Ice milk, when sold in package or wrapper, shall be labeled in plain legible type, not less than eight point, with the words "Ice Milk." This shall not include the containers used when ice milk is drawn in front of the customers' eyes. A sign on a white card with letters not less than four inches in height and two inches in width containing the words "Ice Milk Sold Here" shall be posted by the vendor in a conspicuous place in the salesroom in every establishment where ice milk is sold, except that the sign shall not be required in those establishments selling only ice-milk items in packages or wrappers, each item of which is labeled in plain legible letters, not less than eight point type, with the words "Ice Milk."
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 32-1704.1; 1953 (48) 40.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 37 - Ice Cream, Ice Milk And Other Frozen Desserts
Section 39-37-10. Definitions.
Section 39-37-20. Certain sales prohibited.
Section 39-37-30. Pasteurization required.
Section 39-37-50. Labels on ice-milk packages or wrappers; signs in ice-milk establishments.
Section 39-37-70. Application for manufacturer of frozen desserts license.
Section 39-37-80. Issuance of license.
Section 39-37-90. Revocation or suspension of license.
Section 39-37-100. Review of revocation, suspension, or refusal to grant license; appeals.
Section 39-37-110. Exemptions.
Section 39-37-120. Enforcement; promulgation of rules and regulations.
Section 39-37-130. Penalties; disposition of fines and penalties.