(A) The provisions of a federal law enacted after the date of enactment of the federal law implementing this agreement shall not apply in the State if the provision materially affects or preempts the application of the laws of the State, including application of the laws of the State to lands owned by or held in trust for Indians, Indian Nations, Indian tribes, or bands of Indians. However, the federal law shall apply within the State if the State grants its approval by a law or joint resolution enacted by the General Assembly of South Carolina and signed by the Governor.
(B) If the entire federal implementing legislation is rendered invalid by a court, this chapter is invalid.
(C) Whenever possible, this chapter must be construed in a manner consistent with the Settlement Agreement. If there is a conflict between this chapter and the Settlement Agreement, this chapter governs. The Settlement Agreement must be maintained on file and available for public inspection in the Office of the Secretary of State and in the offices of the Clerks of Court for York and Lancaster Counties. Copies must be made available upon request upon the payment of reasonable and normal copying fees.
HISTORY: 1993 Act No. 142, Section 1.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 27 - Property and Conveyances
Chapter 16 - Catawba Indian Claims Settlement Act
Section 27-16-10. Short title.
Section 27-16-20. Legislative findings.
Section 27-16-30. Definitions.
Section 27-16-100. Tribal ownership of realty outside Reservation.
Section 27-16-150. Tribe not required to pay fee in lieu of school taxes.