Any agreement between the insured and the public insurance adjuster for the services described in this chapter shall be in writing and signed by both parties. The contract shall:
(a) state the full consideration for the public adjuster's services;
(b) specify in bold and conspicuous language that the consideration, compensation, commission, fee, percentage, or salary due to the public adjuster shall be paid by the insured from any sums the public adjuster assists the insured in recovering and not paid by the insurer;
(c) legibly state the full name and address as specified in the department's record of the licensed public adjuster;
(d) state the insured's full name and street address, the address and description of the loss, and the name of the insured's insurance company and policy number;
(e) disclose to the insured in bold, conspicuous language that (1) it is not necessary for the insured to hire a public adjuster; (2) the insured has the right to communicate directly with the insurer, the insurer's adjuster(s), the insured's counsel, or counsel for the insurer; and (3) the public adjuster is not an agent or employee of the insurer;
(f) show the date on which the contract was signed by both parties;
(g) clearly and conspicuously disclose the insured's right to rescind the contract within five working days or otherwise cancel it as provided by South Carolina law; and
(h) clearly and conspicuously outline the services to be provided by the public adjuster to the insured.
Promptly after the contract of the insured with the public adjuster has been executed, and after the time to rescind has elapsed, the public adjuster shall give written notice to the insurer or its adjuster or representative that the public adjuster has entered into a written contract with the insured.
HISTORY: 2000 Act No. 380, Section 1.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 48 - Public Insurance Adjusters
Section 38-48-10. Definitions.
Section 38-48-20. License required for public adjusters.
Section 38-48-30. License application.
Section 38-48-40. Reciprocal agreements with other states for licensing of public adjusters.
Section 38-48-50. License fees.
Section 38-48-60. Term of license; cancellation; reimbursement.
Section 38-48-70. Public adjuster as agent of the insured; standards of conduct.
Section 38-48-80. Written agreement between public adjuster and insured.
Section 38-48-100. Advertising.
Section 38-48-110. Right of insured to rescind contract.
Section 38-48-120. Record retention.
Section 38-48-130. Unlawful acts.
Section 38-48-140. Violation; notice; penalties.