South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 16 - Catawba Indian Claims Settlement Act
Section 27-16-60. Ratification of transfer extinguishes other claims by or on behalf of Tribe; State law to govern transfer of property.

(A) Any transfer of land or other natural resources located anywhere within the State, from, by, or on behalf of the Tribe including, but without limitation, a transfer pursuant to a treaty, compact, or statute of any state, is deemed to have been made in accordance with the laws of the State.
(B) Any transfer of land or other natural resources located anywhere within the State from, by, or on behalf of a member of the Tribe or a person purporting to be a member of the Tribe including, but without limitation, a transfer pursuant to a treaty, compact, or statute of a state, is deemed to have been made in accordance with the laws of the State.
(C) By virtue of the approval and ratification of any transfer of land or natural resources affected by this section, all claims under a statute or the common law of a state against the United States, a state or subdivision of the United States, or another person or entity, by the Tribe, any of its members or any person purporting to be a member, or any predecessors or successors in interest thereof, arising at the time of or subsequent to the transfer and based on any interest in or right involving the land or natural resources, including without limitation claims for trespass damages, claims for use and occupancy, or claims for damages to property, are deemed extinguished as of the date of the transfer.
(D) Nothing in this section affects, diminishes, or eliminates the personal claim of an individual Indian which is pursued under a law of general applicability that protects non-Indians as well as Indians.
HISTORY: 1993 Act No. 142, Section 1.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 27 - Property and Conveyances

Chapter 16 - Catawba Indian Claims Settlement Act

Section 27-16-10. Short title.

Section 27-16-20. Legislative findings.

Section 27-16-30. Definitions.

Section 27-16-40. Catawba Tribe subject to jurisdiction of state, except where otherwise expressly provided.

Section 27-16-50. Monetary payments by state, federal governments; private payments; Trust Funds; limited waiver of immunity by state as to suit to collect; effect on certain other funding.

Section 27-16-60. Ratification of transfer extinguishes other claims by or on behalf of Tribe; State law to govern transfer of property.

Section 27-16-70. Tribal court of criminal jurisdiction; delineation of Tribal and state jurisdiction; Tribal peace officers; training; cross-deputization.

Section 27-16-80. Tribal courts - original and appellate civil; full faith and credit; waiver of jurisdiction; appeal to nonTribal courts; claims and suits against Tribe; limited sovereign immunity; liability insurance; partial applicability of Tort...

Section 27-16-90. State may convey Existing Reservation to United States; Expanded Reservation; Expansion Zones; improvements in Expansion Zones; eminent domain; taxes; easements.

Section 27-16-100. Tribal ownership of realty outside Reservation.

Section 27-16-110. Bingo, video poker and similar devices; other gambling or wagering; state laws to govern; licenses; tax.

Section 27-16-120. Building code; environmental law and regulation; land use plan; health code; hunting and fishing; littoral and riparian rights; regulation of alcohol.

Section 27-16-130. Taxation of Tribe and tribal persons, entities, and property; taxation of persons or enterprises operating or doing business on Reservation.

Section 27-16-140. Applicability of later-enacted federal law; chapter invalid if entire federal implementing legislation judicially invalidated; construction as between chapter and Settlement Agreement; copies of Settlement Agreement available.

Section 27-16-150. Tribe not required to pay fee in lieu of school taxes.