27-130. Annual payroll. - "Annual payroll" means the total amount of wages subject to...
Section 41-27-140. Average weekly wage. - The average weekly wage of an insured worker shall be...
Section 41-27-150. Base period. - (A) Except as provided in subsection (B), "base period" means...
Section 41-27-160. Benefit year. - "Benefit year" means the one-year period beginning with the day...
Section 41-27-170. Benefits. - "Benefits" means the money payments payable to an individual as...
Section 41-27-180. Claimant. - "Claimant" means an individual who has filed a request for...
Section 41-27-190. Department. - "Department" means the South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce....
Section 41-27-200. Contributions. - "Contributions" means the money payment required by Chapter 31, Article...
Section 41-27-210. Employer. - "Employer" means: (1) Any employing unit which during any calendar...
Section 41-27-220. Employing unit. - "Employing unit" means any individual or type of organization, including...
Section 41-27-230. Employment. - "Employment" means: (1) Any service performed prior to January 1,...
Section 41-27-235. Employment by Native American tribes; benefits; contributions. - (A) The term "employment" means service performed in the employ...
Section 41-27-240. Employment office. - "Employment office" means a free public employment office operated by...
Section 41-27-250. Employment security administration fund. - "Employment security administration fund" means the employment security administration fund...
Section 41-27-260. Exempted employment. - The term "employment" as used in Chapters 27 through 41...
Section 41-27-265. Corporate officers not exempt from unemployment benefits absent corporate election; notice; procedure; exceptions; new business registration. - (A)(1) Solely for purposes of this section, "corporate officer" shall...
Section 41-27-270. Fund. - "Fund" means the unemployment compensation fund established by Chapters 27...
Section 41-27-280. Hospital. - "Hospital" means an institution which has been licensed or approved...
Section 41-27-290. Institution of higher education. - "Institution of higher education," for the purpose of this section,...
Section 41-27-300. Insured work. - "Insured work" means employment for employers. HISTORY: 1962 Code Section...
Section 41-27-310. Insured worker. - An "insured worker" is an individual who has been paid...
Section 41-27-320. Payments in lieu of contributions. - "Payments in lieu of contributions" means the money payments to...
Section 41-27-330. Secretary of Labor. - "Secretary of Labor" means the United States Secretary of Labor....
Section 41-27-340. Educational institution. - "Educational institution" means any educational institution except an institution of...
Section 41-27-350. State. - "State" includes, in addition to the states of the United...
Section 41-27-360. Statewide average weekly wage. - "Statewide average weekly wage" means the amount computed by the...
Section 41-27-370. Unemployed. - (1) An individual is considered "unemployed" in a week during...
Section 41-27-380. Wages. - (A) "Wages" means remuneration paid for personal services, including commissions...
Section 41-27-390. Week. - "Week" means calendar week or a period of seven consecutive...
Section 41-27-410. Departmental administrative contingency assessment. - Effective January 1, 1986, the departmental administrative contingency assessment is...
Section 41-27-510. Promulgation of regulations regarding unemployed individuals. - The department must promulgate regulations applicable to unemployed individuals, making...
Section 41-27-520. Included and excluded service. - If the services performed during one half or more of...
Section 41-27-525. Availability of benefits for persons seeking only part-time work. - If the majority of the weeks of work in an...
Section 41-27-530. Separate establishments deemed single employing unit. - All individuals performing services within this State for any employing...
Section 41-27-540. Individuals employed to assist agents or employees. - Each individual employed to perform or to assist in performing...
Section 41-27-550. Reciprocal agreements. - The department may enter into agreements with the appropriate agencies...
Section 41-27-560. Prohibition of libel or slander actions. - A report, communication, or other similar matter, either oral or...
Section 41-27-570. Defense of suits involving duties of department. - In case of a suit to enjoin the collection of...
Section 41-27-580. Representation of department in civil actions. - In a civil action to enforce the provisions of Chapters...
Section 41-27-590. Prosecution of criminal actions. - (A) All criminal actions for violation of any provision of...
Section 41-27-600. Compromises. - The department may compromise a civil penalty or cause of...
Section 41-27-610. Place where failure to perform acts deemed to occur. - The failure to do an act required by or under...
Section 41-27-620. Department's certificate as prima facie evidence. - The certificate of the department to the effect that a...
Section 41-27-630. Liability of State and department for payment of benefits. - A benefit is considered due and payable pursuant to Chapters...
Section 41-27-640. Extension of unemployment insurance coverage to political subdivisions mandated by P.L. 94-566. - Notwithstanding the provisions of this act, any extension of unemployment...
Section 41-27-650. Department must work in conjunction with Department of Commerce and Department of Administration on certain matters. - (A) The Department of Commerce and the Department of Employment...
Section 41-27-700. Department of Employment and Workforce Review Committee; creation. - There is created the Department of Employment and Workforce Review...
Section 41-27-710. Committee membership; organization; meetings; quorum. - (A) The committee must be composed of nine members, three...
Section 41-27-720. Duties of committee. - The committee shall: (1) nominate three qualified applicants for the...
Section 41-27-725. Powers of committee; oaths and affirmations; depositions; subpoenas. - (A) The committee in the discharge of its duties may...
Section 41-27-730. Expenses of committee and its members. - (A) The committee members are entitled to mileage, subsistence, and...
Section 41-27-740. Staff support for committee. - (A) The committee must use clerical and professional employees of...
Section 41-27-750. Comprehensive study of other states' unemployment and workforce agencies; report and recommendations. - The committee may conduct a comprehensive study of other states'...
Section 41-27-760. Candidates for Department of Employment and Workforce Appellate Panel; support pledges limited; violations. - (A) No candidate for or person intending to become a...