The execution must be directed to the sheriff or to the coroner when the sheriff is a party or interested, must be attested by the clerk, subscribed by the party issuing it or his attorney and must intelligibly refer to the judgment, stating the court, the county in which the judgment roll or transcript is filed, the names of the parties, the amount of the judgment if it be for money, the amount actually due thereon and the time of docketing in the county to which the execution is issued. It shall require the officer, substantially, as follows:
(1) If it be against the property of the judgment debtor, to satisfy the judgment out of the personal property of such debtor and, if sufficient personal property cannot be found, out of the real property belonging to him;
(2) If it be against real or personal property in the hands of personal representatives, heirs, devisees, legatees, tenants of real property or trustees, to satisfy the judgment out of such property;
(3) If it be against the person of the judgment debtor, to arrest such debtor and commit him to the jail of the county until he shall pay the judgment or be discharged according to law; or
(4) If it be for the delivery of the possession of real or personal property, to deliver the possession of such property, particularly describing it, to the party entitled thereto, and in such case it may, at the same time, require the officer to satisfy any costs, damages or rents or profits recovered by the judgment out of the personal property of the party against whom it was rendered and the value of the property for which the judgment was recovered, to be specified therein, or, if a delivery thereof cannot be had and if sufficient personal property cannot be found, then out of the real property belonging to him and it shall, in that respect, be deemed an execution against property.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 10-1708; 1952 Code Section 10-1708; 1942 Code Section 742; 1932 Code Section 742; Civ. P. '22 Section 609; Civ. P. '12 Section 347; Civ. P. '02 Section 308; 1870 (14) 491 Section 312.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 15 - Civil Remedies and Procedures
Chapter 39 - Executions And Judicial Sales Generally
Section 15-39-10. Kinds of execution.
Section 15-39-20. Executions of course within ten years.
Section 15-39-30. Issuance of executions; effective period.
Section 15-39-40. Counties to which execution may be issued.
Section 15-39-50. Execution against the person.
Section 15-39-60. Execution against married woman.
Section 15-39-70. Executions may be taken out by administrators de bonis non.
Section 15-39-80. Contents of executions.
Section 15-39-90. Executions on judgments of inferior courts.
Section 15-39-100. Execution constitutes no lien on personal property prior to levy.
Section 15-39-110. Sheriff may break into house in certain cases.
Section 15-39-120. Sheriff to keep memorandum of levy; schedule.
Section 15-39-140. Failure or neglect to make return.
Section 15-39-150. Sheriff must give notice of money collected.
Section 15-39-310. Order for discovery of property.
Section 15-39-320. Arrest in lieu of discovery order.
Section 15-39-330. Examination of witnesses and debtor.
Section 15-39-340. Debtor of execution debtor may pay debt to sheriff.
Section 15-39-350. Examination of debtors of judgment debtor.
Section 15-39-360. Proceedings against joint debtors.
Section 15-39-370. Witnesses may be required to testify.
Section 15-39-380. Compelling party or witnesses to attend.
Section 15-39-390. Master shall certify examination to judge.
Section 15-39-400. Examinations and answers shall be under oath.
Section 15-39-410. Property which may be ordered to be applied to execution.
Section 15-39-430. Judge may appoint receiver.
Section 15-39-440. Prohibition of transfer or of interference with property.
Section 15-39-450. Filing and effect of order appointing receiver.
Section 15-39-460. Proceedings on claims of others to property or on denial of indebtedness.
Section 15-39-480. Costs of proceeding.
Section 15-39-490. Punishment for contempt.
Section 15-39-610. Property taken under execution shall be sold.
Section 15-39-620. Estates held in trust may be sold.
Section 15-39-630. Where and by whom sales made.
Section 15-39-635. Judicial sales by referees.
Section 15-39-640. Sheriff shall make judicial sales; fees.
Section 15-39-650. Sheriff shall advertise sale of property.
Section 15-39-660. Contents of advertisement of sale; manner of publication.
Section 15-39-680. Judicial sale days.
Section 15-39-690. Hours of sale.
Section 15-39-700. Place of sales.
Section 15-39-710. Sheriff's execution sales shall be for cash; resale.
Section 15-39-720. Upset bids within thirty days on foreclosure or execution sale.
Section 15-39-730. Upset bids in other judicial sales.
Section 15-39-740. Deposits by bidders.
Section 15-39-750. Return of deposit when bid raised.
Section 15-39-770. Compensation of officer making sale of real estate.
Section 15-39-830. Conveyance after sale.
Section 15-39-840. Conveyances of real estate sold under execution.
Section 15-39-850. Successors of selling officers may make title.
Section 15-39-860. Recording and indexing of execution conveyances.
Section 15-39-880. Certain liens extinguished by sale when lien creditor is a party to proceeding.
Section 15-39-890. Reacquisition of property by lien debtor.