(1) In addition to the loan finance charge permitted by this chapter a lender may contract for and receive the following additional charges in connection with a consumer loan:
(a) official fees and taxes;
(b) charges for insurance as described in subsection (2);
(c) with respect to open-end credit pursuant to a lender credit card or similar arrangement, as defined in Section 37-1-301(16), which entitles the debtor to purchase or lease goods or services from at least one hundred persons not related to the lender, under an arrangement pursuant to which the debts resulting from the purchases or leases are payable to the lender:
(i) annual charges, payable in advance, for the privilege of using the lender credit card or other credit arrangement; and
(ii) an over-limit charge not to exceed ten dollars if the balance of the account exceeds the credit limit established pursuant to the agreement between the lender and the debtor plus the lesser of ten percent of the credit limit or one hundred dollars. The over-limit charge authorized by this subitem must not be assessed again against the debtor unless the account balance has been reduced below the credit limit plus the lesser of ten percent of the credit limit or one hundred dollars, and the debtor's account balance subsequently exceeds the credit limit plus the lesser of ten percent of the credit limit or one hundred dollars;
(d) with respect to a loan secured by an interest in land, the following "closing costs", if they are bona fide, reasonable in amount, and not for the purpose of circumvention or evasion of this title:
(i) fees or premiums for title examination, abstract of title, title insurance, surveys, or similar purposes;
(ii) fees for preparation of a deed, settlement statement, or other documents, if not paid to the creditor or a person related to the creditor;
(iii) escrows for future payments of taxes, including assessments for improvements, insurance, and water, sewer, and land rents;
(iv) fees for notarizing deeds and other documents, if not paid to the creditor or a person related to the creditor; and
(v) fees for appraising the real estate that is collateral for the loan, if not paid to the creditor or a person related to the creditor;
(e) charges for other benefits, including insurance, conferred on the debtor, if the benefits are of value to him and if the charges are reasonable in relation to the benefits, are of a type which is not for credit, and are authorized as permissible additional charges by rule adopted by the administrator; and
(f) fees and charges paid to persons registered as mortgage loan brokers pursuant to Chapter 58, Title 40.
(2) An additional charge may be made for insurance written in connection with the loan, other than insurance protecting the lender against the debtor's default or other credit loss with respect to:
(a) insurance against loss of or damage to property, or against liability, if the lender furnishes a clear and specific statement in writing to the debtor, setting forth the cost of the insurance if obtained from or through the lender, and stating that the debtor may choose the person through whom the insurance is to be obtained;
(b) consumer credit insurance providing life, accident and health, or unemployment insurance coverage, if the insurance coverage is not required by the lender, and this fact is clearly and conspicuously disclosed in writing to the debtor, and if, in order to obtain the insurance in connection with the loan, the debtor, or two of them in the case of joint coverage, gives specific, dated, and separately signed affirmative written indication of his desire to do so after written disclosure to him of the cost thereof with a statement similar to the following appearing in caps, underlined, or disclosed in another prominent manner with the consumer signature required by this section: CONSUMER CREDIT INSURANCE IS NOT REQUIRED TO OBTAIN CREDIT AND WILL NOT BE PROVIDED UNLESS YOU SIGN AND AGREE TO PAY THE ADDITIONAL COST; and
(c) vendor's single interest insurance, but only:
(i) to the extent that the insurer has no right of subrogation against the debtor;
(ii) to the extent that the insurance does not duplicate the coverage of other insurance under which loss is payable to the creditor as his interest may appear, against loss of or damage to property for which a separate charge is made to the debtor pursuant to item (a); and
(iii) if a clear, conspicuous, and specific statement in writing is furnished by the creditor to the debtor setting forth the cost of the insurance if obtained from or through the creditor and stating that the debtor may choose the person through whom the insurance is to be obtained; and
(iv) upon application of the consumer for the insurance or for a transaction in which this coverage may be offered in connection with the purchase of a motor vehicle or with the placement of a motor vehicle as collateral, the following notice printed in no smaller than bold-face 13-point type:
This notice must be signed by the applicant evidencing his acknowledgment of having read the notice, and be separate and apart from any other form used in the application;
(d) noncredit term life insurance; provided, that the person soliciting the sale of such insurance is properly licensed as required under South Carolina insurance laws and the lender is properly licensed as an agency as required under South Carolina insurance laws and clearly and conspicuously discloses to the insured, prior to the consummation of the insurance purchase, the right to cancel and provides the insured at that time with a form in duplicate signed by the insured. This form shall clearly and conspicuously state in a manner that achieves a grade level score of no higher than seventh grade on the Flesch-Kincaid readability test:
(i) that the purchase of this insurance is not a condition of any loan or extension of credit by including the following language: "The purchase of this insurance is not required to obtain credit and will not be provided unless you sign this form and agree to pay the additional cost.";
(ii) that the interest rates and charges do not depend upon the purchase of this insurance;
(iii) that the insured has the option to pay the insurance premium from his own funds or to pay the premium with a portion of the loan proceeds;
(iv) the premium and a description of the coverage, including the face amount, term of the coverage, and any exceptions, limitations, or restrictions;
(v) that the insured may cancel this insurance by mailing a signed request to cancel, together with the policy, to the lender or the insurance company within thirty days after receipt of the policy and, that in the event of cancellation by the insured within thirty days after receipt of the policy, the insured will be promptly refunded the entire premium for such insurance;
(vi) that the insurance laws of South Carolina apply with respect to any type of termination other than as contained in subitem (v) and that the policy should be consulted for more information;
(vii) that the insurance is not tied to the loan in any manner and that if the loan is terminated, the insurance will remain in force unless it is otherwise terminated under the terms of the agreement between the debtor and the insurer;
(viii) the name, address, and phone number of the lender; and
(ix) the name, address, and phone number of the insurance company and the process to be followed in submitting a claim.
