(A) All eggs offered for sale at retail in open cases, boxes, or other containers from which eggs are sold in bulk to consumers must be classified properly in accordance with this subsection. A heavy cardboard or placard, not less than eight by eleven inches, must be displayed conspicuously at all times on or over each receptacle containing eggs offered for sale, setting forth in letters not less than one inch in height, plainly and legibly, the classification as to the quality, weight, and the expiration date.
(B) The name of the state of origin of eggs may appear on the placard.
(C) The placard is not required if eggs are packed in properly labeled cartons. The eggs are required to meet the standard as noted on the placard.
(D) Restaurants, hotels, or other eating places shall display conspicuously a placard at all times on or over each receptacle containing eggs to be used in food preparation.
HISTORY: 2005 Act No. 23, Section 1, eff upon approval (became law without the Governor's signature on March 24, 2005).
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 39 - Eggs And Baby Chicks
Section 39-39-110. Definitions.
Section 39-39-120. Egg seller licenses; information to be included on application.
Section 39-39-130. Shell egg standards, grades, and weight classes.
Section 39-39-135. Refrigeration.
Section 39-39-141. Bulk retail sales; display of placards and information; exceptions.
Section 39-39-150. Unlawful acts.
Section 39-39-160. Enforcement; promulgation of rules and regulations.