It is unlawful to:
(1) offer eggs for sale at retail in open cases, boxes, or other containers from which eggs are sold in bulk to consumers and fail to display conspicuously on the case, box, or other container a plainly written designation showing the correct grade and weight class to which the eggs conform. The designation must be of the kind and in the manner required by regulations of the Department of Agriculture;
(2) use the word "nulaid", "country", "hennery", "day-old", " select", "selected", "certified", "best", "nearby", "fresh-laid", or a similar descriptive term which the Commissioner of Agriculture, by regulation, prohibits in connection with the advertising or selling of eggs;
(3) use the words "South Carolina" in connection with the advertisement and sale of eggs not produced in this State;
(4) use the word "fresh" in connection with the advertisement and sale of eggs not produced in this State unless those eggs meet or exceed the quality standard designated "Grade A";
(5) offer eggs for sale that are not stored properly in a refrigerated state at the temperature specified in Section 39-39-135.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 66-626; 1955 (49) 316; 1972 (57) 2820; 1977 Act No. 128 Sections 1, 2; 1994 Act No. 379, Section 1, eff May 10, 1994; 2005 Act No. 23, Section 1, eff upon approval (became law without the Governor's signature on March 24, 2005).
Effect of Amendment
The 1994 amendment revised this section.
The 2005 amendment added item (5).
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 39 - Eggs And Baby Chicks
Section 39-39-110. Definitions.
Section 39-39-120. Egg seller licenses; information to be included on application.
Section 39-39-130. Shell egg standards, grades, and weight classes.
Section 39-39-135. Refrigeration.
Section 39-39-141. Bulk retail sales; display of placards and information; exceptions.
Section 39-39-150. Unlawful acts.
Section 39-39-160. Enforcement; promulgation of rules and regulations.