(A) The commission shall exercise its rulemaking powers pursuant to the criteria set forth in this section and the rules adopted thereunder. Rules and amendments must become binding as of the date specified in each rule or amendment.
(B) If a majority of the legislatures of the member states rejects a rule, by enactment of a statute or resolution in the same manner used to adopt the compact within four years of the date of adoption of the rule, then such rule shall have no further force and effect in any member state.
(C) Rules or amendments to the rules must be adopted at a regular or special meeting of the commission.
(D) Prior to promulgation and adoption of a final rule or rules by the commission, and at least thirty days in advance of the meeting at which the rule will be considered and voted upon, the commission shall file a notice of proposed rulemaking on the website of:
(1) the commission or other publicly accessible platform; and
(2) each member state physical therapy licensing board or other publicly accessible platform or the publication in which each state would otherwise publish proposed rules.
(E) The notice of proposed rulemaking shall include:
(1) the proposed time, date, and location of the meeting in which the rule will be considered and voted upon;
(2) the text of the proposed rule or amendment and the reason for the proposed rule;
(3) a request for comments on the proposed rule from any interested person; and
(4) the manner in which interested persons may submit notice to the commission of their intention to attend the public hearing and any written comments.
(F) Prior to adoption of a proposed rule, the commission shall allow persons to submit written data, facts, opinions, and arguments, which must be made available to the public.
(G) The commission shall grant an opportunity for a public hearing before it adopts a rule or amendment if a hearing is requested by:
(1) at least twenty-five persons;
(2) a state or federal governmental subdivision or agency; or
(3) an association having at least twenty-five members.
(H) If a hearing is held on the proposed rule or amendment, the commission shall publish the place, time, and date of the scheduled public hearing. If the hearing is held via electronic means, the commission shall publish the mechanism for access to the electronic hearing.
(1) All persons wishing to be heard at the hearing shall notify the executive director of the commission or other designated member in writing of their desire to appear and testify at the hearing not less than five business days before the scheduled date of the hearing.
(2) Hearings must be conducted in a manner providing each person who wishes to comment a fair and reasonable opportunity to comment orally or in writing.
(3) All hearings must be recorded. A copy of the recording will be made available on request.
(4) Nothing in this section must be construed as requiring a separate hearing on each rule. Rules may be grouped for the convenience of the commission at hearings required by this section.
(I) Following the scheduled hearing date, or by the close of business on the scheduled hearing date if the hearing was not held, the commission shall consider all written and oral comments received.
(J) If no written notice of intent to attend the public hearing by interested parties is received, the commission may proceed with promulgation of the proposed rule without a public hearing.
(K) The commission shall, by majority vote of all members, take final action on the proposed rule and shall determine the effective date of the rule, if any, based on the rulemaking record and the full text of the rule.
(L) Upon determination that an emergency exists, the commission may consider and adopt an emergency rule without prior notice, opportunity for comment, or hearing, provided that the usual rulemaking procedures provided in the compact and in this section must be retroactively applied to the rule as soon as reasonably possible, in no event later than ninety days after the effective date of the rule. For the purposes of this subsection, an emergency rule is one that must be adopted immediately in order to:
(1) meet an imminent threat to public health, safety, or welfare;
(2) prevent a loss of commission or member state funds;
(3) meet a deadline for the promulgation of an administrative rule that is established by federal law or rule; or
(4) protect public health and safety.
(M) The commission or an authorized committee of the commission may direct revisions to a previously adopted rule or amendment for purposes of correcting typographical errors, errors in format, errors in consistency, or grammatical errors. Public notice of any revisions must be posted on the website of the commission. The revision must be subject to challenge by any person for a period of thirty days after posting. The revision may be challenged only on grounds that the revision results in a material change to a rule. A challenge must be made in writing, and delivered to the chair of the commission prior to the end of the notice period. If no challenge is made, the revision will take effect without further action. If the revision is challenged, the revision may not take effect without the approval of the commission.
HISTORY: 2018 Act No. 226 (H.4799), Section 1, eff May 18, 2018.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 40 - Professions and Occupations
Chapter 45 - Physical Therapists
Section 40-45-5. Application of chapter; conflicts of law.
Section 40-45-10. Board of Physical Therapy Examiners; creation and purpose; membership.
Section 40-45-20. Definitions.
Section 40-45-60. Adoption of rules and regulations; seal.
Section 40-45-70. Additional powers and duties of board.
Section 40-45-80. Investigation of complaints and violations; advisors.
Section 40-45-90. Evidence authorized to be collected for investigative purposes.
Section 40-45-100. Restraining orders and other equitable relief.
Section 40-45-115. Jurisdiction of the board.
Section 40-45-120. Board authority to take disciplinary actions and impose civil penalties.
Section 40-45-140. Denial of license based on prior criminal record.
Section 40-45-150. Voluntary surrender of license by licensee being investigated.
Section 40-45-170. Costs of investigation and prosecution; authority to require payment by violator.
Section 40-45-180. Collection and enforcement provisions for costs and fines.
Section 40-45-190. Confidentiality of proceedings and communications.
Section 40-45-200. Violations of chapter; submission of false information to the board; penalty.
Section 40-45-210. Injunctive relief.
Section 40-45-240. Licensure without examination.
Section 40-45-270. Persons exempt from licensure requirement.
Section 40-45-280. Physical therapy records; responsibility for records; contents; discharge notes.
Section 40-45-290. Physical therapy aides; permissible duties; restrictions.
Section 40-45-330. Severability.
Section 40-45-510. Purpose of compact.
Section 40-45-520. Definitions.
Section 40-45-530. State participation in the compact.
Section 40-45-540. Compact privilege.
Section 40-45-550. Active duty military personnel or their spouses.
Section 40-45-560. Adverse actions.
Section 40-45-570. Establishment of the Physical Therapy Compact Commission.
Section 40-45-580. Data system.
Section 40-45-590. Rulemaking.
Section 40-45-600. Oversight, dispute resolution, and enforcement.