An automobile insurance contract sold on the basis of a group plan or contract pursuant to Section 38-77-130 shall have a rate not less than five percent less than the individual rate for which the insurer markets a substantially similar policy.
HISTORY: Former 1976 Code Section 38-37-350 [1962 Code Section 37-591.15; 1974 (58) 2718] recodified as Section 38-73-480 by 1987 Act No. 155, Section 1; 1993 Act No. 181, Section 783.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 73 - Property, Casualty, Inland Marine, And Surety Rates And Rate-making Organizations
Section 38-73-10. Declaration of purpose; construction.
Section 38-73-20. Scope of chapter.
Section 38-73-30. Insurance subject to dual regulation.
Section 38-73-40. Recording and reporting of loss and expense experience.
Section 38-73-50. Interchange of rating plan data.
Section 38-73-60. Consultation with other states.
Section 38-73-70. Regulations.
Section 38-73-80. Withholding or giving false or misleading information.
Section 38-73-90. Examinations of rating organizations, advisory groups, and other organizations.
Section 38-73-110. Suspension of license.
Section 38-73-120. Hearing as prerequisite to imposition of penalty or suspension of license.
Section 38-73-130. Hearing procedure; judicial review.
Section 38-73-210. Article title and application.
Section 38-73-220. Approval process for rate level changes.
Section 38-73-250. Rate filings where line declared noncompetitive.
Section 38-73-270. Consumer information system.
Section 38-73-310. Scope of article.
Section 38-73-320. Insurance subject to both this article and Article 5.
Section 38-73-325. Absence of credit information.
Section 38-73-330. Making of rates.
Section 38-73-340. Rate filings required.
Section 38-73-410. Scope of article.
Section 38-73-420. Insurance subject to both this article and Article 3.
Section 38-73-425. Absence of credit information.
Section 38-73-430. Making of rates.
Section 38-73-440. Certain factors may not be considered in determining automobile insurance rates.
Section 38-73-470. Disposition of uninsured motorist premium.
Section 38-73-480. Rate for group automobile insurance.
Section 38-73-490. Workers' compensation rates.
Section 38-73-500. Merit rating for workers' compensation insurance; credit; testing.
Section 38-73-505. Reductions in premiums.
Section 38-73-510. Nonpartisan rating bureau for workers' compensation.
Section 38-73-515. Deductibles.
Section 38-73-520. Rate filings required.
Section 38-73-525. Filing of multiplier for expenses by insurers writing workers' compensation.
Section 38-73-526. Report as to availability and affordability of workers' compensation coverage.
Section 38-73-530. Competitive rate on specific risk.
Section 38-73-540. Assigned risk.
Section 38-73-545. Applicability to self-insurers.
Section 38-73-710. State Rating and Statistical Division established; executive director.
Section 38-73-737. Rate reductions for youthful operator completing approved driver training course.
Section 38-73-740. Certain information must be retained; inspection by applicant.
Section 38-73-905. Prior approval not required for certain rate changes.
Section 38-73-920. No insurance may be issued except on rates filed.
Section 38-73-930. Guidelines and formats for filing.
Section 38-73-935. Rate filings; information based upon; exceptions.
Section 38-73-940. Information in support of filing.
Section 38-73-950. Additional information may be required.
Section 38-73-960. Effective date of filing.
Section 38-73-965. Filing; effective date.
Section 38-73-970. Effective date for specially rated inland marine rates.
Section 38-73-980. Effective date for certain surety or guaranty bonds.
Section 38-73-990. Disapproval of filings generally.
Section 38-73-1000. Disapproval of specially rated specific inland marine rates.
Section 38-73-1010. Disapproval of special surety or guaranty filings.
Section 38-73-1020. Disapproval after applicable review period.
Section 38-73-1030. Review of filings on application of person aggrieved.
Section 38-73-1040. No disapproval of certain fire, allied lines, or inland marine filings.
Section 38-73-1050. No disapproval of certain casualty or automobile filings.
Section 38-73-1060. Use of rates and policy forms different from those filed; exceptions.
Section 38-73-1070. Suspension or modification of filing requirement.
Section 38-73-1080. Information to be furnished insureds; hearings and appeals of insureds.
Section 38-73-1085. Publication of representative sample of premiums.
Section 38-73-1090. Determination of discrimination and removal.
Section 38-73-1095. Essential property insurance; rating plan factors.
Section 38-73-1097. Applicability of certain provisions.
Section 38-73-1100. Determination of excessive or unreasonable rates; general reduction; refund.
Section 38-73-1105. Insurer's use of definition of "underinsured motor vehicle".
Section 38-73-1110. Regulation of calculation and refunding of excess profit.
Section 38-73-1120. Provisions to ensure expenses are allocated and treated properly; penalty.
Section 38-73-1215. Applicability to self-insurers.
Section 38-73-1220. Application for license as rating organization.
Section 38-73-1230. Issuance or denial of license; duration; fee.
Section 38-73-1240. Suspension or revocation of license.
Section 38-73-1250. Changes within rating organization.
Section 38-73-1260. Subscribers to rating organizations.
Section 38-73-1270. Changes in rules and regulations; review of reasonableness.
Section 38-73-1280. Rules may not regulate certain payments.
Section 38-73-1290. Filings must be adhered to.
Section 38-73-1300. Application for modification by fire or inland marine insurer.
Section 38-73-1310. Application for modification by casualty or automobile insurer.
Section 38-73-1330. Examination of policies and other papers; correction of errors.
Section 38-73-1340. Appeal by minority.
Section 38-73-1350. Cooperation.
Section 38-73-1360. Actuarial, technical, and other services.
Section 38-73-1410. Refiling of final rates or premium charges previously approved not required.
Section 38-73-1510. "Advisory organization" defined.
Section 38-73-1520. Filing certain data and agreement authorizing examination.
Section 38-73-1530. Requiring discontinuance of certain acts or practices.
Section 38-73-1710. Regulation of joint underwriting and joint reinsurance.
Section 38-73-1720. Discontinuance of unfair activity or practice may be ordered.