Any provision of this statute that is deemed to be void, unenforceable, unconstitutional, or illegal by any court of competent jurisdiction shall be deemed severable and shall not affect the constitutionality, enforceability, or legality of the remaining provisions. The remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect.
HISTORY: 2000 Act No. 380, Section 1.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 48 - Public Insurance Adjusters
Section 38-48-10. Definitions.
Section 38-48-20. License required for public adjusters.
Section 38-48-30. License application.
Section 38-48-40. Reciprocal agreements with other states for licensing of public adjusters.
Section 38-48-50. License fees.
Section 38-48-60. Term of license; cancellation; reimbursement.
Section 38-48-70. Public adjuster as agent of the insured; standards of conduct.
Section 38-48-80. Written agreement between public adjuster and insured.
Section 38-48-100. Advertising.
Section 38-48-110. Right of insured to rescind contract.
Section 38-48-120. Record retention.
Section 38-48-130. Unlawful acts.
Section 38-48-140. Violation; notice; penalties.