The noncredit term life insurance must be underwritten by an insurance company which is properly licensed as required under South Carolina insurance laws. In addition, the noncredit term life insurance must be filed for approval prior to use in accordance with South Carolina insurance laws, and the terms and conditions of the transaction must comply with any other applicable provisions of the South Carolina insurance laws.
If the creditor contracts for or receives a separate charge for insurance, the amount charged for the insurance may not exceed the premium to be charged by the insurer, as computed at the time the charge to the debtor is determined, conforming to any rate filings required by law and made by the insurer with the Director of the Department of Insurance.
Any attempt to tie the sale of the noncredit term life insurance to any loan or extension of credit or otherwise to coerce the debtor into purchasing the insurance is prohibited, and any party engaged in the tying or coercion is subject to penalties in accordance with Section 37-5-202.
(3) With respect to an assumption of an existing obligation, the lender may, in addition to the other authorized charges, charge an assumption fee not exceeding the lesser of four hundred dollars or one percent of the unpaid balance of the debt at the time the assumption transaction is consummated whenever the primary collateral securing the credit is real estate or a residential manufactured home and not exceeding the lesser of fifty dollars or one percent of the unpaid balance of the debt at the time the assumption transaction is consummated whenever the primary collateral securing the credit is personal property other than a residential manufactured home.
HISTORY: 1976 Act No. 686 Section 1; 1982 Act No. 385, Section 31; 1986 Act No. 444, Section 2; 1988 Act No. 614, Section 2; 1989 Act No. 164, Section 2; 1991 Act No. 142, Section 10; 1994 Act No. 363, Section 3; 1996 Act No. 326, Section 3; 1999 Act No. 66, Section 23; 2004 Act No. 234, Section 2, eff May 11, 2004.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 37 - Consumer Protection Code
Section 37-3-101. Short title.
Section 37-3-103. Index of definitions.
Section 37-3-104. "Consumer loan" defined.
Section 37-3-105. First mortgage real estate loans.
Section 37-3-106. "Loan" defined.
Section 37-3-107. "Lender"; "precomputed"; "principal" defined.
Section 37-3-108. "Revolving loan account" defined.
Section 37-3-109. "Loan finance charge" defined.
Section 37-3-200. Restricted loans and restricted lenders.
Section 37-3-201. Loan finance charge for consumer loans.
Section 37-3-202. Additional charges.
Section 37-3-203. Delinquency charges.
Section 37-3-204. Deferral charges.
Section 37-3-205. Loan finance charge on refinancing.
Section 37-3-206. Loan finance charge on consolidation.
Section 37-3-207. Conversion to revolving loan account.
Section 37-3-208. Advance to perform covenants of debtor.
Section 37-3-209. Right to prepay.
Section 37-3-210. Rebate upon prepayment.
Section 37-3-301. Application of and compliance with Federal Truth in Lending Act.
Section 37-3-302. Receipts; statements of account; evidence of payment.
Section 37-3-303. Notice to cosigners and similar parties.
Section 37-3-304. Advertising.
Section 37-3-305. Filing and posting maximum rate schedule.
Section 37-3-306. Notice of assumption rights.
Section 37-3-308. Manufactured home loan disclosure; material terms.
Section 37-3-402. Balloon payments.
Section 37-3-403. No assignment of earnings.
Section 37-3-404. Attorney's fees.
Section 37-3-405. Charges as a result of default prohibited except as authorized by title.
Section 37-3-406. Notice of assignment.
Section 37-3-407. Authorization to confess judgment prohibited.
Section 37-3-408. Change in terms of revolving loan accounts.
Section 37-3-409. Use of multiple agreements.
Section 37-3-410. Lender subject to claims and defenses arising from sale and leases.
Section 37-3-411. Card issuer subject to claims and defenses.
Section 37-3-412. Variable interest rate real estate mortgage loans.
Section 37-3-413. Short-term vehicle secured loans; notice to borrower.
Section 37-3-502. Authority to make supervised loans.
Section 37-3-503. License to make supervised loans.
Section 37-3-504. Revocation or suspension of license.
Section 37-3-505. Records; annual reports.
Section 37-3-506. Examinations and investigations.
Section 37-3-507. Application of Part on Administrative Procedure and Judicial Review.
Section 37-3-509. Use of multiple agreements.
Section 37-3-510. Restrictions on interest in land as security.
Section 37-3-511. Regular schedule of payments; maximum loan term.
Section 37-3-512. Conduct of business other than making loans.
Section 37-3-513. Application of other provisions.
Section 37-3-514. Limitation on attorney's fees.
Section 37-3-515. Loan renewal limitations.
Section 37-3-601. Loans subject to this Title by agreement of parties.