The insured shall have until the close of business on the fifth business day after signing the contract to rescind the agreement. The exercise of the right to rescind the agreement must be in writing and delivered to the public adjuster at the address shown on the agreement.
If the insured property that is the subject of the claim is not the primary residence of the insured or used by the insured primarily for personal, family, or household purposes, the insured may waive the right to rescind the agreement. The waiver shall be in writing and signed and dated by the insured.
HISTORY: 2000 Act No. 380, Section 1.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 48 - Public Insurance Adjusters
Section 38-48-10. Definitions.
Section 38-48-20. License required for public adjusters.
Section 38-48-30. License application.
Section 38-48-40. Reciprocal agreements with other states for licensing of public adjusters.
Section 38-48-50. License fees.
Section 38-48-60. Term of license; cancellation; reimbursement.
Section 38-48-70. Public adjuster as agent of the insured; standards of conduct.
Section 38-48-80. Written agreement between public adjuster and insured.
Section 38-48-100. Advertising.
Section 38-48-110. Right of insured to rescind contract.
Section 38-48-120. Record retention.
Section 38-48-130. Unlawful acts.
Section 38-48-140. Violation; notice; penalties.