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Section 15-39-10. Kinds of execution. - There shall be three kinds of executions, (a) against the...
Section 15-39-20. Executions of course within ten years. - Writs of execution for the enforcement of judgments shall conform...
Section 15-39-30. Issuance of executions; effective period. - Executions may issue upon final judgments or decrees at any...
Section 15-39-40. Counties to which execution may be issued. - When the execution is against the property of the judgment...
Section 15-39-50. Execution against the person. - If the action be one in which the defendant might...
Section 15-39-60. Execution against married woman. - An execution may issue against a married woman, and it...
Section 15-39-70. Executions may be taken out by administrators de bonis non. - When any judgment after a verdict shall be had by...
Section 15-39-80. Contents of executions. - The execution must be directed to the sheriff or to...
Section 15-39-90. Executions on judgments of inferior courts. - When judgment shall have been rendered in a court of...
Section 15-39-100. Execution constitutes no lien on personal property prior to levy. - Executions shall not bind the personal property of the debtor,...
Section 15-39-110. Sheriff may break into house in certain cases. - The sheriff or his deputy may break and enter any...
Section 15-39-120. Sheriff to keep memorandum of levy; schedule. - The sheriff shall make a memorandum in writing of the...
Section 15-39-130. Returns. - The sheriff, coroner or other officer with whom final process...
Section 15-39-140. Failure or neglect to make return. - For failure or neglect to make any of the returns...
Section 15-39-150. Sheriff must give notice of money collected. - The sheriff, on the receipt of any money on account...
Section 15-39-310. Order for discovery of property. - When an execution against property of the judgment debtor or...
Section 15-39-320. Arrest in lieu of discovery order. - Instead of the order requiring the attendance of the judgment...
Section 15-39-330. Examination of witnesses and debtor. - On an examination under Sections 15-39-310 and 15-39-320 either party...
Section 15-39-340. Debtor of execution debtor may pay debt to sheriff. - After the issuing of execution against property any person indebted...
Section 15-39-350. Examination of debtors of judgment debtor. - After the issuing or return of an execution against property...
Section 15-39-360. Proceedings against joint debtors. - The proceedings mentioned in Sections 15-39-310 to 15-39-350 may be...
Section 15-39-370. Witnesses may be required to testify. - Witnesses may be required to appear and testify on any...
Section 15-39-380. Compelling party or witnesses to attend. - The party or witness may be required to attend before...
Section 15-39-390. Master shall certify examination to judge. - If before the master the examination shall be taken by...
Section 15-39-400. Examinations and answers shall be under oath. - All examinations and answers before a judge or master under...
Section 15-39-410. Property which may be ordered to be applied to execution. - The judge may order any property of the judgment debtor,...
Section 15-39-420. Withholding of wages pursuant to foreign garnishment proceeding prohibited under certain circumstances. - (1) No employer in this State shall withhold any portion...
Section 15-39-430. Judge may appoint receiver. - The judge may also, by order, appoint a receiver of...
Section 15-39-440. Prohibition of transfer or of interference with property. - The judge may also, by order, forbid a transfer or...
Section 15-39-450. Filing and effect of order appointing receiver. - Whenever the judge shall grant an order for the appointment...
Section 15-39-460. Proceedings on claims of others to property or on denial of indebtedness. - If it appears that a person or corporation alleged to...
Section 15-39-480. Costs of proceeding. - The judge may allow to the judgment creditor or to...
Section 15-39-490. Punishment for contempt. - If any person, party or witness disobeys an order of...
Section 15-39-610. Property taken under execution shall be sold. - When any sheriff or other officer shall take the lands,...
Section 15-39-620. Estates held in trust may be sold. - All estate, real or personal, which is held in trust...
Section 15-39-630. Where and by whom sales made. - Property adjudged to be sold must be sold in the...
Section 15-39-635. Judicial sales by referees. - In the counties which do not have a master-in-equity, judicial...
Section 15-39-640. Sheriff shall make judicial sales; fees. - All judicial sales shall be made by the sheriff, unless...
Section 15-39-650. Sheriff shall advertise sale of property. - The sheriff of every county in this State shall, before...
Section 15-39-660. Contents of advertisement of sale; manner of publication. - The sheriff shall specify in the advertisement the property to...
Section 15-39-680. Judicial sale days. - The regular day of judicial sales is the first Monday...
Section 15-39-690. Hours of sale. - The hours of sale shall be between eleven and five...
Section 15-39-700. Place of sales. - The place of sheriff's sales, as to real estate, shall...
Section 15-39-710. Sheriff's execution sales shall be for cash; resale. - Every sheriff's sale made by virtue of the directions of...
Section 15-39-720. Upset bids within thirty days on foreclosure or execution sale. - In all judicial sales of real estate for the foreclosure...
Section 15-39-730. Upset bids in other judicial sales. - In judicial sales other than foreclosures or in execution the...
Section 15-39-740. Deposits by bidders. - In no decree of sale or order thereunder shall there...
Section 15-39-750. Return of deposit when bid raised. - When any bid is raised as provided in Section 15-39-720...
Section 15-39-760. Provisions of Sections 15-39-720 to 15-39-750 inapplicable to certain foreclosure suits. - The provisions of Sections 15-39-720 to 15-39-750 shall not apply...
Section 15-39-770. Compensation of officer making sale of real estate. - The officer making judicial sales of real estate may charge...
Section 15-39-780. Sale by debtor of property subject to levy and sale; proceeds shall be paid over to sheriff. - The entire proceeds of a sale of property subject to...
Section 15-39-790. Sale by debtor of property subject to levy and sale; confirmation of sale and deed. - If no objection as to the price at which the...
Section 15-39-800. Sale by debtor of property subject to levy and sale; proceedings if judgment creditors object to sale. - Should any of the judgment creditors object to the price...
Section 15-39-810. Sale by debtor of property subject to levy and sale; endorsement on conveyance in case of objection. - Should any judgment creditor so object the sheriff shall make...
Section 15-39-820. Sale by debtor of property subject to levy and sale; proceedings when sale by sheriff brings more. - In the event that the property, when so exposed for...
Section 15-39-830. Conveyance after sale. - Upon a judicial sale being made and the terms complied...
Section 15-39-840. Conveyances of real estate sold under execution. - When any sheriff or other officer makes a conveyance of...
Section 15-39-850. Successors of selling officers may make title. - In all cases in which any sheriff, probate judge, clerk...
Section 15-39-860. Recording and indexing of execution conveyances. - When any conveyance under Section 15-39-840 is offered to any...
Section 15-39-870. Judicial sales shall be res judicata as to innocent purchasers, even without confirmation. - Upon the execution and delivery by the proper officer of...
Section 15-39-880. Certain liens extinguished by sale when lien creditor is a party to proceeding. - No lien created by operation of law or agreement of...
Section 15-39-890. Reacquisition of property by lien debtor. - No lien on real property barred by a public sale...
Section 15-39-900. Proceeds paid to prior judgment lienor. - The sheriff shall pay over the proceeds of sale of...